Arena Standard - Lullaby (Std21)

TCGPlayer $94
Cardmarket €55
Cardhoarder 7 Tix
  • Deck contains 20 invalid cards for this format: Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Ruin Crab (ZNR), Thassa's Oracle (THB), Temple of Mystery (M21), Temple of Mystery (M20), Temple of Epiphany (M21), Tormod's Crypt (M21), Omen of the Sea (THB), Fabled Passage (ELD), Fabled Passage (M21), Cragcrown Pathway (ZNR), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Teferi's Tutelage (M21), Deliberate (ZNR) Frantic Inventory (M21), Opt (XLN), Rosethorn Acolyte (ELD), Lotus Cobra (ZNR), Song of Creation (IKO), Deliberate (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Land (20)
Side 1 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Lullaby (Combo Mill) - 2021 version

Lullaby was initially created as a Historic deck when that FNM that allowed all cards (even ones you don't own) into play. 

Lullaby is a combo deck built around Song of Creationimage and Teferi's Tutelageimage. It's currently in its infancy, concentrating on just going hard for the combo before I bring in defences on game 2. 

The thing with the deck is it pretty much combo's off and wins on the turn, when shuffler doesn't hate

Play Tips:

1) Big tip: When Teferi's Tutelageimage comes out, if there's no Frantic Inventoryimage in grave, drop one into the grave. The first Frantic Inventory is 2 mana for 1 card (not worth it), but once it's discsarded, the second one is immediately 1:1 mana/card for mill. 

2) Have Teferi's Tutelage out first if possible. Song of Creation is the 'last piece' of the puzzle. 

3) Delay as long as you can. If you have Crypt, or any 0 cost stuff, don't cast it until Song is out. 

4) The deck can combo at turn 4, but it's not adviced as this is not the historic list where there is 12 0-costs. 

5) Rosethron Acolyte is a mana-neutral spell. Just there to be a '0-cost' spell, rarely need to play that unless you really are behind on board

6) During the turn you want to end the game (turn 5-9?). Ideal situation is:

- Opponent tapped out

- Minimum 5 lands+cobra, one land in hand (pref fetchland)

-some fuel (0 and 1-cost spells) in hand

Play Song of Creation,  tap the last mana for opt/rosethorn. Chain as much off that 1 mana (opt/rosethorns) then occasional 0-costs (Tormod's Crypt). Drop land (fetch land pref)+ lotus cobra to continue the combo with 2 additional mana + 1 additional land from Song itself, should see you out to the end of the turn/game.


None yet - starting with stabalizing the deck first (Early draft)

Expected rating:

None yet - still in testing phase.

Expecting a lot of tough matches vs control/counterspells and some enchantment removals which are starting to see maindeck play. Also anti-mill is in effect, but we don't care cos they're dead on our turn.


Looking at more 0 costs (Stone Coil Serpent) as options for more fuel to be more explosive, but so far just still stablizing the manabase.

Thassa's Oracleimage Could be a good alt-win as a backup plan to milling them out.

Sideboard is tricky, as it is a pure combo deck, as opposed to defensive. Also, the defences end up dead cards and get in the way of Song of Creation. Having said that, it just means we delay the game a bit to ensure the pieces stick before we run off with the game.

 Connundrum will be replaced with more scry2-draw 1's will update later today


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I have looked at Rielle, the Everwise:
That is a more defensive build, but it slows down the combo. Similarly, I've tried negates/etc to keep the pieces on the table, but in the end it's an "all or nothing" deck, better to combo off on turn 5-6 rather than stuck with a Rielle, or Negate which "stops" the combo if you draw it.
Confounding Connundrum is still not worth it (2 mana for 1 draw), I'm better off 2 mana scry2-draw 1. Dig for pieces deeper.
This looks like a lot of fun!! Any room for Rielle, the Everwise?
With Omnath being banned is confounding conundrum worth playing over something like underworld breach?
Last Updated: 22 Dec 2020
Created: 14 Oct 2020
404 210 3

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
25 14 21 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
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Symbols Percentage Lands