Arena Standard - Saheeli's ELDsplosion

TCGPlayer $96
Cardmarket €73
Cardhoarder 5 Tix
  • Deck contains 21 invalid cards for this format: Steam Vents (GRN), Expansion // Explosion (GRN), Runaway Steam-Kin (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN), Shimmer of Possibility (RNA), Finale of Promise (WAR), Mizzium Tank (WAR), Ral, Storm Conduit (WAR), Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (WAR), Drawn from Dreams (M20), Beacon Bolt (GRN), Mass Manipulation (RNA), Cavalcade of Calamity (RNA), Narset's Reversal (WAR), Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR), Lazotep Plating (WAR), Kasmina's Transmutation (WAR), Jace, Wielder of Mysteries (WAR), Masterful Replication (M20), Drawn from Dreams (M20), Flame Sweep (M20)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Creature (6)
Planeswalker (6)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (13 distinct)

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The deck has evolved so much when compared to previous iterations that it doesn't even make sense to mention them. Yes, really. 

The deck itself revolves around Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage's ability to create servos, coupled with Mizzium Tankimage, of all cards. It offers significant aggression while dodging sorcery-speed removal and, seeing how basically all of our spells are non-creatures, it'll almost always be enabled. And even if we have zero spells to cast, a single Saheeli servo is enough to crew it. 

Runaway Steam-Kinimage was a surprise find. I mean, in retrospect it's obvious how powerful it is, but still. It grows with almost all of our spells, and can be copied into a token (or mizzium tank) by Saheeli. With the proper hand, you can achieve almost infinite mana (or, well, infinite enough). You can also just leave the +1/+1 counters on it (or the copy!) so you have a big beater. 

The new Ral, Storm Conduitimage's role is copying stuff. A copied Expansion // Explosionimage would let you seal the match sooner, for example. It also offers some (admittedly minor) card selection, and has the potential to deal infinite damage with two Expansions and a secondary spell. His -2 is super flexible, albeit a bit on the situational side. Treat him as a secondary wincon.

Finale of Promiseimage lets us recycle spells from our grave. Each cast counts separately towards Saheeli and Mizzium Tank, and since our mana costs are on the lower side, we often get three casts for 4 mana, usually drawing at least 1 card in the process. Truly impressive value.

We have plenty of cards to let us generate massive tokens from Saheeli in Shockimage, Optimage, Lava Coilimage, and Warlord's Furyimage, while having significant card selection in Anticipateimage

As for the Sideboard: Narset, Parter of Veilsimage is a great tool versus control decks. It enters early, and disrupts any draw, while giving you access to a wide margin of cards. 
Lazotep Platingimage is self-explanatory, really: protection from removal. It's worth using against RDW, especially if they're running the new Chandra, Fire Artisanimage, as she'll self-destruct if you and your planeswalkers can't be targeted. The Amass effect is also not useless, letting you chump block once.
Ugin, the Ineffableimage is basically the only source of enchantment removal we have access to, and it's not exactly cheap. But it also generates creature tokens that draw us cards when they die.
Lightning Strikeimages are an excellent substitute when you're facing either a creatureless control, or a heavy aggro, as it can go face and get rid of creatures faster.
Ionizeimage and Negateimage gives us some tools to handle pesky control decks and their counters. We will lose the counterspell war, that's a given, but any ionize that gets through is one less spell for them, and 2 less damage needed for us (3 with Ral). 
I know the sideboard isn't perfect, so I'm completely open to suggestions. 

Maybeboard was removed: Augur of Bolasimage wasn't as good as Anticipate. Commence the Endgameimage usually doesn't create a large army for us, and is expensive AF. Role Reversalimage is far too gimmicky.

I've dropped Jhoira, Weatherlight Captainimage because she was slow and too vulnerable to removal, and our gameplay changed drastically. Same with Storm the Vault // Vault of Catlacanimage. Karn, Scion of Urzaimage is very powerful, yes, but it usually eats up an entire turn on its own. When it works, it works, but when it doesn't it feels deader than Lava Coil vs a control deck. Anticipate often ends up working better than he does when it comes to card selection, and the tokens often don't feel powerful enough to justify the 4 mana spent on it.

About LauraGambler

Star/Jenny player that tries to brew new stuff with weird cards! Plays far too much Izzet for her own good.

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AAAA Nice one!
@LauraGambler no, it is because it sounds like C4 when you say it
...I don't get it lol
Is it because we run 4 Saheelis?
Motion to change name of deck to "Sahee4"
@LauraGambler it looks like a lot of fun and I'm enjoying how explosive Izzet can be (pun intended). Think I'll have a play with it this weekend and maybe change a few cards about to see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes, cheers
@John the deck's super fun, and actually quite modular. Runaway Steam Kins are a luxury if you don't have them, while Mizzium Tanks are very nice but not strictly necessary. The deck seems to be holding its own pretty nicely, though sometimes it struggles against decks such as rakdos sacrifice if you fail to draw the right stuff.
You can add Crackling Drakes to work with Saheeli, just tweak the lands a bit first!
This looks really sweet and I wanna play it... But I'd have to dump all my rare n mythic wild cards into it. Eek. How's it holding up in ranked?
Glad to hear you like it! The deck's still in flux, though - for example, I'm considering taking out the Rals, but he's a bigger threat than I anticipated originally. Any cantrip becomes dangerous with him on the field, doubly so if we decide to -2 and copy them. Still, he's a bit slow and shifts focus away from our main gameplan. Still need more testing :p
Very interesting deck and had lots of good tools. My initial thoughts were this wouldn't work with the artifact focus, but ended up being a lot more versatile than I thought.

Incredibly fun to play with, great job!

Last Updated: 29 Sep 2019
Created: 26 Apr 2019
14320 1605 9

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
28 37
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 7 22 4 0
3 6 6 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.65
Recommended Lands: 24