Arena Standard - Sac Weenie V4

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Hunt for Specimens (STX), Study Break (STX), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Felidar Retreat (ZNR), Sedgemoor Witch (STX), Retriever Phoenix (STX), Plumb the Forbidden (STX), Professor of Symbology (STX), Fabled Passage (ELD), Eyetwitch (STX), Blightstep Pathway (KHM), Needleverge Pathway (ZNR), Village Rites (STA), Academic Probation (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX), Pest Summoning (STX), Necrotic Fumes (STX), Reduce to Memory (STX)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Creature (16)
Land (25)
Side 7 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Goodbye to the win-more Bastion of Remembranceimage, hello, Retriever Phoeniximage!  Now, Fabled Passageimage is the only card that might be rotating in September!  

This version curves out more smoothly and flexibly, and I think is generally capable of doing more powerful things.  The issue with the Sedgemoor Witchimage / Plumb the Forbiddenimage / Bastion combo is that you have two 3-drops and a 2-mana spell that's kinda cheeks on turn 2.  With Felidar Retreatimage pumping out huge attacks and the pesky chip damage of phoenix, I'm comfortable keeping just Witch and Plumb around.  However, the deck also just got harder to play.  Every Learn trigger comes with a wide number of decisions to choose from.  I've found it rewarding learning how to play this beast.  

This deck can now put a clock on you pretty fast.  Eyetwitchimage, Witch, and Phoenix are all evasive threats that can threaten to add up early.  On the other hand, the deck can also just sit with a handful of tiny dudes looking like it's just durdling, just sacing stuff and spinning its tires, if you will, and then the next turn it can slam Felidar Retreat and crack you for 20. 

People are sleeping on Phoenix big time.  Buy stock now.  It's great against rogues and control, which used to be really tough but are now very manageable.  Casting Phoenix reanimating Phoenix is so fun.  The sacrifice spells protect Phoenix from getting exiled and make spot removal look really silly.  Notice how many times I'm saying Phoenix?  This shell opens up a whole new can of worms.  

I don't know if people are sleeping on Study Breakimage too or if it's just really good here, but man, it's been incredible.  I had it in the first version of the deck and I'm very comfortable welcoming it back.  It's very good against anything playing creatures and is really one of the few cards that can stifle an aggro deck's on-the-play nut draw.  Instant-speed Learn is no joke.  Study Break on opponent's turn into Felidar Retreat plus Academic Probationimage is a line I've used several times already that takes out 3 blockers.  With the card draw of Village Rites and Plumb, it's also possible to just chain Study Breaks multiple turns in a row.  

I've added a second Probation to the sideboard and taken out an Environmental Sciencesimage.  You're not winning games where you cast Sciences twice.  

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Last Updated: 28 Apr 2021
Created: 27 Apr 2021
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17 15 28 0 0
3 2 2 0 0
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