Arena Standard - Mono Red Wins

1.42% of meta 11.52% change the past week
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Creature (21)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 20 decks, 1.42% of meta

    Reckless Stormseeker 1x in 0%
    Thundering Raiju 1x in 0%
    Urabrask 1x in 0%
    Voldaren Epicure 1x in 0%
    Furnace Punisher 1x in 0%
    Sardian Cliffstomper 1x in 0%
    Cemetery Gatekeeper 1x in 0%
    Reinforced Ronin 1x in 0%
    Bloodthirsty Adversary 2x in 0%
    Phoenix Chick 3x in 0%
    Skitterbeam Battalion 1x in 5%
    Charming Scoundrel 1x in 5%
    Frantic Scapegoat 1x in 5%
    Electrostatic Infantry 1x in 5%
    Slickshot Show-Off 1x in 5%
    Shivan Devastator 1x in 10%
    Goddric, Cloaked Reveler 1x in 20%
    Feldon, Ronom Excavator 2x in 30%
    Squee, Dubious Monarch 2x in 55%
    Monastery Swiftspear 4x in 95%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Blazing Crescendo 1x in 0%
    Strangle 1x in 0%
    Furnace Reins 1x in 0%
    Wrenn's Resolve 1x in 0%
    Flick a Coin 1x in 0%
    Antagonize 1x in 0%
    Witchstalker Frenzy 1x in 0%
    Obliterating Bolt 1x in 0%
    Monstrous Rage 1x in 0%
    Scorching Shot 1x in 0%
    Hell to Pay 1x in 5%
    Abrade 1x in 5%
    Reckless Impulse 2x in 5%
    End the Festivities 2x in 5%
    Shock 1x in 10%
    Furious Bellow 1x in 10%
    Lightning Strike 4x in 75%
    Play with Fire 4x in 75%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Urabrask's Forge 1x in 0%
    Virtue of Courage 1x in 5%
    Marauding Dreadship 1x in 5%
    Mechanized Warfare 2x in 5%
    Kumano Faces Kakkazan 4x in 90%
  • Planeswalkers
    Jaya, Fiery Negotiator 1x in 10%
    Chandra, Dressed to Kill 1x in 45%
  • Lands
    Mishra's Foundry 1x in 5%
    Mirrex 1x in 5%
    Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1x in 55%
  • Sideboard
    Lithomantic Barrage 1x in 0%
    Giant Cindermaw 1x in 0%
    End the Festivities 1x in 0%
    Chandra, Dressed to Kill 1x in 0%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 0%
    The Elder Dragon War 1x in 0%
    Koth, Fire of Resistance 1x in 0%

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