Arena Standard - Henge of Eternity

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Agent of Treachery (M20), Veil of Summer (M20)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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9/30 - Made small tweaks to manabase for early game consistency, tweaked removal and removed Paradise Druid to focus on putting more impactful cards in the deck.


This deck seeks to blend the best of Golgari Stompy and Dimir Reanimator into a flexible, fun deck that relies on linking several powerful synergies together. You will BURN through your deck, so beware of mill! We have a limited Risen Reefimage elemental package for card advantage and ramp as well as graveyard fillers like Cavalier of Thornsimage to help set up our new toy: Cauldron of Eternity. Yarok, the Desecratedimage serves as a general amplifier of the power of this deck, either accelerating our elemental package, pissing our opponent right off with Agent of Treacheryimage, or making The Great Hengeimage into a card drawing machine.


Feel free to post in the comments any suggestions on how you would tune the deck! I'm just having fun tweaking and experimenting with more Eldraine cards.


image + image

image + image OR image


Card Selection:

4x Risen Reefimage 

4x Leafkin Druidimage

Risen Reef and Leafkin Druid create a reliable ramp and draw tool for us in the early game, and continue to provide card advantage even into the late game. With a Henge in play, Risen Reef means every elemental will net at least 2 cards per entrance into the battlefield (with a Yarok that is 4 cards per elemental entrance). If you have built up a significant enough manabase by the later game, hold your Leafkins in hand until you can drop them with either a Risen Reef or Henge in play and use them for card advantage.

4x The Great Hengeimage

2x The Cauldron of Eternityimage

3x Yarok, the Desecratedimage

The heart of our deck, these artifacts provide us with immense card advantage and versatility. The Great Henge paired with Risen Reef can lead to a quickly ramped and flooded board as well as a full hand. The Cauldron of Eternity is especially powerful against removal-oriented decks, as it allows us to recur for 3 mana any creature in our graveyard. Upon re-entering the battlefield, these creatures trigger The Great Henge, leading to even more advantage. Yarok provides us 2 procs of Henge for each creature, meaning every creature entering the battlefield gets +2/+2 and lets us draw 2 cards. Yarok, of course, makes Risen Reef more potent as well. DON'T MILL YOURSELF! ;)

4x Questing Beastimage

An unreal threat, has haste damage, removes Planeswalkers, blocks big threats. When returned to the battlefield with Cauldron of Eternity, he can attack straightaway with haste. An important on-curve accelerant for Great Henge.

2x Cavalier of Thornsimage

Feeds our graveyard to cheapen Cauldron, and provides us with an excellent body. Elemental synergy is a bonus. Upon death lets us place an impact card on top of our deck, often one of our legendary artifacts so we can set our engine back up after a Planar Cleansingimage.

3x Murderous Riderimage

Versatile removal that is immune to Duressimage; creature body helps stave off aggro decks with lifelink and provides us more creatures to pair with our legendary artifacts.

2x Agent of Treacheryimage

An obvious reanimate target for Cauldron, this list will often be able to hard cast Agent due to its aggressive ramp.

4x Lovestruck Beastimage

Turn one nerd to block against aggro, turn 3 thicc boi to block even harder with, and just maybe swing with too. Risen Reef gives us a set of 4 other 1/1 creatures, so the beast has the potential to swing in. Most importantly, a 5 power creature on turn 3 really helps accelerate our Henge out on turn 4.

2x Legion's Endimage

Put these in to replace Tyrant's Scornimage to help with early game manapool (we really need early green for our other cards) and because of how many Cauldron Familiarimages I have seen recently. Certainly swappable for your cheap removal of choice: Tyrant's Scornimage, Epic Downfallimage, or Ob Nixilis's Crueltyimage are viable alternatives. If you swap, keep Legion's End in your sideboard because people are still playing Field of the Deadimage and it can wipe out some pesky Dance of the Manseimage Shenanigans.




Add 2x Veil of Summerimage ; 3x Shifting Ceratopsimage ; 3x Ob Nixilis's Crueltyimage ; 2x Duressimage

Sub 2x Legion's Endimage ; 3x Murderous Riderimage ; 1x Yarok, the Desecratedimage ; 1x Questing Beastimage ; 1x Lovestruck Beastimage ; 2x Agent of Treacheryimage

This has been my preferred sideboard plan for simic flash decks. You still need to be careful to play around their counters and attempt to bait them out. This is not an easy matchup (unless you get an on-curve Ceratops, then they will have only two possible blockers (Ambusher or Wildborn Preserverimage), but it is a very winnable matchup. You cannot keep a passive starting hand, you must mulligan into aggressive plays. Prioritize putting threats on the board over building your card draw engine (Questing Beast and Ceratops will be the cards that most often win you the game). If you can get Cauldron to hit the battlefield, you will be able to turn all those beasties they countered into cheap, efficient threats.


Ceratops is also an important sub in matchups where we need speed and bodies, and can come in for the Cauldrons and Cavaliers if we do not need to fear opponent removal (like against a Green Stompy deck, a Cavalcade of Calamityimage list, or against Azorius Fliers--remember Ceratops can gain reach!).

The other removal is meant to be matchup specific:

Duressimage is Duress. Save yourself. Put 4 in against every control deck.

Cry of the Carnariumimage helps against azorius fliers and cavalcade lists, and sometimes is lucky enough to exile a certain black cat.

I had been running The Elderspellimage for planeswalker heavy decks utilizing Fires of Inventionimage, but swapped to Thrashing Brontodonimage because it can take out those key enchantments while be flexible enough to be played in other matchups. Since we don't run planeswalkers, some of the power of the elderspell is lessened for us. Brontodon is super good against Fires of Invention, Cavalcade of Calamity, and Danse of the Manse lists (Doom Foretoldimage is a meme).

Ob Nixilis's Crueltyimage is meant for both Izzet Phoenix as well as decks using that stupid (and adorable) Cauldron Familiarimage + Witch's Ovenimage loop. I also tend to sub this card in for Murderous Riderimage when up against Simic Flash as we don't need the Rider's planeswalker flexibility or to pay 2 life when this instant removal will remove an end-of-turn flashed-in creature just as well.

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@Voxeltrot Glad you're enjoying it! I have a lot of fun running the deck--it generally presents a lot of choices which I enjoy.

@VarrickTethras Knowing the mulligans you'll need is quite important (still playing games to develop that section). The deck also is tuned for best of 3, so I usually address speed issues there by subbing in answers for cards I know won't really make an impact. The first version of this list didn't have the Lovestruck Beasts, and I think they've sped it up some.
0-5 today. way too slow.
This deck is badass. I played it a bunch this afternoon and it's downright nasty once it gets going. The Great Henge literally spins out of control when you have Yarok down. It's a good thing Great Henge is legendary because having more than one of those bad boys down would be crazy busted... Thanks for the fun deck list Narod!
Last Updated: 03 Oct 2019
Created: 29 Sep 2019
975 226 3

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
1115 37
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
9 4 29 15 0
7 5 3 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 4.71
Recommended Lands: 31