Pioneer - Jeskai Possibility Storm

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR)
Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Planeswalker (4)
Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (13 distinct)

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As I was brewing up Jeskai Control with a singleton copy of Possibility Storm for the lock with Teferi, Time Raveler, it made me think suddenly "why not just go all in on Jeskai Possibility Storm and play the combo in that?" So here we are! This is the same basic Possibility Storm combo, using an adventure creature with a sorcery adventure to trigger Possibility Storm and cast Enter the Infinite, which lets you put Borborygmos Enraged on top of your library and then play a 0 CMC Stonecoil Serpent which will then let you cast Borborygmos at which point you throw all your lands at your opponent. The two sorcery speed adventures we use to trigger this combo are Fae of Wishes and Queen of Ice. As a result, the combo is certainly slower than the RG versions that have been played a lot lately as our cheapest sorcery is 2 mana and we have no ramp that would allow us to even play it turn 5 with the Possibility Storm, so most likely we will need our Storm to survive a turn. This is realistically not a huge problem, as we have another very powerful combo with Possibility Storm that does happen potentially on turn 5 with Teferi, Time Raveler.

For those who did not see my other Jeskai Control list, having Teferi, Time Raveler on board and playing Possibility Storm is a lock if your opponent has no creatures or other way to kill you or the Teferi without playing a card. Possibility Storm's trigger is not a may, so your opponent must exile cards until they reach another at which point Teferi denies them the ability to play the card they found with the Storm as it is not being cast at sorcery speed on an empty stack. This means that we have a way to immediately win the game on turn 5 by resolving the Possibility Storm, and with Teferi on board our opponent has no ability to respond to us playing Possibility Storm anyways. If you did not already think Teferi, Time Raveler was broken enough then this is the deck to prove to you why he is completely bonkers.

Because we play Fae of Wishes, we get access to a sweet toolbox sideboard that helps us deal with a ton of matchups. We get to play a copy of Possibility Storm to fetch if we need to, and we can even play Fae of Wishes from the adventure and then play Possibility Storm (probably over a few turns) and then with 6 mana activate Fae's ability to bounce it to our hand and replay Granted to trigger Storm. Rest in Peace and Tormod's Crypt are great against graveyard decks, with Crypt being there because we can play Granted into Crypt on turn 4 if our Phoenix opponent, for example, got a lucky draw and hit a few Phoenixes into the bin by that turn. Alpine Moon can hit Field of the Dead hard, which they may not even have online by turn 5, and we also have things like Supreme Verdict and Detention Sphere to help in those and aggressive matchups. Blessed Alliance is great for aggro matchups as well. We have counterspells to protect our combo or otherwise try to hit Teferi, Time Raveler, and we will likely consider siding those cards into the deck in many matchups. Fry is another great answer to Time Raveler while also dealing with a lot of other planeswalkers and problematic creatures, and Pithing Needle helps deal with planeswalkers or other cards that have important activated abilities like Emry. Fragmentize is there for artifact matchups and things like Jeskai Ascendency, while Void Snare is there to help get something like Time Raveler off the board while also being a 1 CMC sorcery to trigger Possibility Storm on 6 mana immediately after playing it. Lastly, big Teferi helps play more of a value game if either Possibility Storm is hated away or otherwise we just need a card that can help act as an engine to get more cards flowing so we can dig for our combo pieces faster.

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Last Updated: 28 Nov 2019
Created: 26 Nov 2019
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