Modern - Samurais

Main 61 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (20)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hero's Bladeimage onto everything you possible can that is able to attack since *most* of the creatures are legendary your going to want to summon a legendary on 2nd main phase everyturn so its setup for the next turn.  Rally for 3 should give you back almost every sigle creature from your graveyard. Even if you Rally for 2 youd still be getting back like 70% of the creatures. You only want to rally during declare blocks on your opponents turn. Call to Gloryimage you want to cast during Damage step on your turn because it effecively gives all your creatures Vigilance and +1/+1. Kusari-Gamaimage is beautiful because if you get equipped on a creature it and then swing with it and your opponent blocks it deals the damage to *all* of their creatures besides what they actually blocked with. I don't believe many people would actually think into blocking to save their most valued creature on board if they block the creature attacking with that equipped and would just chump or trade like normal. Great way to get rid of mana dorks and other annoying creatures that give effects to stuff wth +1/+1 counters etc. If you get Akroma's Memorialimage out you should have the game in the bag. If you absalutely must Cast Memorial during main phase 1 and then Rally the Ancestorsimage. Combat should then be every single one of your creatures. I definitely wouldnt do that tho if you know your opponent leaves mana open for a Settle the Wreckageimage.

I know Transguild Promenadeimage is a strange choice but the better alternative's were Mana Confluenceimage and Battlefield Forgeimage which deal you 1 damage each time you use them for on color. Gateway Plazaimage, Unknown Shoresimage, Painted Bluffsimage or Rupture Spireimage would also be alternatives if you don't have Transguild Promenadeimage. The Nykthos, Shrine to Nyximage is in here to allow you to ramp out as much as possible using white mana.

**Note** I built this deck in paper in 2015. It is now July 2019. So their may be weaknesses this deck has to some new things like Nahiri, Storm of StoneimageMass Manipulationimage, and River's Rebukeimage. I am thinking about upgrading this deck because of some of the new War of The Spark cards that I feel would go good in here. These include Nahiri, Storm of Stoneimage, Finale of Gloryimage, Finale of Promiseimage, The Wandererimage, Angrath, Captain of Chaosimage, and Samut, Tyrant Smasherimage. However itd be a intresting idea to use Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage to clone Obelisk of Urdimage onto one of the tokens she creates. I'd be ify on using Kaya, Bane of the Deadimage and Tibalt, Rakish Instigatorimage as they are very situational. I would definitely add Karn's Bastionimage if I added the Planeswalkers in. Blast Zoneimage would be a great sideboard choice as a affordable near functional copy of Chalice of the Voidimage.


The updated version of this deck may be found here.

About Kealdor
  • On Magic Arena -> Kealdor#18418
  • On Magic Online -> Ryuhi
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  • Battlefy's -> Zero Mana Orgins & Digital Athletics
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Last Updated: 10 Jul 2019
Created: 10 Jul 2019
1233 254 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
36 6
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
30 10 20 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.05
Recommended Lands: 27