Main 60 cards (27 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5)
Creature (35)
Land (20)
Side 15 cards (11 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 2 decks, 0.26% of meta

    Kitchen Finks 1x in 0%
    Serra Paragon 1x in 0%
    Recruiter of the Guard 2x in 0%
    Tribute Mage 1x in 50%
    Charming Prince 1x in 50%
    Deputy of Detention 1x in 50%
    Knight of Autumn 1x in 50%
    Endurance 1x in 50%
    Sigarda, Font of Blessings 1x in 50%
    Witch Enchanter 2x in 50%
    Luminous Broodmoth 2x in 50%
    Extraction Specialist 2x in 100%
    Skyclave Apparition 3x in 100%
    Renegade Rallier 4x in 100%
    Voice of Resurgence 4x in 100%
    Shardless Agent 4x in 100%
    White Orchid Phantom 4x in 100%
    Solitude 4x in 100%
  • Instant, Sorcery
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Altar of Dementia 1x in 50%
    Birthing Ritual 4x in 100%
  • Planeswalkers
  • Lands
    Arid Mesa 2x in 0%
    Flooded Strand 3x in 0%
    Breeding Pool 1x in 50%
    Horizon Canopy 1x in 50%
    Flagstones of Trokair 1x in 50%
    Waterlogged Grove 1x in 50%
    Wooded Bastion 1x in 50%
    Meticulous Archive 1x in 50%
    Lush Portico 1x in 100%
    Hallowed Fountain 1x in 100%
    Temple Garden 2x in 100%
    Windswept Heath 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Suppression Field 1x in 0%
    Sunscour 2x in 0%
    Damping Sphere 1x in 50%
    Ethersworn Canonist 1x in 50%
    Cursed Totem 1x in 50%
    Archon of Emeria 1x in 50%
    Dauntless Dismantler 1x in 50%
    Lavinia, Azorius Renegade 1x in 50%
    Endurance 1x in 50%
    Sanctifier en-Vec 2x in 50%
    Drannith Magistrate 2x in 50%
    Gaddock Teeg 2x in 50%
    Deputy of Detention 2x in 50%
    Suncleanser 2x in 100%

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