Arena Standard - Izzet Spells

  • Deck contains 12 invalid cards for this format: Sea Gate Stormcaller (ZNR), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Stormwing Entity (M21), Spikefield Hazard (ZNR), Temple of Epiphany (M21), Shock (M20), Raking Claws (IKO), Roil Eruption (ZNR), Crash Through (M21), Sprite Dragon (IKO), Riddleform (M21), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (20)
Maybeboard 4 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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A basic Izzet spells build with a few changes, with this build being more aggresive and budget. 

I didnt include shatterskull smashing as it felt uncessary in the deck, but if you have it, feel free to include it.

No magmatic channeler either as I felt that it was too slow for this deck and the way I built it.

Riddleform - An evasive threat that allows you to scry 1 if you put mana into it. It is able to activate reasonably consitently, and hits hard enough to be the threat.

Sea Gate Stormcaller - This card made the cut while magmatic channeler didn't as it had an ETB trigger that allowed you to copy any spell in this deck (as all spells are 2CMC or less), and this just provides the extra value to be able to push through with burn or pump spells or draw extra cards from opt. Seldomly acts a threat, so depending on what your opponent's playing, decide whether it is a threat or a blocker.

Stormwing Entity, Sprite Dragon - The go to threats of the deck, you typically want 1-2 in the opening hand or some way to draw into it. 

Brazen Borrower - A bounce spell and an evasive creature allows you to keep attacking with your other creatures and still have some power as this deck is a little creature light. 

Infuriate, Raking Claws - Allows you to lethal out of nowhere, making each creature a must remove (except maybe sea gate stormcaller). This is what seperates this deck from other Izzet spells lists. 

Roil Eruption - Basically a Lightning strike for this deck, as you typically want to cast spells during your turn.

Opt, Shock, Crash Through - 1 mana cantrips that provide value and go well with sea gate stormcaller

Spikefield Hazzard - A weaker shock stapled to a land, prevents flood. This deck really only wants 3-5 lands and having the land be a spell helps. 

Tip : an ideal hand has 1-3 lands, 2-3 spells and 1-2 creatures. Preferrably evasive threats that also grow but riddleform and brazen borrower will do. 

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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2020
Created: 25 Sep 2020
86 103 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
28 24
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
30 12 10 8 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.10
Recommended Lands: 23