Modern - Landless Belcher

1st MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24 by oskiyaa
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (44)
Creature (16)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 145 decks, 19% of meta

    Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 1x in 0%
    Harbinger of the Seas 1x in 1%
    Subtlety 1x in 13%
    Tameshi, Reality Architect 4x in 87%
    Thundertrap Trainer 4x in 99%
    Hydroelectric Specimen 4x in 100%
    Fallaji Archaeologist 4x in 100%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Suspend 1x in 0%
    Gut Shot 1x in 0%
    Preordain 1x in 0%
    Into the Flood Maw 1x in 1%
    Counterspell 1x in 1%
    Silundi Vision 1x in 1%
    Spell Snare 1x in 2%
    Force of Negation 1x in 10%
    Pact of Negation 2x in 21%
    Beyeen Veil 3x in 26%
    Waterlogged Teachings 1x in 33%
    Jwari Disruption 4x in 57%
    Commandeer 1x in 78%
    Disrupting Shoal 4x in 97%
    Suppression Ray 4x in 99%
    Sea Gate Restoration 4x in 99%
    Flare of Denial 4x in 100%
    Whir of Invention 4x in 100%
    Sink into Stupor 4x in 100%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Unable to Scream 1x in 0%
    Talisman of Progress 1x in 0%
    Portable Hole 1x in 1%
    Lotus Bloom 4x in 100%
    Goblin Charbelcher 4x in 100%
  • Planeswalkers
  • Lands
  • Sideboard
    Karn, the Great Creator 1x in 0%
    Marrow Shards 1x in 0%
    Tamiyo Meets the Story Circle 1x in 0%
    Spell Pierce 1x in 0%
    Propaganda 1x in 0%
    Orim's Chant 1x in 0%
    Mindbreak Trap 1x in 0%
    Engineered Explosives 1x in 1%
    Snow-Covered Mountain 1x in 1%
    The Stone Brain 1x in 1%
    Selective Memory 1x in 1%
    Jace, Wielder of Mysteries 1x in 1%
    Surgical Extraction 1x in 1%
    Defense Grid 1x in 1%
    Soul-Guide Lantern 1x in 1%
    Gut Shot 1x in 1%
    Echoing Truth 1x in 1%
    Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir 1x in 1%
    Stern Scolding 1x in 2%
    Subtlety 1x in 3%
    Flusterstorm 1x in 7%
    Pact of Negation 1x in 9%
    Mountain 1x in 12%
    Damping Sphere 1x in 15%
    Into the Flood Maw 1x in 25%
    Tormod's Crypt 1x in 32%
    Mystical Dispute 1x in 37%
    Portable Hole 1x in 38%
    Consign to Memory 3x in 39%
    Spell Snare 2x in 59%
    Unable to Scream 3x in 59%
    Harbinger of the Seas 2x in 61%
    Force of Negation 1x in 62%
    Commandeer 1x in 68%

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Deck winrates
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Landless Belcher deck variations
1st MTGO Challenge 32 16/12/24
TheAdonis 58 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24
oskiyaa 44 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24
-CAPS- 44 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24
wolf2222 44 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 32 14/12/24
PNascimento 52 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 14/12/24
_Joseba_ 33 Participants
3rd-4th Monthly Masters Finals 2024 @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 10/12/24
Hayashi Yuya 74 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 13/12/24
TheAdonis 48 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 12/12/24
josetorr87 57 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 10/12/24
Manny- 61 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 07/12/24
CaboGrosso 32 Participants
3rd-4th MXP Houston - 20k RCQ @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Hoston, TX) 07/12/24
Tilfordl 111 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 07/12/24
HandsomeValley 40 Participants
2nd Modern Admiral Championship @ Kawasaki (Japan) 30/11/24
Ueda Ryo 37 Participants
2nd Campeonato de España 2024 @ Spain 30/11/24
Mateo Ferreira 155 Participants
9th-16th Campeonato de España 2024 @ Spain 30/11/24
Peterfox 155 Participants
1st Destination Qualifier I - Campeonato de España @ Spain 30/11/24
Oscar Garcia 56 Participants
5th-8th Destination Qualifier I - Campeonato de España @ Spain 30/11/24
David Miguel Garcia Lopez 56 Participants
9th-16th Destination Qualifier I - Campeonato de España @ Spain 30/11/24
Sergitf 56 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 29/11/24
Manny- 49 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 29/11/24
MeninooNey 49 Participants
2nd 2.5K DeckFest 2024 @ Grandson (Switzerland) 24/11/24
Yann-guillaume Jaccard 43 Participants
8th MTGO Last Chance 27/11/24
termidor 53 Participants
10th MTGO Last Chance 27/11/24
Hazarsta 53 Participants
11th MTGO Last Chance 27/11/24
kurenai_ 53 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 26/11/24
PNascimento 32 Participants
5th MTGO Last Chance 26/11/24
GigaChadSigmaMale 34 Participants
15th MTGO Last Chance 26/11/24
clemageL 57 Participants
16th MTGO Last Chance 26/11/24
GigaChadSigmaMale 57 Participants
5th-8th Saturday ReCQ @ Card Titan (Pittsburgh, PA) 23/11/24
Matthew Ekey 39 Participants
2nd MTGO Last Chance 25/11/24
KingHairy 70 Participants
3rd MTGO Last Chance 24/11/24
Pugface 61 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 23/11/24
CaboGrosso 40 Participants
2nd Axion Now Gathering Series Invitational @ Axion Now (Birmingham,
Liny 40 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 64 23/11/24
reidq7 64 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 23/11/24
SirTenno 40 Participants
3rd-4th ReCQ @ Card Titan (Pittsburgh, PA) 22/11/24
Don Vu 38 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 22/11/24
SirTenno 52 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 21/11/24
josetorr87 61 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 64 17/11/24
GigaChadSigmaMale 67 Participants
5th-8th Super Sunday RCQ @ SCG CON Columbus 17/11/24
Adam Bruce 61 Participants
2nd Autumn Championship 2024 @ Magic tournaments Russia 16/11/24
Dmitriy Kolesnikov 46 Participants
15th MTGO Showcase Challenge 16/11/24
balltap 444 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 15/11/24
ZolanKid 62 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 14/11/24
Savior0117 57 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 12/11/24
Manny- 33 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 11/11/24
Magician15 73 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 11/11/24
Vaine 73 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 64 11/11/24
Savior0117 73 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 10/11/24
Barneygumbal 62 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 10/11/24
Amplumnox 62 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 09/11/24
_Joseba_ 38 Participants
5th-8th Subok Ulit Tournament @ Parqal (Paranaque, Philippines) 09/11/24
Jan Vincent Tan 40 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 08/11/24
PNascimento 65 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 07/11/24
death_grips 53 Participants
3rd-4th Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Cardbox Seimado (Japan) 03/11/24
Agemura Shota 129 Participants
5th-8th Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Cardbox Seimado (Japan) 03/11/24
Namuchaisiri Charles 129 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 64 04/11/24
Savior0117 81 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 64 04/11/24
wolf2222 81 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Rarehuntershop (Schwechat, Austria) 03/11/24
Francisco Torres 38 Participants
2nd Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Hamaya Matsumoto (Futaba, Japan) 0
Tanahashi Masayasu 41 Participants
3rd-4th Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ Hamaya Matsumoto (Futaba, Japan) 0
Hayashi Yuya 41 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 03/11/24
OfFrost9 78 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 03/11/24
CaboGrosso 78 Participants
9th-16th NRG Series $10,000 Showdown @ Chicagoland (Illinois) 02/11/24
Aidan Trotter 146 Participants
13th MTGO Showcase Challenge 02/11/24
WrzoBuSeks 415 Participants
1st RCQ @ J&L Games (Kelso, WA) 02/11/24
Gabe Carleton-barnes 33 Participants
2nd Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 28/10/24
Saito Shintaro 170 Participants
5th-8th Champions Cup Area Qualifier @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 28/10/24
Yasutaka Nagao 170 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 01/11/24
KingHairy 58 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 31/10/24
Amplumnox 66 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 31/10/24
SanPop 66 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 64 29/10/24
billster47 82 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 64 29/10/24
Will_Split 82 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 64 29/10/24
Bezerra_da_Silva 82 Participants
1st RCQ @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 27/10/24
Andrea Lucania 38 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 27/10/24
Giulio Del Dotto 38 Participants
5th-8th 3City Challenge #15 RCQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lounge (Gdańsk, P
Bartosz Ryduchowski 34 Participants
3rd-4th Super RCQ @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 26/10/24
Kk3kk4 84 Participants
9th-16th Super RCQ @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 26/10/24
Carreta 84 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 27/10/24
katabami2 65 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 32 27/10/24
Manas235 65 Participants
1st RCQ @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Milan) 27/10/24
Nicodemo Sasso 64 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 64 27/10/24
billster47 71 Participants
5th-8th Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier - Pastimes Events @ MagicCon: Las
Markus Thibeau 151 Participants
9th-16th Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier - Pastimes Events @ MagicCon Las
Markus Thibeau 192 Participants
9th-16th Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier - Pastimes Events @ MagicCon Las
Gabriel Clark 192 Participants
9th-16th RCQ @ Monsters League (Pisa, Italy) 20/10/24
Giulio Del Dotto 96 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Bazaar Magic Masters (Mantova, Italy 20/10/24
Nicolò Rosina 47 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 20/10/24
532at 54 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 20/10/24
Hamrik 54 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 15/10/24
BADTRONPLAYER 67 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 03/10/24
heretico 74 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24
1st Landless Belcher
by oskiyaa
1st Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach
2nd Landless Belcher
by -CAPS-
2nd Landless Belcher
by -CAPS-
2nd Boros Energy
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3rd-4th Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach
by Diem4x
3rd-4th Amulet Titan
by gurig
3rd-4th Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach
by Diem4x
3rd-4th Dimir Control
3rd-4th Landless Belcher
5th-8th Allosaurus Combo
by wefald
5th-8th Boros Energy
5th-8th Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach
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5th-8th Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach
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9th UR Control
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10th Boros Energy
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11th Ruby Storm
12th UrzaTron
12th UrzaTron
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13th Instant Reanimator
by Rvng
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by Rvng
13th UrzaTron
14th Boros Energy
14th Boros Energy
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15th Boros Energy
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