Arena Standard - Bio-Metal

  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Jewel Thief (SNC), Titan of Industry (SNC), Unnatural Growth (MID)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The Bio-Metal (Proto-type) Deck

This Brother's War inspired deck is an Artifacts matter deck. The all star early drop is the Sarinth Steelseekerimage, it is the poor mans autum augar card for artifacts. When Steelseeker is out all the proto-types and treasures, give big value in a quick ramp to get out the  Green Meenies. The proto-type artifacts all come out early and and they have fun effects, or if you get them late game they scale for their full price. The 2 most useful proto-types being: 

The Rootwire can come down early and even later at instant speed be turned into a much stronger hasted token that is 3x it's power. This works as a great target for a Simian Simulacrumimage counters. If the Rootwire is not out, mayhaps you give counters to the Jewel Theif making it a 5/5 trampler. The Rootwire can also benifit from the nasty Unnatural Growthimage enchantment, attack with it, then at the end of combat you can activates it ability, and get the 3x token at its augmented doubled power. 

This is a Mono-Green stompy'ish deck so off course you have to have the staples of the meta: 

The Awaken the Woodsimage are in here to help ramp to the biggies, and to recover from a boardwipe. it is so nice to put 5 1/1's that can tap for land or be 2/2 when attacking with an Unnatural Growth out. It is a nice way to recover. The Portal to Phyrexiaimage is just a nice way to close out a game or stabalize. 

In this meta the Haywire Miteimage is suprisingly good. It can block them early hasters. It can destroy enchanments or artifacts. In this deck it also triggers alot of value. This all for 1 mana, such great value. 

I dont own any standard ready great lands like the Boseiju, Who Enduresimage, or other lands. This is deffinately an area this deck could be imporved upon. 

Rumpley MTG an awesome YouTuber who's channel is devoted to playing other peoples decks, played my deck. It is a fun watch and he makes some very nice additions to the deck. In fact some of the viewers even jumped in and made versions of this deck and posted them in his comments. I added his YouTube Video to this page.


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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2023
Created: 10 Dec 2022
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