Standard - Azorius

3.77% of meta 0.35% change the past week
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Planeswalker (6)
Land (27)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 9 decks, 3.77% of meta

    Horned Loch-Whale 1x in 0%
    Boon-Bringer Valkyrie 1x in 11%
    Tishana's Tidebinder 2x in 44%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Phantom Interference 1x in 0%
    Negate 1x in 11%
    Intrude on the Mind 1x in 11%
    Wash Away 1x in 11%
    Make Disappear 1x in 11%
    March of Otherworldly Light 3x in 33%
    Depopulate 1x in 44%
    Get Lost 1x in 56%
    Farewell 1x in 56%
    Sunfall 2x in 78%
    Deduce 4x in 78%
    Three Steps Ahead 4x in 78%
    Memory Deluge 4x in 89%
    No More Lies 4x in 100%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    The Celestus 1x in 0%
    Temporary Lockdown 2x in 78%
  • Planeswalkers
    Jace, the Perfected Mind 1x in 44%
    The Wandering Emperor 4x in 78%
  • Lands
    Meticulous Archive 1x in 11%
    Sunken Citadel 1x in 11%
    Demolition Field 1x in 11%
    Adarkar Wastes 2x in 22%
    Seachrome Coast 2x in 44%
    Mirrex 2x in 56%
    Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 1x in 67%
    Field of Ruin 4x in 67%
    Restless Anchorage 4x in 78%
    Otawara, Soaring City 1x in 100%
    Deserted Beach 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Dennick, Pious Apprentice 1x in 0%
    Kutzil's Flanker 1x in 0%
    Temporary Lockdown 1x in 0%
    Stoic Sphinx 1x in 0%
    Change the Equation 1x in 0%
    Aven Interrupter 1x in 0%
    Doorkeeper Thrull 1x in 0%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 11%
    Destroy Evil 1x in 11%
    Tishana's Tidebinder 1x in 11%
    Ezrim, Agency Chief 1x in 11%
    Get Lost 1x in 11%
    Rest in Peace 1x in 11%
    The Wandering Emperor 1x in 11%
    Disdainful Stroke 1x in 11%
    Sunfall 1x in 11%
    Pithing Needle 1x in 11%
    The Filigree Sylex 1x in 11%
    Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree 1x in 11%
    March of Otherworldly Light 1x in 11%
    Knockout Blow 2x in 11%
    Farewell 1x in 22%
    Boon-Bringer Valkyrie 1x in 22%
    Sunset Revelry 1x in 33%
    Jace, the Perfected Mind 1x in 33%
    Chrome Host Seedshark 1x in 56%
    Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines 1x in 67%
    Hullbreaker Horror 1x in 78%
    Negate 2x in 78%

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