Arena Standard - Bant Ramp Ikoria

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Growth Spiral (RNA), Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Creature (6)
Planeswalker (7)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

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Deck Tech: Very close to old Bant Ramp, but with the addition of Shark Typhoonimage and Neutralizeimage. Early game you try to ramp, then play out powerful cards like Teferi, Time Ravelerimage, Nissa, who and Elspeth Conquers Deathimage. Neutralizeimage allows us to protect our threats and can even prove useful when the opponent has a Teferi, Time Ravelerimage because we can still cycle it! 


Sideboard Tech: We're mostly aimed toward Sacdos, Flash, and Yorion lists. We might need to swap Grafdigger's Cageimage to Soul-Guide Lanternimage to counter the new cycling lists that rely on Zenith Flareimage to close out games. I also think we can remove 1 Disdainful Strokeimage because I can never find room to cut for the 3rd copy in most matchups; so if you're struggling and need a spot for something spicy, I'd recommend this change. 


Bant Yorion: 

-1 Tamiyo, collector

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Nissa, who shakes

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-2 Shatter the Skyimage


+2 Disdainful Strokeimage 

+4 Mystical Disputeimage


 Jeskai Fires:

-1 Neutralizeimage

-1 Elspeth conquers

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-2 Uro, Titan

-2 Nissa, who

-2 Hydroid Krasisimage


+1 Knight of Autumnimage

+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+2 Devout Decreeimage

+2 Disdainful Strokeimage

+4 Mystical Disputeimage



-1 Nissa, who 

-1 TAmiyo, collector

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Shatter the Skyimage

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage


+2 Disdainful Strokeimage 

+4 Mystical Disputeimage



-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-1 NIssa, who

-1 Uro, titan

-2 Teferi, Time Ravelerimage

-3 Elspeth Conquers


+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+2 Knight of Autumnimage

+2 Devout Decreeimage

+3 Grafdigger's Cageimage



-1 Tamiyo, collector

-2 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage

-2 Teferi, Time Ravelerimage


+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+2 Devout Decreeimage

+2 Knight of Autumnimage


Lutri, the

-1 Tamiyo, collector

-1 Nissa, who

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Shatter the Skyimage


This is an odd matchup because the Lutri, the list can vary so much. If they're running more creatures, keep in extra shatters. If they're more combo heavy and play higher cost spells, consider Disdainful Strokeimage


+4 Mystical Disputeimage


Temur Reclamation:

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Nissa, who

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-2 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage

-2 Shatter the Skyimage


+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+3 Disdainful Strokeimage

+4 Mystical Disputeimage



-1 Tamiyo, collector

-1 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage

-1 Teferi, Time Ravelerimage

-2 Shark Typhoonimage


Unsure about Grafdigger's Cageimage in this matchup, since it doesn't stop Gutterbonesimage. It does, however, stop Woe Striderimage, Cauldron Familar, and Call of the Death-Dwellerimage. I'd say we could trim on another Teferi, Time Ravelerimage, Nissa, who, and a Neutralizeimage for +3 Grafdigger's Cageimage


+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+2 Devout Decreeimage

+2 Knight of Autumnimage


Jeskai Cycle:

-1 Tamiyo, collector

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Nissa, Who

-1 Teferi, Time Ravelerimage

-3 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage


Soul-Guide Lanternimage helps in this matchup a ton. I was thinking of swapping the Grafdigger's Cageimage for this deck since it's gotten more popular since the Magic Fest Online. Consider Narset, Parter for this deck as well; she's not too bad of a call for the current meta. I just struggled to find room for her both in the sideboard and maindeck. 


+1 Heliod's Interventionimage

+2 Knight of Autumnimage

+4 Mystical Disputeimage

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Last Updated: 03 May 2020
Created: 25 Apr 2020
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