Commander - Brudiclad $100 total upgrade

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (75 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (30)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (36)

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Ok, man, this list has all of the previous changes in place, plus another $50 worth of upgrades. In this round, we're cutting good cards for better cards, and we have a total of 10 changes that further increase the deck's synergy, reduce the overall mana cost of the deck, and add even more ramp.

The Changes


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These five mana rocks all work together to smooth out the ramp suite for the deck. With a six CMC commander, three mana ramp is fine for us, and they all have added upside based on how many bobbleheads we have out.

To make room, we'll remove the following:

  • Automated Artificerimage - Being a creature means this is easily removable; it only produces colorless mana and can only be used for artifacts. Overall, pretty limited in use.
  • Etherium Spinnerimage - This is a fine card. But we've got less 4 mana value or higher stuff now, and we've upped the token production enough to cut this.
  • Combat Celebrantimage - This is a great card but is a bit misplaced in this build... Cutting it will add to more consistency and synergy for the deck
  • Ceremonial Knifeimage - We've upped the card draw enough for this to be obsolete, considering it requires three mana total (plus two to activate the token) and needs you to deal combat damage
  • Geode Golemimage - Considering you still have to pay any additional cost for your commander, this doesn't help cheat his cost in the late game. And on curve, he'll be attacking on turn six... With this extra ramp, we should have our commander out before then.

Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance


This is a powerful copy effect that can copy artifacts or creatures and give them haste. You'll have fun copying Mechtitan Coreimage for just two mana.:) It also works well to copy mana rocks since they can tap the same turn.

To make room for this, we'll cut Replication Specialistimage, which is a higher-cost, more narrow version of the same ability that we're looking for.

Goldspan Dragon


Darksteel Juggernautimage is a beater. If you've got a big board of artifacts it can be huge. If you don't, he's going to be a five-mana 1/1. He's ok in the deck, but the replacement Goldspan Dragonimage will be more consistent and impactful.

It's a hasty attacker with flying that generates a ton of value by attacking or being removed. After our first round of upgrades, we have a good amount of treasure tokens for this to make twice as good. Plus, the ones it makes, of course.

Chrome Host Seedshark


Chrome Host Seedsharkimage's ability to make incubator tokens when you cast non-creature spells (which we have more of post-upgrades) is fantastic with Brudiclad. The shark also does a great job blocking opposing flying creatures with its 4 toughness.

For this, we're cutting Thousand-Faced Shadowimage. Simply put, we're not a Ninjutsu deck and this doesn't help the strategy much at all.

Rite of Replication


As mentioned before, we're upping the amount (and quality of) the copy spells. So, Rite of Replicationimage is a must. To make room we're cutting Ancient Stone Idolimage. Don't get me wrong, it's powerful, but it's also clunky. How often has it worked out the way you want it to? For me, it's not often, and 10 mana is a lot.

Instead, we can spend nine mana for Rite + Kicker and make five copies of something. Granted, you need something to copy, but these upgrades have been pushing us toward that.

Cackling Counterpart


I like Inventive Iteration // Living Breakthroughimage. Objectively, it does a lot, and all of it is fairly good. But as mentioned, we're in the cut good cards for better cards stage, and Cackling Counterpartimage is better for what we're trying to do with the deck.

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Last Updated: 08 Mar 2024
Created: 08 Mar 2024
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