1° Torneo MASTER of JANK - Prima Giornata

Organizer La_Libreria_Del_Salottino
Finished: 27 Mar 2021

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Table Player 1 Player 2 Match Results
1 StefanoJRS (3 Points) CraigDarkhaine (3 Points) 1 - 0
2 Axel_Pixel (3 Points) theors_beyond_the_greg (3 Points) 1 - 0
3 illamaale (3 Points) AndryRules (3 Points) 1 - 0
4 ItalianEagle (3 Points) Samtherox (3 Points) 0 - 1
5 yiurj (3 Points) MackgoldTT (3 Points) 0 - 1
6 mormorio00 (3 Points) gengio86 (3 Points) 1 - 0
7 pesce00 (3 Points) GiuseppeSequenzia (3 Points) 1 - 0
8 Pappers (3 Points) Il_Simolacro (3 Points) 1 - 0
9 Draivanhoe (6 Points) beppisback (6 Points) 1 - 0
10 D0nnie84 (6 Points) Macistone (6 Points) 1 - 0
11 pettibu (6 Points) Beth67 (6 Points) 0 - 1
12 Hallfredsson (6 Points) Brascoski (6 Points) 1 - 0
13 ASHURIAN (6 Points) IlMagoCartoliere (6 Points) 0 - 1
14 BastardRed (6 Points) AlexBeard (6 Points) 0 - 1
15 Vespyra96 (6 Points) frankawilla (6 Points) 0 - 1
16 ElPollo459 (6 Points) mordencaile (6 Points) 0 - 1
17 Flavion23 (9 Points) Gyuk360 (9 Points) 1 - 0
18 eatsleepriderepeat (9 Points) B0DALE (9 Points) 0 - 1
19 Lusabu95 (9 Points) kotl (9 Points) 0 - 1
20 Brundu (0 Points) AndreaBaTa (0 Points) 0 - 1
21 Cerch_91 (0 Points) Simone (0 Points) 1 - 0
22 Khyrone (0 Points) BYE (0 Points) 2 - 0

Terminology Explained

Rank Name Deck Points Results OMW GW OGW
1 kotl 12 4 - 0 58.3333% 100.0000% 58.3333%
2 Flavion23 12 4 - 0 54.1667% 100.0000% 54.1667%
3 B0DALE 12 4 - 0 54.1667% 100.0000% 54.1667%
4 Gyuk360 9 3 - 1 70.8333% 75.0000% 70.8333%
5 Lusabu95 9 3 - 1 68.7500% 75.0000% 68.7500%
6 eatsleepriderepeat 9 3 - 1 68.7500% 75.0000% 68.7500%
7 D0nnie84 9 3 - 1 62.5000% 75.0000% 62.5000%
8 mordencaile 9 3 - 1 58.3333% 75.0000% 58.3333%
9 Hallfredsson 9 3 - 1 58.3333% 75.0000% 58.3333%
10 AlexBeard 9 3 - 1 56.2500% 75.0000% 56.2500%
11 IlMagoCartoliere 9 3 - 1 54.1667% 75.0000% 54.1667%
12 Beth67 9 3 - 1 52.0833% 75.0000% 52.0833%
13 frankawilla 9 3 - 1 52.0833% 75.0000% 52.0833%
14 Draivanhoe 9 3 - 1 47.9167% 75.0000% 47.9167%
15 Vespyra96 6 2 - 2 62.5000% 50.0000% 62.5000%
16 beppisback 6 2 - 2 62.5000% 50.0000% 62.5000%
17 ASHURIAN 6 2 - 2 58.3333% 50.0000% 58.3333%
18 Macistone 6 2 - 2 58.3333% 50.0000% 58.3333%
19 ElPollo459 6 2 - 2 54.1667% 50.0000% 55.8333%
20 Axel_Pixel 6 2 - 2 54.1667% 50.0000% 54.1667%
21 pettibu 6 2 - 2 52.0833% 50.0000% 53.7500%
22 Brascoski 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 49.5833%
23 mormorio00 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.9167%
24 MackgoldTT 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.9167%
25 illamaale 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.9167%
26 Pappers 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.9167%
27 BastardRed 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.9167%
28 Samtherox 6 2 - 2 45.8333% 50.0000% 45.8333%
29 pesce00 6 2 - 2 43.7500% 50.0000% 43.7500%
30 StefanoJRS 6 2 - 2 43.7500% 50.0000% 43.7500%
31 GiuseppeSequenzia 3 1 - 3 64.5833% 25.0000% 64.5833%
32 CraigDarkhaine 3 1 - 3 64.5833% 25.0000% 64.5833%
33 Il_Simolacro 3 1 - 3 62.5000% 25.0000% 62.5000%
34 gengio86 3 1 - 3 58.3333% 25.0000% 58.3333%
35 Cerch_91 3 1 - 3 58.3333% 25.0000% 58.3333%
36 AndryRules 3 1 - 3 56.2500% 25.0000% 56.2500%
37 theors_beyond_the_greg 3 1 - 3 56.2500% 25.0000% 56.2500%
38 ItalianEagle 3 1 - 3 54.1667% 25.0000% 54.1667%
39 AndreaBaTa 3 1 - 3 52.0833% 25.0000% 52.0833%
40 Khyrone 3 1 - 3 50.0000% 40.0000% 50.0000%
41 yiurj 3 1 - 3 47.9167% 25.0000% 47.9167%
42 Simone 0 0 - 4 47.9167% 0.0000% 47.9167%
43 Brundu 0 0 - 4 45.8333% 0.0000% 45.8333%
44 brodaglia 0 0 - 3 38.8889% 0.0000% 38.8889%



Presenta il tuo mazzo JANK considerando il regolamento, la ban list e le specifiche per il deckbuilding postate nella sezione "PRIMO TORNEO MASTER OF JANK -> regolamento" nel salottino di ElCaesar, che raggiungi a questo link:

Il Salotto buono di ElCaesar

Parti dal presupposto che siamo qui per divertirci e che verrà premiato anche il mazzo più jank, anche se questo non arriverà nella TOP8. quindi crea il tuo deck, partecipa e divertiti!

Il torneo sarà streammato sul canale Twitch di ElCaesar il 26 ed il 27 Marzo alle ore 21:00 ( i pairing partiranno alle 21:30)

Qui il link -> Twitch di ElCaesar

Per qualsiasi domanda, scrivici dal Salottino!