Vintage - Underworld Breach

3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 27/10/24 by medvedev
Main 60 cards (41 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (40)
Creature (3)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (15)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 69 decks, 5.56% of meta

    Orcish Bowmasters 1x in 0%
    Blightsteel Colossus 1x in 3%
    Sphinx of the Steel Wind 1x in 3%
    Hullbreacher 3x in 94%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Red Elemental Blast 1x in 1%
    Flusterstorm 1x in 4%
    Long Goodbye 1x in 4%
    Hurkyl's Recall 1x in 6%
    Gifts Ungiven 1x in 6%
    Treasure Cruise 1x in 6%
    Yawgmoth's Will 1x in 10%
    Waterlogged Teachings 2x in 32%
    Dismember 1x in 35%
    Dig Through Time 1x in 43%
    Merchant Scroll 1x in 51%
    Fatal Push 1x in 54%
    Wheel of Fortune 1x in 59%
    Ponder 4x in 83%
    Pyroblast 2x in 91%
    Timetwister 1x in 94%
    Brain Freeze 1x in 94%
    Force of Negation 1x in 97%
    Mystical Tutor 1x in 99%
    Brainstorm 1x in 100%
    Ancestral Recall 1x in 100%
    Mental Misstep 1x in 100%
    Vampiric Tutor 1x in 100%
    Gitaxian Probe 1x in 100%
    Time Walk 1x in 100%
    Tinker 1x in 100%
    Demonic Tutor 1x in 100%
    Force of Will 4x in 100%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Dress Down 1x in 4%
    Manifold Key 1x in 9%
    Time Vault 1x in 9%
    Lotus Petal 1x in 86%
    Underworld Breach 2x in 87%
    Bolas's Citadel 1x in 100%
    Mox Pearl 1x in 100%
    Mox Sapphire 1x in 100%
    Sol Ring 1x in 100%
    Black Lotus 1x in 100%
    Mana Crypt 1x in 100%
    Mox Emerald 1x in 100%
    Mox Jet 1x in 100%
    Mox Ruby 1x in 100%
    Sensei's Divining Top 1x in 100%
  • Planeswalkers
    Narset, Parter of Veils 1x in 7%
    Dack Fayden 2x in 91%
  • Lands
    Thundering Falls 1x in 1%
    Library of Alexandria 1x in 1%
    Snow-Covered Island 1x in 20%
    Undercity Sewers 1x in 32%
    Scalding Tarn 1x in 61%
    Underground Sea 3x in 61%
    Misty Rainforest 1x in 65%
    Flooded Strand 2x in 65%
    Polluted Delta 2x in 67%
    Volcanic Island 3x in 94%
    Tolarian Academy 1x in 100%
    Urza's Saga 1x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Orcish Bowmasters 1x in 0%
    Ravenous Trap 1x in 0%
    Consign to Memory 1x in 1%
    Red Elemental Blast 1x in 1%
    Opposition Agent 1x in 1%
    Soul Rend 1x in 4%
    Long Goodbye 1x in 4%
    Hurkyl's Recall 1x in 4%
    Pithing Needle 2x in 4%
    Nihil Spellbomb 1x in 6%
    Virtue's Ruin 1x in 6%
    Yixlid Jailer 1x in 6%
    Surgical Extraction 1x in 9%
    Soul-Guide Lantern 1x in 19%
    Mindbreak Trap 1x in 22%
    Steel Sabotage 1x in 29%
    Sphinx of the Steel Wind 1x in 33%
    Portal to Phyrexia 1x in 38%
    Abrade 1x in 46%
    Lightning Bolt 1x in 71%
    Fatal Push 2x in 74%
    Force of Negation 2x in 83%
    Pyroblast 1x in 88%
    Leyline of the Void 4x in 90%
    The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale 1x in 100%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Underworld Breach deck variations
15th MTGO Challenge 32 02/02/25
TrueHero 35 Participants
1st T1T @ Damnation MTG Fest (Pisa, Italy) 05/01/25
Nicola Fantini 20 Participants
1st Lotus Special Xmas @ Ticino (Switzerland) 21/12/24
Paolo Nobile 12 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 12/12/24
GigaChadSigmaMale 44 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 32 07/12/24
_J0SE_ 46 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 05/12/24
KingHairy 42 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 05/12/24
_Shikamaru_ 42 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 28/11/24
TrueHero 41 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 28/11/24
KingHairy 41 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 28/11/24
moatzu 41 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 28/11/24
Asa_Akira 41 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 21/11/24
TrueHero 47 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 17/11/24
discoverN 44 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 15/11/24
FarmerLGG 40 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 15/11/24
yPrincipe 40 Participants
5th-8th League Senigallia #2 @ Senigallia (Italy) 10/11/24
Bastianelli Luca 20 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 08/11/24
Viatt 39 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 08/11/24
kalcin66rocks 39 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 07/11/24
wiky 38 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 02/11/24
Ayyypeks 55 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 02/11/24
KingHairy 55 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 03/11/24
discoverN 45 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 31/10/24
Tsubasa_Cat 33 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 31/10/24
_J0SE_ 33 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 31/10/24
jade-venus 33 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 27/10/24
medvedev 32 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 25/10/24
Asa_Akira 37 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 19/10/24
ARCll 55 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 32 18/10/24
CLTLegacyLeague 38 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 05/10/24
thedeck84 46 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 26/09/24
TrueHero 37 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 26/09/24
wiky 37 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 32 26/09/24
Tsubasa_Cat 37 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 26/09/24
Clockwork Dean 37 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 12/09/24
thedeck84 56 Participants
1st 4season Summer Main Event @ ARCI Benassi (Bologna, Italy) 07/09/2
Luca Bastianelli 64 Participants
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