Commander - Rip's Energy Blaster WIP

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: A-Guide of Souls (MH3)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (72 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (34)
Land (33)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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So I was looking at Rip's Walmart Proton-Pack, and I couldn't help but wonder: Can we build him around energy? As it turns out? Yes. It's a little bit of a mishmash of themes though, so I might return to change it up. Still, even with it, we have: 

Infinite Energy with Greenbelt Rampager + Primal Prayers = Infinite ETB and Energy. plug into any Storm.

Guide of Souls + Primal Prayers + Whitemane Lion = Infinite ETBs, Life Gain + Storm Count. 

So we have a legit W/G Storm deck hiding as an aggro deck. What can this get us?

Well, we can go with my boy Aeve and make himself a few times, then Lightning Greeves = instant army.

Or we can use the Roc to make more energy but also give an ally counter to fight back against arch enemies/take the heat off ourselves. <.< Gotta survive, you know.

We also have the subtheme of modified because I realized our creatures are always going to be, and with the Ozolith we can transfer some of the ability counters we get to new targets.

Add to all of that proliferation to help double up our counters when we need.

Janky Combos: 
We can use our Arc Spitter to do some very fun stuff while still Vorthosing with our commander or other survivors. The first obvious trick is Arc Spitter + Basilisk Collar to create a creature that can death-punch anything. Another fun combo is to use Grafted Exoskeleton to deliver Infect blows or wither down things because, remember, old school Infect is weird. In addition, we can poison one person at the table and then wheel and deal with our poison to force people to help us survive. Pretty nifty, really, the Arc Spitter. 

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Last Updated: 23 Sep 2024
Created: 22 Sep 2024
21 13 0

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