Arena Standard - Azorius Coffee Jar

  • Deck contains 36 invalid cards for this format: Castle Vantress (ELD), Omen of the Sea (THB), Ashiok's Erasure (THB), Sublime Epiphany (M21), Mystical Dispute (ELD), Neutralize (IKO), Rewind (M21), Fabled Passage (ELD), Fabled Passage (M21), Lithoform Engine (ZNR), Hushbringer (ELD), Fae of Wishes (ELD), Castle Ardenvale (ELD), Fight as One (IKO), Alseid of Life's Bounty (THB), Selfless Savior (M21), Runed Halo (M21), Containment Priest (M21), Angelic Ascension (M21), Flicker of Fate (THB), Banishing Light (THB), Glass Casket (ELD), Shatter the Sky (THB), Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Temple of Enlightenment (THB), Mystic Sanctuary (ELD), Revoke Existence (THB), Glass Casket (ELD), Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD), Neutralize (IKO), Heliod's Intervention (THB), Mystical Dispute (ELD), Banishing Light (THB), Runed Halo (M21), Miscast (M21)
Main 60 cards (30 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Creature (14)
Land (20)
Side 13 cards (10 distinct)

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Azorius Coffee Jar

This is a bad pun off White and Containment Priestimage (container?.. get it?). This is the UW version of it, which gives it a bit more resilience with counters. The deck effectively abuses the fact that things that get cheated into play just gets exiled. In short, this is an anti-meta deck. It kills:

  • Winota summons
  • Reanimators (Sac-dos?)

Hushbringer is also a key point in this deck that deals with

  • Gadwick
  • Risen Reef

While I don't have the full set of cards to make it 4-off yet, it's in beginner stage and it looks effective enough.

Rotation: This is a mostly post rotation. Will find out soon.

Play Tips:

1) Always flash Containment Priest in (end of enemy turn). Usually it would catch Fervent Champions or other 1/1's charging in early (not expecting a 2 cost flash 2/2 out of Azorius)

2) Use Runed Halo on their biggest threat (and just don't bother blocking).

Note: This can be used on things like Ugin!

3) Never forget the 'indestructable' + wrath effects. I have chosen the two Dogs which give Indestructable rather than prot-colour.

4) Removal of the deck can come in the form of Glass casket or Flicker of Fate (on enemy creature). It gets removed and NEVER comes back! Expect opponent to be looking at cards, wondering what happened.

4a) Pro tip: When you trap a creature under the Prison cards, you can use Flicker of Fate to 'release' the captive back to enemy (gets exiled by Priest) to recapture a new creature under it as Instant speed!

5) Use Fae of Wishes as a sideboard tutor

6) Angelic Ascension is used as a suprise blocker for creatures and beating them down if required.


Glass Casket - vs more early drop efficient creatures (including Hydroid, death touch, etc)

Revoke Existence - vs Enchanment heavy deck (eg. Teferi/Tutelage - the Insight)

Essence Scatter - vs Creature heavy but slower (midrange)

Sorcerous Spyglass - vs Ugin/planeswalkers

Banishing Light - toolkit tutor

Mystical Dispute - 3 in main cos expecting a lot of Simic-variants

Neutralize - when you need that one counter in hand

Shatter the Sky - 1 more

Time Wipe - another wipe

Heliod's Intervention - vs Teferi/Enchantment

1 spare slot


Being worked on but rough playing shows it doing well on its natural enemies.


Resolve Containment Priest then keep it on the table to win


There are a lot of builds for this. vs just straight creatures (Goblin, Arcanist), a wrath puts sealed to them


This deck wrecked the Elemental deck with Leafkin Druidimage, Risen Reefimage - all the ETB effects were nullified by Hushbringer if it lands in the first few turns. Get that down and the matchup becomes easy. Definately looking at 4 copies of Hushbringer once I get enough wildcards (sideboard)

Expected rating:

At this point it's about Silver I suspect.


This is the second incarnation of the White Coffee Jar deck, going to 2 colours to give it some level of resilience (counters). Was looking to blue for draw cards, but I think counters is enough to hold off the horde.



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Last Updated: 23 Oct 2020
Created: 31 Aug 2020
296 187 0

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