Standard - [2020] CycloBoom

TCGPlayer $79
Cardmarket €63
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Irencrag Pyromancer (CELD), Flourishing Fox (IKO), Drannith Stinger (IKO), Startling Development (IKO), Footfall Crater (IKO), Go for Blood (IKO), Rielle, the Everwise (IKO), Zenith Flare (IKO), Boon of the Wish-Giver (IKO), Raugrin Triome (IKO), Raugrin Crystal (IKO), Dream Trawler (THB), Improbable Alliance (ELD), Temple of Enlightenment (THB), Valiant Rescuer (IKO)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Basic idea:
1. Get Irencrag Pyromancerimage's and Drannith Stingerimage's out to shoot for 3 or 1 damage respectively every (first time per turn) cycle. While Rielle is on the field it even takes only 1 cycle to shoot with pyromancer in your opponents turn.
2. Get 1 or 2 big Flourshing Fox's out and go for lethal asap. Sounds dumb, but works more often than I would like to admit...
3. Dream Trawlerimage and Zenith Flareimage yourself back in the game when you are on the loosing hand while hitting their life or boardstate in the meantime.
4. Put down Improbable Allianceimage and create a massive army of 1/1 flyers to slowly dwindle your opponent down or to keep you safe while trying to get back in the game.

This version is much more consistent than the version with Yidaro, Wandering Monsterimage while Dream Trawlerimage is a much better win-con and can get you back in the game much better than the big old turtle.

This version also doesn't just cycle through the full deck and just shoots a Zenith Flar for 20, which makes it much more enjoyable to play in my opinion.

All cycling cards are rarely usefull for their intended ability, but non of them is always completly useless, again, making it more fun to play.

Raugrin Crystalimage might seem like an odd choice, but since it will by default will leave 1 mana open (itself) to cycle it's a great mana-fix you can often play without losing any momentum. The cycling cost is also very acceptable in the late(r) game so I would really advise trying this out before shoving it out of the deck.

All-in-all it makes a very fun to play, competative deck that costs very little to buy as a cherry on top. ;)



About Smiler


My name is Smiler! I am a Dutch paper-player, and like to build my decks a little different. All of the decks you will find on my account will be restricted to blocks, or in the later sets restricted to the year they were released. This way all of my decks resemle, in a way, the playstyle, attributes and tactics available at that time. Want to play a match with for example Kaladesh-themed decks, without breaking the bank and/or your brain to build decks from scratch; I'm your man! ;)

Hope you enjoy!

** I'm currently reworking a lot of the decks and my account.

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Hey! HastaLaBallista! Great to see you have fun with the deck! :) It's indeed refreshing to not play a single-player game where you either do or don't get enough power on zenith flare to win. :P
Hi Smiler, this is a very nice deck and fun to play with. Great change from the other boring cycling decks out there. I agree the Raugrin Crystal fits here and helps maintain momentum, usually, either using it for mana or going the extra bit and cycling it in late game for something more. I love how this deck does not rely on the Zenith Flare for the win, giving you some flexibility to use them to change the board state to your advantage instead. Nice work!
Last Updated: 02 Apr 2021
Created: 20 Apr 2020
1592 255 2

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
1417 21
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
27 18 12 3 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.66
Recommended Lands: 24