Arena Standard - Mardu Heavy Damage

TCGPlayer $167
Cardmarket €115
Cardhoarder 8 Tix
  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (THB), Scourge of the Skyclaves (ZNR), Terror of the Peaks (M21), Fling (JMP), Flicker of Fate (THB), Unleash Fury (M21), Fireblade Charger (ZNR), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Needleverge Pathway (ZNR), Village Rites (M21), Solemn Simulacrum (M21), Murderous Rider (ELD), Luminous Broodmoth (IKO)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (23)

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Another Mardu Deck that is quite effective.

First of all, this deck need a lot of use of "full control" to be really devastating.
The key card of this deck are :
- Flicker of fate
- Fling
- Kroxa
- Teror of the peak
- honorable mention to Scourge of the Skyclave

Tips for the deck :
- When Terror of the peak is in play its at that moment this deck really shine, so protect him the best you can !

- Fling and Flicker of fate are the 2 most usefull card. Use them mostly on Kroxa to make 2 times its discard power or to deal 6 damage. When Luminous Broodmote is in play, you can easily do : (full control) Kroxa + broodmote revive + flicker of fate + kroxa + Broodmote + kroxa + fling...all of that for 6 mana (so turn 6 or 5 if you played Solem). So 3 times kroxa + 6 damage to any target, that can be pretty good. Then imagine if terror of the peak was in play...just for the math (perfect combo)
                 - Kroxa : 3 dmg (no card to discard) + 6 dmg (terror) x 3 = 27 dmg + fling for 6 = 33 dmg on turn 6
                 - if its on turn 8 you can even Unleash fury to make a 12 power kroxa to fling or terror, so you can get a 39 dmg

- Fireblade charger and Solem are here to block and die, use Village rite on them to make sure to draw cards. Village rite on solem give 3 card, so that's pretty good to get the advantage.
- Scourge of the Skyclave : This card is the game finisher. Just by doing the math here we can see that its can be violent when we kick it. All you need is Terror of the peak in play + Kick the Scourge. With a 20 HP player, you kick the Scourge, 20HP/2 = 10 HP. Scourge come in play with a 10 power and then the Terror hit for another 10 over.

- Murderous rider is our only way to deal with creature and Planewalker, so use it wisely. I decide to chose this card because of the 2 life lost, if we deal dmg to the ennemy and we lose some life with the rider, then if we don't kick the Scourge he can still come in play with a decent power.

So thats it. For the moment i got some decent game, i'm on 8 win 2 lost in gold. I'M pretty sure i can still make this deck better so if you have any idea, i will be glad to see them in the comment.

Have fun !!

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I did this and I got absolutely murked. Maybe its because i only have 1 LB and 2 TotP, but i couldnt get it to work :/
Last Updated: 06 Nov 2020
Created: 06 Nov 2020
636 277 1

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