Standard - Izzet Prime

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspring (XLN), Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin (XLN), Sulfur Falls (DOM), Blink of an Eye (DOM), Syncopate (DOM), Banefire (M19), Lightning Strike (M19), Niv-Mizzet, Parun (GRN), Ionize (GRN), Steam Vents (GRN), Expansion // Explosion (GRN), Chemister's Insight (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN) Fiery Cannonade (XLN), Ral, Izzet Viceroy (GRN), Crackling Drake (GRN), Risk Factor (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (2)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)
Maybeboard 26 cards (26 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Switched 1 Chemister's Insight for 1 Primal Amulet. Switched sideboard Detection Tower to Cackling Drake, if Carnage Tyrant gets out, might as well kill it in battle instead wasting spells on him, plus it will be useful for other matches.
Looking at some spot land removal, specifically Memorial to War and Field of Ruin. To get rid of their flip enchant/land cards if I didn't have the counter ready. Having Field of Ruin seems better just for the counter war mana requirements.
Rough matchup against Esper Control. Eldest Reborn kept taking my Niv Mizzet and making life hard. Probably just playing error rather than a necessary improvement on the deck. I'll think on it.

Play Note: When [[Banefire]] with the Primal Wellspring out, make sure if they have any lifegain potential, that you calculate that. They Varaska Contempted the stolen Niv Mizzet to gain 2 more life. Luckily, with the copy of Banefire, I could kill their lvl8 Tefari and do 8 to them. Narrow Win there.
Sideboarded in a Ral and the Detection Towers. Ral helps in the aggro match, because at his worst he will 1 for 1, usually will get a card draw and removal for 5 mana, which seems like a fine spell. If not, he used one of their removals. Or his is a self contained win condition.
Detection tower for those pesky hexproofers.
Removed 1 syncopate and 3 distainful strokes from the sideboard to fit it. The Negates and Risk Factors should be enough for the mirror/control opponent
[Carnage Tyrant] is difficult. If I have the burn in hand, I can race them. If not, I just lose.
Done testing now. Without sideboard, aggro wins most of the time. Have not tested with sideboard. However, against midrange and control, it stands a great chance. Primal Amulet is bonkers, and I might up it to 3 or even 4 copies. Seriously game winning, before and after flip. Izzet mirror match with sideboard was an exhilarating success.
Running tests in MTGA now. Current as built. 26 lands seems steep, but control rewards it.
On second thought, First Eruption is too slow. And it can't be copied.

Also need to bump it up to 24-26 land
Ral, Guttersnipe, Goblin Electromancer, Electrostatic Field, and Firemind's Research are all close additions.
Firemeind's is replaced with Search for Azcanta.
Ral's don't synergize as well with all the instances, as opposed to Niv-Mizzet. Opt's and Shock's are more useful with Drakes, so minimizing that. The whole deck gets ran over with aggro.

Seriously considering putting in The First Eruption over Fiery Cannonades for token decks. It could get a turn 4 Niv-Mizzet with luck.
Last Updated: 09 Nov 2018
Created: 05 Nov 2018
203 69 9

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
10 9 23 0 0
4 6 3 2 0
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