1st Buffalo Legacy Proxy Event - Constructed: Legacy

Tourney Start
X Days XX Hours XX Minutes


You need to be logged in to join the Tournament!

This is for the May 25th Buffalo legacy group 100% proxy friendly legacy event.

Rules are still the same from the posted picture:

- Paper print outs inside of sleeves with cards inside

- Printed arts of paper only cards (no Alt arts allowed)

- Cards must be legible inside their card sleeve

- Proxies do not have to be colored they can be black and white


Please Register only if you are able to make it to the event using your proper first and last name. We will be having squads of people coming from different areas/states so I dont want to fight with nicknames. Seeing as this is our first even and using this as a feeler of potential future events. If you have signed up and are not able to attend, Please message Jason Schmidle Via Facebook messanger. 

We are not expecting over 50 people but if we are getting close to it we will be capping the event at 64 people due to the space of the LGS being loaned to us.


Payment will be done at the store. There will be more info to come so please check back here or the updated posts on the Buffalo MTG facebook Posts.


If you have any other questions feel free to direct them to the updating posts on the Buffalo Mtg Facebook group page or Facebook message Jason Schmidle. I will return your message as soon as I am able to.