Standard - A Gruuling Climb

  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Tin Street Dodger (RNA), Gruul Spellbreaker (RNA), Zhur-Taa Goblin (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA), Shifting Ceratops (M20), Lava Coil (GRN), Domri's Ambush (WAR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (32)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hello again!

First deck of the new season, and likely what I will stay with up to mythic unless it hits an unforeseen snag.  This list has a lower curve than my last, and actually contains one drops.  Gruul Intentions was a more grindy deck meant to be able to compete well at midrange.  But it would suffer as games went long.  The goal of this deck is to end a game as quickly as mono red is capable of, while having the defense to beat mono red. 

The base is creature heavy at 32, though it contains more than that with the 1 drops from lovestruck beast.

We've got:

10 one drops

10 two drops

10 three drops

6 four drops

plus the 4 embercleaves and land. 

The sideboard is a toolbag that can address the meta.  Feel free to adjust at your discretion.  The 3 tibalts, I almost never see mono white, but it's a big pain when it does show up.  I tend to think I don't get them simply because I have the tibalts.  If you try this without em, lemme know how often you see lifegain decks.


Bonecrusher: You're often going to want to hold back on him.  That shock is valuable against some decks.  Think before you drop him.  This is the only interactivity in the main.

Destiny Spinner:  You might as well get used to seeing her in gruul lists if you haven't already.  Essence scatter is coming with Ikoria.  She is going to become a necessity long with possible copies of rythym of the wild or domri Anarch in a few weeks.

Fervent Champion: 1/1 that can hit for 2 with pals, has first strike,  pretty versatile.  Can take out an attacking body of 3 with a bonecrusher zap and a champion defending with his first strike.

Spellbreaker:  Just a two of, just filling in the gaps.  These are some of the first cards you remove depending on the circumstances.

Lovestruck beast: A 1 drop and a 5/5 body for 3.  Lots of 1/1s here to keep it active.  Besides being a big bat and embercleave target, he is a key piece of stopping mono red from getting out of control.  Beware putting embercleave on this or any 3 drop against a deck with red.  Getting hit with your own embercleave 3 drop via a claim the firstborn hurts.

Questing beast:  Try to land this guy in front of a embercleave.  He can't be picked off by claim, and the deathtouch, means he has to spare only 1 damage per defender.

Robber of the Rich:  Hand disruption with a side of damage and possible card advantage.  The 2 tin street dodgers are here to provide extra rogues for more of a chance at casting some of the stolen spells.

Shifting Ceratops:  Usually in the sideboard, I decided this belongs in the main to make room in the sideboard.  There is nothing wrong with it as is, and odds are pretty heavy youre going to be playing something with blue in it.  Being ready game one for Dream Trawlers is a nice bonus.

Tin Street dodger:  Filler, drop these if room is needed for sideboarding. 

Zhur-taa goblin:  Another filler, remove as needed.

Embercleave: Win button most of the time


Good luck and let me know how you did with it, and what, if any changes you made.  I'm always learning and if there is something I can be doing better I want to know.


Edit 1:  Adjusted the sideboard, removed tibalt to allow for a few more of the more needed sideboard cards.  I would note at this point, I've had pretty poor luck with draws.  The deck can be very efficient sometimes.  Sometimes it's not.  Just kind of treading water in Platinum, which means back to the drawing board. (about 20 games with this deck now, main issues, running out of gas, questionable hands.  Going to see if I can build something even lower to the ground with some draw.

About Kannonm

Hi, I'm Kannon.  I tend to specialize in mono red and gruul.  I'm always open to feedback on my decks or any questions you may have.

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Last Updated: 06 Apr 2020
Created: 06 Apr 2020
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Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
16 8 25 11 0
3 9 3 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.89
Recommended Lands: 25