Standard - Grimwalds Fall

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Power Word Kill (AFR), Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR), Silundi Vision (ZNR), Test of Talents (STX), Behold the Multiverse (KHM), Baleful Mastery (STX), Malakir Rebirth (ZNR), Beyeen Veil (ZNR), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Soul Shatter (ZNR), Go Blank (STX), Tempted by the Oriq (STX), Test of Talents (STX), Ray of Frost (AFR), Ray of Enfeeblement (AFR), Shadows' Verdict (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Creature (20)
Land (10)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Hello big world!

I am Adam the Ant, bringing to you a new and exciting way to enjoy MTG. Narrative or RP style. You create a story as you build and try to keep that theme. No real "rules" it's about having fun. I have woven into this tale card referneces as well as flavor text easter eggs. Comment if you can find them all! Hope you enjoy, If you do please leave a note on the YT channel it means a lot to me and I will do more if people really enjoy this.


Dustus Leopold Grimwald   - Delver of Secrets 

Jan Howlett                      - Graveyard Trespasser

Garland Gnash                  - Stowaway     

Q’thilipoculus                    -Eye Horror

Evil Spirit                         - Spectral Adversary



The day Jori En leapt to his death from the church clock tower was the worst day of Dustus Grimwalds life, his soul shattered at the loss of his grandfather and hero. A once great man of renown, Jori En ended his life enfeebled and under extreme duress. He was exposed as a fraud,accused of fabricating his adventures and stripped of his accolades, titles and wealth. Dustus felt helpless and lost his hopes fading away, his family's good name tarnished.

When he was a young boy, Dustus recalled that he loved sitting on his grandfather's lap as he listened to stories of adventures in the jungles. His detailed accounts of the baleful Moth god who would fly in the night sky fascinated the young boy. The villagers revered the beautiful moths of the island as sacred. The tribal Bloodcheif would provide sacrifice to satiate the Moth gods' thirst for blood. Were these just stories? They had to be true and he would prove it! 

Dustus Leopold Grimwald, heard the teasing and mocking since he was a child. “Hey look, it's moth-man. Can you fly yet? You should try like your grandad did!” Children can be cruel, he wanted to get away, to explore the world and follow the sun across the seas like his grandfather did. He believed in all his heart that Jori En, was the first explorer to breach the Beyeen Veil and navigate the Silundi Isles. His expedition discovered the lost city of Malakir and the ruins of Jawari and brought back relics, artifacts, and various insects, plants and animals including beautiful moths that Dustus has an extreme fondness and nostalgia for, they reminded him of his grandfather.

As he grew older Dustus was determined to delve deeper into the dark secrets in his Grandfather memoirs and track down the crew to help him understand what led to his death.

Dustus worked at his family's antiques and curio shop, selling trinkets and treasure maps, but in the back room concealed behind the curtains. hid a secret The ancient tentacled Q’thilipoculus had been released from it’s bindings on the Island and had returned with the crew living in a trunk at the family shop and feeding upon the psychic life force of the people around it, eventually driving them mad. This creature is called an Eye Horror because it is only visible as you gaze upon its horrific undulating form. It does not create memories in anyone who sees it, so it is able to hide in plain sight, no one can recall its presence, they simply go blank. 

Dustus poured over the journals and was slowly piecing together the truth. The expedition was treacherous and tested the talents of the crew, some of whom had less than noble ambitions. Jan Howlett was an opportunist in league with the Oriq and looking to make herself rich by plundering the artifacts of this ancient discovery. She had stowed away Garland Gnash, her lover and fellow lycanthrope, to accomplish her sinister goals. Despite numerous warnings from Doro’s the explorer and guide, Jan had no qualms defiling sacred grounds in search of wealth and carelessly ignored precautions and protocols. In doing so she was responsible for freeing Q’thilipocus and unleashed the adversarial spirits of the long dead from the crypts of Agadeem beneath Malakir.  

Another day passed and Dustus seethed with thoughts of vengeance. He wished he had the power to KILL those who caused this misery with a word! He yearned to be transformed by the Moth God and consume the flesh of those who constantly reminded him of all he had lost. To soar free! He walked behind the curtain and his felt the icey grip of terror as if stricken by a ray of frost like it did everytime he gazed into the glistening eye of Q’thilipoculus. In the creature's eye, he could behold the Multiverse and knew the truth of it all! He felt it’s infernal grasp upon his mind. He turned away and it all dissolved.

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Last Updated: 20 Dec 2021
Created: 20 Dec 2021
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2 9 4 0 0
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