With Nadu banned, Boros energy is stronger than ever and atop the meta. I'll show you the deck, why the cards are there (and some alternatives), some play lines, and finally, a sideboard guide.
8 days ago
Today, I'll be covering the top 10 best commander precons of all time and what makes them so good. If you're looking for some high-power-level commander right out of the box, you're in the right spot.
29 days ago
Today, I'll be looking at how standard rotation will affect certain decks within the meta, which decks stay strong, which are weakened, and what cards from Bloomburrow may make their way in.
1 month ago
The "Inside An Elevator" MTG superdrop brings a collab with the LA-based art group Brain Dead, which has some interesting card art. Here is a look at all the cards from the Brain Dead Secret Lair.
1 month ago
Everything you need to know about set mastery for Bloomburrow on MTG Arena: We'll cover what you'll get with the Mastery Pass and the new "Mastery Emporium" and what it offers.
2 months ago