Standard - Mizzet Storm

TCGPlayer $83
Cardmarket €62
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Lightning Strike (XLN), Fiery Cannonade (XLN), The Immortal Sun (RIX), Sulfur Falls (DOM), The Mirari Conjecture (DOM), Blink of an Eye (DOM), Banefire (M19), Fountain of Renewal (M19), Detection Tower (M19), Niv-Mizzet, Parun (GRN), Thousand-Year Storm (GRN), Ionize (GRN), Steam Vents (GRN), Expansion // Explosion (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Creature (2)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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I spent alot of time trying to find a place for Thousand-Year Stormimage since it's release for Guilds of Ravnica. Finally, I have found a deck that survives and synergizes. Here, I will give my best rant of each card and it's reasoning in deck... Here goes!

Fountain of Renewalimage - Early damage dampening against aggro and card fetching which compliments with Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage.

Shockimage - Creature removal, Planeswalker harassment, and a mana effective multiplier in a late storm count.

Lightning Strikeimage - Creature removal, Planeswalker harassment, and probably the best end step storm multiplier/finisher.

Lava Coilimage - This card has proved itself to me in removal against cards like Steel Leaf Championimage , Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage , Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisenimage and more. Note that this card exiles, they're not coming back!

Expansion//Explosion - What can I say about this card... It is amazing, such a sleeper card when I first read it upon release. I have always loved split cards. But this? It utilizes utility for cost, until you realize that you can mid-storm multiply the copy of a copy of [[Expansion//Explosion]] which was initially copying that Lightning Strikeimage. It copies counter spells, token creation sorceries, counter spells, and dredge cards. Explansion does it all. Just when you get your hand discarded late game.... You Explode yourself a new hand for 4 damage anywhere... Caution: Careful not to mill yourself into an early loss during a storm count with this! It can get a little crazy!

Blink of an Eyeimage - This card really showed it's beauty to me in Dominaria, when I realised that not only can you Blink of an Eyeimage creatures back on the opponent's end step for a card draw mizzet punch, but that you can Blink of an Eyeimage The Mirari Conjectureimage back to your hand after retrieving your desired counterspell and sorcery! Who runs only 4 counterspells in this meta? Pfft! Deception at it's finest!

Essence Scatterimage - Why not? Everyone rage quits on scatter! Admit it you're guilty too...Essence Scatterimage Does not care if creature is legendary or not. Worth.

Ionizeimage - The whiplash counter to any spell. A aggressive denial that can be scooped up with The Mirari Conjectureimage Oh how beautiful...

Fiery Cannonadeimage - With the meta game being so fast and aggro heavy, this card prevents any tokens from slipping by. I feel like Izzet seems to really lack a board clear, and this card seems to be the best awnser. Back to back turns of Fiery Cannonadeimage and a 3rd saga The Mirari Conjectureimage - Lava Coilimage is brutal against decks that flood the board state.

The Mirari Conjectureimage - This might be my favorite card in the deck. It fetches, and it multiplies. It is the preparation and utility that really gives this deck so many options and awnsers. If you are able to get down Thousand-Year Stormimage on the 2nd saga sorcery retrieve, the 3rd saga is game changing. Pair this with Expansion//Explosion and things get out of hand.

Thousand-Year Stormimage - The storm-to-standard has come! Try to cast as many spells as you can prioritizing utility spells then heavier and heavier damage spells to get the most use.

The Immortal Sunimage - I have always loved this card. Nobody likes their planeswalker being shut down, nobody enjoys your 6/6 Mizzet bolting twice off each draw step, and nobody likes that you are reducing your spell cost by 1 to pack in as many spells in a storm count as you are. The Immortal sun in the Thousand year storm is the war to end all wars.

Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage - Who needs planeswalkers anyway, Mizzet has found his place. In this deck, by himself, not competing against anyone else. People will try to kill him, they will waste resources thinking that Mizzet is the biggest issue. Ane honestly, Just abuse this as much as you can. Draw as many cards as you can and use him wisely, He is a great defender as much as he is an attacker. Remember that Mizzet likes to blink back into your hand and keep those 2 mana slots open when you can.

Banefireimage - This is the end. A 5+cmc uncounterable game ender. A sorcery so powerful that it can be "wasted" in the early game and mistake for despiration then, brought back when forgotten about with The Mirari Conjectureimage. Don't forget about it. It will be waiting for you once spent.

Detection Towerimage - Worth Noting. Though it might bind you as a colorless mana at times, it will pay off. That moment will come when the Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage Carnage Tyrantimage or Nightveil Predatorimage hits the board... And as a spell slinger deck, you would be cought with your cloak down at the first hexproof turtle Cold-Water Snapperimage that wrecks you without it somewhere in the deck! Trust! XD


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Last Updated: 20 Oct 2018
Created: 18 Oct 2018
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