Standard - Kaheera Mono Green Bo3

  • Deck contains 20 invalid cards for this format: Fabled Passage (M21), Lovestruck Beast (ELD), Garruk's Harbinger (M21), Primal Might (M21), Vivien, Monsters' Advocate (IKO), Garruk's Uprising (M21), Gemrazer (IKO), The Great Henge (ELD), Fiend Artisan (IKO), Elder Gargaroth (M21) Castle Garenbrig (ELD), Questing Beast (ELD), Kaheera, the Orphanguard (IKO), Soul-Guide Lantern (THB), Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD), Ranger's Guile (M21), Heroic Intervention (M21), Kaheera, the Orphanguard (IKO), Fiend Artisan (IKO), Elder Gargaroth (M21)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (20)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)
Maybeboard 3 cards (3 distinct)

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Climbing to mythic with style. Play mono green, draw cards, beat your opponents! No rogues, no counterspells, no burn. Just good old beast beats!

We even got a fancy combo!

image + image + image


# Deck

Kaheera, the Orphanguardimage - She is a decent 3/2 that buffs every other creature in the deck. Together with Garruk's Uprisingimage we get to draw a card every time a 3/3 creature enters the battlefield. Just take a look at Vivien, Monsters' Advocateimage and Elder Gargarothimage

Swarm Shamblerimage - A T1 threat that interacts nicely with The Great Hengeimage and can be mutated onto with [Gemrazer.

Lovestruck Beastimage - It is a beast, it has a big butt, it enables us to do something T1 and it draws us cards with Garruk's Uprisingimage

Fiend Artisanimage - Only two copies because this sometimes remains a 1/1. But when they start killing', you know that this little fiend rises from the grave and suddenly they face a 10/10 trample.

Garruk's Harbingerimage - A black mages worst nightmare. Did I mention that we can easily give it trample? Awesome!

Gemrazerimage - Antoher really versatile creature. The value! Mutate onto a Fiend Artisanimage or Garruk's Harbingerimage and watch them suffer in agony. Also destroys artifacts and enchantments and blocks flyers.

Questing Beastimage - Still good. Still so damn good. This wins games.

Garruk's Uprisingimage - I think this card is absolutely underated and absolutely insane. I think I like it more than The Great Hengeimage. Gone are the days of getting your 5/5s blocked by puny little humans. This is the main engine of the deck. I probably should play the fourth copy.

The Great Hengeimage - Another insane engine. Just sometimes it stays stuck in the hand.

Vivien, Monsters' Advocateimage - Did I mention that this draws lots of cards together with Kaheera and Garruk's Uprisingimage? Besides that we pump a 3/3 threat each turn, have access to a wider range of creatures and can suddenly fill our board with the -2. Nice!

Elder Gargarothimage - Also creates 3/3s that might be 4/4s that might draw cards. Also just fat and humongous and can be summoned with Fiend Artisanimage.

Primal Mightimage - Green's bread & butter. The one trusty removal spell that does its job every time.

Khalni Ambushimage - No one expects you to run this. Instant-speed fight. The one thing Primal Mightimage lacks. Interaction!

Forestimage - where our beasts live. 

Tangled Florahedronimage - This is a land. And then a creature. Simple as that. Only play it T2 if you can do some big play T4 and you have enough lands. Don't risk it!

Fabled Passageimage - Deck thinning. Maybe remove it because we really want to play creatures asap?

Castle Garenbrigimage - More mana! No reason not to run it. Only beware: We can't use it to grab and play our companion Kaheera.

Turntimber Symbiosisimage - I want three more copies! :(


# Sideboard

Heroic Interventionimage - Against board wipes in red and white. Also to protect agai

Ranger's Guileimage - Protect mainly against Lullmage's Dominationimage and removal

Sorcerous Spyglassimage - My favourite pet card. Not that good in the current meta, but nice to shut down Mazemind Tomeimage or maybe a planeswalker.

Broken Wingsimage - Very versatile. Instant speed removal of flying creatures and Embercleaveimage

Soul-Guide Lanternimage - Unfortunately with Kaheera, we lose access to Scavenging Oozeimage. This really hurts

Elder Gargarothimage - A second copy against aggro and creature decks (gruul, ...)

Fiend Artisanimage - Very versatile, but if nothing dies it is just a puny 1/1.


# If I had the wild cards

I would craft me some Kaheera, the Orphanguardimage, Garruk's Harbingerimage and Turntimber Symbiosisimage.


# Playing against rogues

I will be honest with you, playing against rogues is a pain in the ass.

With Kaheera, we lose access to Scavenging Oozeimage. This means we have to board in something like Soul-Guide Lanternimage to prevent Lurrus of the Dream Den or Agadeem's Awakeningimage from going off.

I found the best approach to just go and beat them down with Garruk's Harbingerimage. As soon as we get it going, we flood them with creatures. They have exactly two ways to deal with it. Steal it with Lullmage's Dominationimage or block it with Thieves Guild Enforcer. That is where Ranger's Guileimage and depending on the match Heroic Interventionimage come into play. Unfortunately I only own two copies of Garruk's Harbingerimage.. still I am happy in mythic, so who knows :)

Fiend Artisanimage is also very nice. It easily becomes a 10/10 with trample. Just protect it (yeah..) and then play a Garruk's Uprisingimage or mutate a Gemrazerimage onto it.

One last thing to keep in mind: They only play 12-16 creatures. That means basically no blockers. The threat comes from them suddenly drawing four removals with Into the Storyimage or returning their whole graveyard back.


# Update 20/10/26

-1 Great Henge +1 Garruk's Uprising 

-1 Fabled Passage +1 Forest


About Gildenmagier

Artisanal crafted, organic decks that will bring joy to everyone.

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