Traditional Historic - Loot Control

Main 81 cards (32 distinct)
Creature (24)
Planeswalker (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (29)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 13 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Deck WRite UP: Rough Draft


There's no further changes I can really make to this other than rebalancing the distribution of the cards already on the list when needed. 

THis is pretty much it until February.

Games Played : 426

Games Lost (LEgitimately, concediing against stallers, especially when it's the same person over and over should result in pips being refunded..but w/e) 100

Games Won 150

Games conceded against stallers : 176

Current Rank : Diamon Tier 3


NOteable Notes :

Deck won against 5 people in the top 1000 on leaderboard.


Loot deck , semi control but can be pretty aggressive (the puny creatures can quickly become big creatures thanks to raffeine). Focus is on control though if you find you are agressive that's fine. The basic strategy is to control the game by using your planeswalkers to remove threats while sifting through your deck and countering spells.


Early Game - You want to get your Sunken citadels in play and you are relying on OVerwhelmed apprentice to load graveyard with creatures so you can summon them later with Scarab God and also as fuel for drown in the loch. YOu want to build up treasure with Charming Scoundrel.  USe spell queller to counter early game threats and other coutners to protect it. You want to foucs on countering counter spells that can't be countered because if spell queller dies, these are dead in hand essentially. Cast raffeine and sift through your deck. 

Mid Game (Turn 3 +) You will use nahiri, Nco and Narset to remove threats. Tap down creatures with calim, draw cards and remove the tapped creature with Nico. Use Nahirii to remove problem enchants or loot through  your deck. You want to get an unblockable threat on board with Kaito or just keep looting. You can bounce back your charming scoundrels or wizards. Toss Terminal Agony with narset at a planeswalker then kill off a creature. Keep building up  your quantity of phrexian scrapyards on board as it will help boost the world tree and give you that 6/6 Use the bath song to loot and retrieve cards from graveyard . ONce bathsong is finished you will get that mana boost and should be ready to summong ods. Use obscura interceptor to "counter" spells and gain life.


End Game - using your sunken citadels and treasure you will sac the world tree and summon your two gods. YOu will cast spells discarding your whole hand with Moonveil and drawing up to 3 cards for the spell. You will get Archfiend on board to remove creatures when you discard. YOu will try to get off your ultimates. keep discarding cards with phrexian scrapyard to kill off creatures. Remove any other unwanted threats, that attack for lethal drawing your whole deck with reaffeine. Now that you have 20+ insect creature tokens, attack all and every attack phase all enemy creatures get -20/-20 .  Keep returning the bath song to the deck and casting the bath song. YOu want to leave the creatures in the grave (but might want to return the counter spell duo to the deck) to summon with scarab god.

 Fair Match UPs:


This deck fairs well against most decks but requires a lot of getting used to the flow of the deck and the meta. 

Mono Green Aggro (go for the mana dorks and you'll be ok)

Mono Red Aggro (Non goblin)

Ruin Crab Mill (should be fine due to deck size/ bath song, just mulligan correctly)


Bad match ups :

Other combo decks (forced draw, artifact mill, discover combo)

Goblin Aggro (TOO FAST, is possible to win, not consistently though)


Semi Decent Match ups - 

other control decks as long as you know what you're doing 

Izzet Discard 

Ashiok Mill Control (ya, this deck is a nightmare due to it's banish counters and graveyard exile, again, not impossible to win, just not balanced)




Sideboard Defabricate and farewell against heavy enchantment/artifact

Sideboard Roiling vortext and farewell against affinity 

sideboard Roiling vortex and Defabricate against MOno White Life gain

Sideboard Roiling vortex and Defabricate against discover/izzet (for the 5 damage for casting spell for free. be mindful that some spells say to put spell in play, don't use roiling vortex against this, it's uselss. ONly triggers if spell is cast for no mana. Important - do not remove Spell Queller against Disccover 0 cost decks. You need them to cast the spell for free to take the 5 damage.)

SIdeboard land destruction when needed (usually black and red aggro main threat is the dumb creature that exiles cards )

Sideboard Weathered runestone against mono green aggro (though be careful as you won't be able to use world tree, or nahiri/kaitos ults)

Sideboard Declaration in Stone against any deck with a lot of tokens.

Sideboard Shadowspear against Equipment Decks so you don't die to the hexproof  can't be blocked 1/1. You don't really need shadowspear outside this one matchup. Might remove it to be honest as Arfiend is often good enough to kill hexproof/indistructable as long as you can control board early game).

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deck not viable in timeless , already tried it. Would need to be tweaked specifically for that format and there are too many things that shut it down.
Getting harder and harder to find cards that work with this deck. Will continue to experiment . I will start adding the useful cards not in the deck list to the maybe list.
Description of most recent Changes :

Removed jeskai charm. It wasn't really doing anything most of the time. Replaced with archmages charm.
Added in 3rd moonveil regent. This seems to be a key card, allowing us to toss our whole hand of 7 cards with archfiend on board and wipe board then draw 3 Additionally, we can rip through our deck and also the death trigger is nice.
Moonveil Regent seems to be a key card, so added in Dracon Debut as some extra removal and to get them in play a bit easier.
swapped spell queller with 3 reprieve. Already have obscura interceptor which isn't limited to 4 cost spells. Additionally, sometimes it's battlecry gets negated. OBscura interceptor at lesat provides lifelink and triggers ARcfiend.
Last Updated: 02 Jan 2024
Created: 17 Dec 2023
977 95 4

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 12 45 16 0
2 5 8 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.31
Recommended Lands: 36