Arena Standard - Mardu Mutant Ninja Goats

  • Deck contains 11 invalid cards for this format: Deafening Clarion (GRN), Sacred Foundry (GRN), Blood Crypt (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Gideon's Sacrifice (WAR), Gods Willing (M20), Marauding Raptor (M20), Despark (WAR), Solar Blaze (WAR), Noxious Grasp (M20), Fry (M20)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)
Maybeboard 9 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Starting Hand

You are looking for Marauding Raptorimage and Stormwild Capridorimage or Hushbringerimage and Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage in your starting hand it is worth it to mulligan one or two times to find them, anything else is a bonus.

Cards and Combos

Gods Willingimage - Keeps your creatures alive.

Stormwild Capridorimage - backbone of the deck, Best mutation target.

Marauding Raptorimage - not only will it make your creatures/Mutates cheaper it will instant buff Stormwild Capridor (Goat) on arrival.

Hushbringerimage - counters so many deck right now, can turn off the damage from Raptor stop Kroxa from sacing and stop the goats from being summoned from Clackbridge Troll, also makes a good base to mutate onto with life-steal and flying.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage gives you somthing to do with your graveyard and if you can get him down after Hushbring is a absolute bomb.

Clackbridge Trollimage just like Kroxa if you get him down with Hushbring he can be very hard to deal with, also works well with Raptor as if you can get him dowm for 3 or 4 mana he can turn a game.

Gideon's Sacrificeimage- (Great counter to cycle decks) cast on Goat before you or opponent uses a Damage spells (direct or AOE) for a huge buff to Goat or when your creatures are going to take alot of damage from Raptor, can also be used defensively to send damage away from your face or a key creature.

Storm's Wrathimage - Anti agrro and planeswalker removal, if you have a few creatures on the feild you can cast Gideon's Sacrifice frist to send all the damage to the goat and one shot them.

Deafening Clarionimage Anti aggrro and Lifesteal works like Storm's Wrath.

Snapdax, Apex of the Huntimage - acts a bit like Embercleave but sets off all your other Mutations and gets cheaper from Raptor.

Purphoros's Interventionimage - a great removal spell early game against planeswalkers and creatures, late game can be used to make a monster Goat.

Removed - Cubwardenimage - A good way to give your Goat life-steal and if you have a Goat and a Raptor on the field, you can cast Gideon's Sacrifice first to buff your Goat or you can Mutate onto a Raptor giving you 4 health every time you Mutate (but losing tokens) and 2 health every time a creature comes down.

Removed - Lore Drakkisimage - get back all your spells and a cheap way to set off your Mutate creatures.

Removed - Solar Blazeimage and Justice Strikeimage - can double your goats stats without killing any of your units (other then tokens).

Removed - Go for Bloodimage - Good cycle and removal, can be used to buff goat if opponent has a big creature on the field even if you don't kill it, also can be used as card draw as you can cycle it then bring it back with Lore Drakkis.

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Last Updated: 30 Jun 2020
Created: 28 Apr 2020
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