Arena Standard - 4C Yorion Greed

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Growth Spiral (RNA), Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR)
Main 80 cards (28 distinct)
Planeswalker (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Creature (6)
Land (37)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Deck Tech: Uses ramp spells like Growth Spiralimage and Uro, Titan to cast Casutalties of War, Nissa, Who, Elspeth Conquers Deathimage and of course Hydroid Krasisimage. The deck also utilizes Yorion, Sky not only to have a flicker effect for Elspeth Conquers Deathimage and Omen of the Seaimage, but also to expand the number of cards we're running maindeck to run a high number of powerful cards. Mythos of Nethroi and Casualties of Warimage are the main reasons why we're splashing for black. The Triomes are also great because they allow us to make use of the secondary function of Mythos of Nethroiimage and to cycle lategame if we get flooded on lands. 


Sideboard Tech: We dedicate most of our sideboard to Yorion Jeskai(well, Yorion lists in general), and a bit toward Cycle. Unmoored Egoimage blows out Jeskai Yorion because you exile all of their Agent of Treacheryimage, and then they struggle to find another way to win since it's sort of an all in stratagy. Unmoored Egoimage also preforms decently against Cycle lists because you can just exile all copies of Zenith Flareimage. This is a bit risky because some of the blue lists will run counter magic(namely Mystical Disputeimage), but I still think it's worth the sideboard slots. Thought Distortionimage also helps us against Yorion lists because we exile all the counter magic and Elspeth Conquers Deathimages, and ECD targets. Knight of Autumnimage is mainly here for Sacdos and Mono Red(yes, some people still run this). It's also decent against Wilderness Reclamationimage


Temur Reclamation:

-1 Omen of the Seaimage

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Casualties of Warimage


+2 Desparkimage

+3 Dovin's Vetoimage


Jeskai Fires:

-1 Omen of the Seaimage

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage


Dovin's Vetoimages are worth considering, but they're dead the moment the opponent lands a Teferi, Time Ravelerimage. I dislike having dead cards in this match up because it's so high tempo and swingy in the Jeskai Fires's favor. The reason why I like Veto here is because it stops Elspeth Conquers Deathimage


+2 Desparkimage

+3 Knight of Autumnimage


Yorion Jeskai:

-1 Shark Typhoonimage

-1 Hydroid Krasisimage

-2 Omen of the Seaimage

-2 Uro, Titan

-3 Shatter the Skyimage


+2 Desparkimage

+2 Thought Distortionimage

+3 Unmoored Egoimage

+2 Dovin's Vetoimage


Sacdos(Obosh, the Preypiercerimage):

-1 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage

-1 Omen of the Seaimage

-4 Thought Erasureimage


Not sure if it's correct to remove Thought Erasureimage or if it's correct to bring in Dovin's Vetoimage. Veto protects us from Act of Treasonimage, and Thought Erasureimage COULD grab a Mayhem Devilimage. Veto could also sit in our hand all game while we need something more proactive, and Thought Erasureimage could be top decked while our opponent has 0 cards in hand. Pros and cons on both sides, so I'll have to give this some more thought before locking anything in. 


+1 Tolsimir, Friend

+2 Dovin's Vetoimage

+3 Knight of Autumnimage


Jeskai Cycle:

+2 Dovin's Vetoimage

+3 Knight of Autumnimage

+3 Unmoored Egoimage


Hit Zenith Flareimage with Unmoored Egoimage while the opponent is mostly tapped out, or after devloping Teferi, Time Ravelerimage. After this, simply control the board and the game is yours. Gain as much life as you can so that Drannith Stingerimage can't steal the game from you. The Knight of Autumnimages are for Unbreakable Alliance and life gain so you don't get burned out by Drannith Stingerimage, and could potentially save you from an early Zenith Flareimage finish. 


-1 Omen of the Seaimage

-1 Casualties of Warimage

-1 Uro, Titan

-1 Tamiyo, Collector

-4 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage


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Last Updated: 08 May 2020
Created: 07 May 2020
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