Reviving Standard MTG: WOTC's Strategy For Competitive Standard Events In 2024

A few months ago, Wizards of the Coast announced some big changes to the Standard format. In an effort to revitalize the all-but-dead paper version of the format, they announced major changes to the ban system and Standard Rotation. They also said these changes were the first of many, leaving it at that. Well, they were true to their word. We have even more changes to Standard MTG! And it's precisely what we need - An incentive to get out and play competitive Standard at all levels.
You can read the official announcement I'm referring to here - The Next Steps In Revitalizing Standard Play
Standard Events Returning To LGSs, Qualifiers, Regional Championships, & Pro Tour
I've written, at length, about how WOTC killed Standard. And how it went from the golden format of the game to virtually nonexistent. One major factor is the lack of support at the LGS level. Once upon a time, you could walk into any store where magic was played and be almost sure to find, at the very least, Standard.
The card pool was relatively small, the interactions simple, and there were a handful of starter products you could pick up and play right out of the box. In short, it was a great way for newer players to enter the game. On top of that, there were some great rewards and promos for going to your LGS and playing Standard.
These things had been the cornerstone of the game for a long time, and WOTC is returning them! February 2024 will kick off major Standard events with incentives to compete at every playing level. Here's what you can expect.
Local Store Standard Showdown
Everything starts here, at the LGS level. Not every player who sleeves up a deck wants to play on the big stage of the Pro Tour, and that's okay. But make no mistake about it: being able to walk into your closest store and play is crucial for a healthy Standard. To this end, WOTC is bringing back Standard Showdown with the release of Murders at Karlov Manor in February.
This weekly play program is held at WPN-level stores for those who don't know, and there are some great rewards for players. Not only are the usual promos and prizes making a return, but WOTC is also sending out jumbo, oversized MTG cards to stores.
Furthermore, store Championships will shift to Standard Constructed with the upcoming release of The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, giving players a reason to get out and play as early as November!
Standard Open - Qualifier Events
This callback to the old Standard model is also exciting news for the more competitive players. Starting with MagicCon: Chicago (in February 2024), high-level open events are on the menu for Standard. And this particular event at MagicCon: Chicago has $75,000, and Pro Tour invites on the line. If you're new to MTG, we haven't had an open Standard tournament of this scale in quite a long time.
Moreover, Standard will be the third round of the 2023/24 season Regional Championship Qualifiers from January to March. Then the global Regional Championship round will also be Standard, coming right after the Pro Tour for Outlaws at Thunder Junction. All of this, of course, leading up to the global regional championship round.
Pro Tour Events
Wizards went on to announce that the second Pro Tour of 2024 (which will be Outlaws at Thunder Junction) will use Standard Constructed as the format. Non-Arena Standard is back! And WOTC felt the need to add, "It will, of course, be fully covered." as well. First and foremost, I'm glad to see it because that's exactly what needs to happen to bring the format back
Secondly, it's kind of ironic that they'd say, "Of course, we'll cover it!" as if they didn't just stop covering them a few years back without a care in the world. But hey, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones if we can get back on track here - Which leads me to my next point: will these changes and events actually bring Standard back to life?
Will These Events Resurrect The Format?
The true answer here is it depends. To start on a positive note, I think this is exactly what needs to happen for the format. It is a massive step in the right direction. And for once, I don't sense an overt ulterior motive just under the surface. For example, when they changed rotation from two years to three, it felt a lot like they just wanted another year to sell us Standard-legal sets. And that's likely true.
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However, doing these events, sending promos out to the stores again, sending the oversized display cards, offering up $75,000 in prizes for more significant events, and spending the money to cover the Pro Tour properly are all phenomenal signs. To me, this says they're starting to realize the error in the short-sighted, cash-grab, instant-profit approach we've been seeing.
No doubt, they want Standard player's money in their pockets. But if this is WOTC investing in Standard and the game's long-term health, we will be in a very good spot. That said, I do still have a couple of concerns.
Can Wizards Treat Standard As The Primary Format?
Once upon a time, not terribly long ago, Standard was the format through which everything else flowed. WOTC designed entire sets around Standard and not much else. Having multiple cards be instant, must-play staples in Modern, Legacy, or Commander wasn't common. Cards were printed into Standard for Standard, and players of other formats picked and chose the cards relevant to their decks.
If something is strong enough to make a splash in Modern or EDH as a whole, chances are, it's too strong for Standard. Not only did this keep Standard more balanced, but it also helped maintain that nonrotating formats were just that - Nonrotating. So, that's the "time will tell" catch to my optimism. Can WOTC truly worry about only Standard and let the other formats maintain themselves? If so, I think this will work. If not, it's a good gesture, but a bit of a bandaid on a bullet hole.
There is one other thing to consider before we move on. Wizards design and even print cards a year or so in advance. That means even if they plan to take their foot off the gas in terms of powerful, pushed cards geared toward eternal formats, it could be several sets before the effects are felt. That said, it may worsen or stay the same before it gets better.
Preconstructed Standard Decks Are A Must
Standard used to be the onramp for new players. Rotation may be slightly confusing at first, and having your cards rotate out is lame. However, it is still, by far, the easiest, purest way to pick up MTG. People can pick up the game with Commander, but four-player games of EDH feel different from good old-fashioned 1v1 magic. Not to mention, there are 27 years' worth of cards you don't have to worry about when you start with Standard.
That said, strong, affordable, preconstructed decks make the game that much easier to get into. And you can't convince me you're intent on bringing Standard back if you don't have decks like the Approach of the Second Sun control deck, or Vehicle Rush Challenger deck from 2018.
I think Hatcher, over on The Magic Historian YouTube channel, said it best when he said, "You can't release a new standard set, and alongside it, the only decks you're selling are commander decks. There's nowhere for anybody to jump in, and no one wants to buy their deck piece by piece and have to get all the individual pieces when they don't understand anything about it. 'Come on in, play standard, it's the most important format in Magic. Do you sell standard decks? Anything but friend, anything but!'"
Adding more support and incentives for players to get out to their LGS and play Standard is one of the best things WOTC could do for the format. Only time will tell if they'll fix the issue of fire-printing powerful cards aimed at eternal formats. I must say, this gives me genuine hope for the future. How do you feel about Standard getting some significant events and prize support in 2024?