Commander - BLC Peace Offering Deck Reprints

TCGPlayer $96
Cardmarket €54
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 81 invalid cards for this format: Tamiyo, Field Researcher (color), Tenuous Truce (color), Loran of the Third Path (color), Sunscorch Regent (color), Promise of Loyalty (color), Hoofprints of the Stag (color), Mangara, the Diplomat (color), Realm-Cloaked Giant (color), Sphinx of Enlightenment (color), Forgotten Ancient (color), Managorger Hydra (color), Rishkar, Peema Renegade (color), Rites of Flourishing (color), Tempt with Discovery (color), Kalonian Hydra (color), Faeburrow Elder (color), Exotic Orchard (color), Simic Ascendancy (color), Ghirapur Orrery (color), Psychosis Crawler (color), Adarkar Wastes (color), Temple of Enlightenment (color), Seachrome Coast (color), Glacial Fortress (color), Hinterland Harbor (color), Razorverge Thicket (color), Flooded Grove (color), Skycloud Expanse (color), Canopy Vista (color), Prairie Stream (color), Brushland (color), Temple of Mystery (color), Yavimaya Coast (color), Overflowing Basin (color), Sungrass Prairie (color), Sunpetal Grove (color), Triskaidekaphile (color), Intellectual Offering (color), Illusionist's Gambit (color), Body of Knowledge (color), Chasm Skulker (color), Perplexing Test (color), Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse (color), Selvala, Explorer Returned (color), Kwain, Itinerant Meddler (color), Coveted Jewel (color), Temple of Plenty (color), Generous Gift (color), Swords to Plowshares (color), Secret Rendezvous (color), Baird, Steward of Argive (color), An Offer You Can't Refuse (color), Wizard Class (color), Cultivate (color), Farseek (color), Broken Wings (color), Spore Frog (color), Wear Down (color), Peerless Recycling (color), Coiling Oracle (color), Riot Control (color), Martial Impetus (color), Jolly Gerbils (color), Long River's Pull (color), Thought Vessel (color), Arcane Signet (color), Swiftfoot Boots (color), Fellwar Stone (color), Sol Ring (color), Mind Stone (color), Thriving Heath (color), Thriving Isle (color), Thriving Grove (color), Terramorphic Expanse (color), Command Tower (color), Evolving Wilds (color), Reliquary Tower (color), Seaside Citadel (color), Plains (color), Island (color), Forest (color)
  • Deck has incorrect number of cards: 90 (should be 100 including commander)
  • Deck is missing a commander
Main 90 cards (81 distinct)
Planeswalker (1)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Creature (21)
Land (38)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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About ChrisCee

A witness since the time the benevolent silver planeswalker first left Dominaria, ChrisCee has since went back and forth on a number of plane-shattering incidents to oversee the current state of the Multiverse.

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Last Updated: 20 Jul 2024
Created: 20 Jul 2024
29 107 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
26 17 42 5 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands