Historic - Historic Elves

TCGPlayer $215
Cardmarket €151
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (36)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (20)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)
Maybeboard 4 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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General Elfball deck, which seems fairly strong in Historic since Elvish Visionaryimage and Imperious Perfectimage were added in Historic Anthology 1.  Having access to two lord effects for elves (Imperious Perfect and Elvish Clancallerimage, is quite strong.  Castle Garenbrigimage generating 6 mana that can be used to activate Elvish Clancaller is a pretty great combo - especially if you can "cheat" the cost with mana dorks like Llanowar Elvesimage and Paradise Druidimage early on.

There may honestly be too much card draw in the later game since all of the draw effects on Elvish Visionary, Beast Whispererimage, Vanquisher's Bannerimage, and The Great Hengeimage are not "may" abilities, so having a few of them stack can go through your deck really quickly.

Update:  I added a rough sideboard with a few general non-Elf utility creatures like Thrashing Brontodonimage and Shifting Ceratopsimage for their strength in certain matchups, as well as Once Upon a Timeimage to help find them, and Veil of Summerimage in matches against blue and/or black control decks.

Update 2:  Once Upon a Timeimage and Veil of Summerimage have been suspended.  As there aren't many sideboard options I like in their places, I have replaced them with Return to Natureimage, Wildborn Preserverimage, and Questing Beastimage.  I don't really like Wildborn Preserver a lot in decks like this since you want to go wide rather than big, but the Flash and Reach abilities can come in clutch in some situations.

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Last Updated: 13 Dec 2019
Created: 23 Nov 2019
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2 2 8 3 0
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