Arena Standard - Grixis Draw Two

  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Steam Vents (GRN), Watery Grave (GRN), Expansion // Explosion (GRN), Blood Crypt (RNA), Commence the Endgame (WAR), Ionize (GRN), Unmoored Ego (GRN), Expansion // Explosion (GRN), Disdainful Stroke (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN), Lazotep Plating (WAR), Noxious Grasp (M20), Flame Sweep (M20)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Creature (15)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)
Maybeboard 3 cards (3 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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You like to draw cards? You like to trigger lots of abilities? You like to burn your opponents? Then Ive got the right deck for you. Draw lots of cards, trigger lots of abilities and burn your opponent. No Chandra required!


How the deck works

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You try to draw a 2nd card each turn and trigger Irencrag Pyromancerimage and Improbable Allianceimage to build your advantage and overwhelm your opponent. The deck is very adaptive and provides lots of ways to quickly filter and find your key cards. Added burn spells provide a smooth experience.


The deck

4 Improbable Allianceimage - Key card. Produces 1/1 flying tokens. Also lets you filter your cards when in a top-deck contest with your opponent.

4 Irencrag Pyromancerimage - Key card. Burns everything. Your opponent will try to kill it with everything they've got, so protect it well.

4 Stormfist Crusaderimage - The reason we splash black. Automatically draws a 2nd card each turn, which is exactly what we want. Furthermore we deal 1 damage to the enemy and can pressure 3CMC planeswalkers.

4 Optimage - Simple draw and filter.

4 Thrill of Possibilityimage - Filter your cards. Also draws two(!), which means you can easily trigger your Irencrag Pyromancerimage and Improbable Allianceimage during the enemys turn.

3 The Royal Scionsimage - All three modes are relevant for us. Draw and filter your cards, buff your faeries and Stormfist Crusaderimage and when left unchecked draw lots of cards and deal lots of damage.

1 Expansion // Explosion - Versatile draw tool and finisher. Also very nice to copy an opponent's GoodSpell(tm) or win a counterspell war.

2 Commence the Endgameimage - Another way to finish the game. Also draws two, same as Thrill of Possibilityimage. This is also nice for defense because it cant be countered and provides a surprise blocker.

4 Bonecrusher Giantimage - Filler. Burn the opponent and advance the board.

3 Brazen Borrowerimage - Filler. Bounce threats and provide another avenue of attack. Works surprsingly well and is very annoying. 

3 Shockimage - Filler. Burn and disrupt the enemy.

1 Castle Locthwainimage - Drawing a card when in dire need.

2 Castle Vantressimage - Filter your deck.



3 Disdainful Strokeimage - Really ugly cards are usually 4+ CMC, so why not shut them down with a nice and fresh counterspell?

2 Flame Sweepimage - We need a little time to start our engine, and this provides a hot break.

2 Noxious Graspimage - For when we cant deal with Questing Beastimage or Oko, Thief of Crownsimage.

2 Unmoored Egoimage - Remove the most annoying card from an opponents library.

1 Ionizeimage - A more generic counter spell.

1 Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage - Another way to clear the board that cant be countered.

2 Lava Coilimage - More versatile burn that also exiles cards from the graveyard and can kill Questing Beastimage

1 Expansion // Explosion - A 2nd copy.

2 Latotep Plating - Protect your Irencrag Pyromancerimage from removal and yourself from discard.



Sorcerous Spyglassimage - Deal with all the activated sacrifice abilitys (Witch's Ovenimage) or planeswalkers.

Ashiok, Dream Renderimage - Deal with annoying graveyard shenanigans or shut down searching your library (Golos, Field of the Dead)

Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage - Papa wants some action!


Common threats

Narset, Parter of Veilsimage -> KILL ON SIGHT!

Teferi, Time Ravelerimage -> Burn

Board wipes -> Disdainful Strokeimage

Questing Beastimage (cant block it..) -> Noxious Graspimage and Lava Coilimage

Fires of Inventionimage -> Disdainful Strokeimage

I get rushed -> Flame Sweepimage

Golos Fields -> Unmoored Egoimage and Disdainful Strokeimage

About Gildenmagier

Artisanal crafted, organic decks that will bring joy to everyone.

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Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019
Created: 18 Oct 2019
422 205 0

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