Historic - Anghell

Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (24)

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 This deck to this point, is my final form of my angel sacrifice deck. It takes a new spin on the angel sacrifice in the way of the legendary angels. I thought about using Mirror box, to be able to cast multiples of them, but I remembered the true purpose of the deck. We want angels to in certain situations; die. But only when Rampage of the valkyries is out. Starnheim assistant is a huge player in this deck, by making Firja and Liesa cost two less, it immediately changes the mana curve. As well as Giada, being able to use her self as a single white mana. Some people might question Kaya in the deck, but when played correctly with Firjas retribution, elspeth, rampage of the valkyries, or even the great hall of starnheim, I can duplicate the angel tokens, put counters on them and give them deathtouch. I have even been able to create 10 tokens with Kaya and Elspeth together. The other nice thing about kaya, if I dont have any immediate use for her, and need to withstand damage, she can be utilized as a distraction for opponents to just attack her, and allow me to maintain life. 

The biggest point of this deck is snowballing youthful valkyrie, then buffing the other angels with Giada. Then the gut punch of Rampage of the valkyries really irritates the opponent if they dont have a way to remove it. But my favorite thing to do is to loop the legendary angels when I have set my battlefield. With liesa out, I can cast a second firja, or Giada, sacrifice one, and make the opponent sacrifice a creature because of rampage, and then just bring them back next turn, rinse and repeat. Yes you run the risk of gating counters from giada. but its fun to control the opponents creatures.

Turn 3 is crucial with this deck, and having a starting hand with 3 mana is also very important. If I have one mana of each color to start, I can usually be okay, as long as giada or youthful valkyrie are in my starting hand as well.

In some games this deck can be considered slightly aggro, if starnheim assistant is out, because I can cast Firja or Liesa on turn 4 if everything goes in my favor to do so. Vanishing verse is great, especially with liesa, but I also added poison the cup, usually with the hope of foretelling it, so that I can have a little bit of scry, to plan ahead. Vanishing verse can be limited with the large amount of multicolored decks these days, thats why I also have meathook to help with the creature spam.

Meathook, definitely helps control the creature spam, and plays well with rampage of the valkyries. Only having two doesnt always allow for it to be cast against creature tokens, and this deck can get overwhelmed if the creature spam is backed by removal, or I dont have a good hand, and done enough damage early on to withstand. The fact that all but one creatures are flying is a huge benefit against tokens unless they are the Kicker enchantment birds, flying spirits, or flying zombies. The deck does have some holes, like most decks, but it has performed very well.


Currently this deck has been the majority of my matches on my way to diamond tier 1. I play mobile also, so it doesnt always track, but this deck for me definitely has over an 60% win ratio. 



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Last Updated: 12 Dec 2022
Created: 22 Jun 2022
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