Pioneer Masters Limited Ratings

The AI ratings are gathered with from the MTGA Assistant deck tracker. Pro ratings are provided by Nizzahon Magic. The Pro ratings and comments are made before the set officially releases while the AI ratings are dynamically updated with new data all the time.

  • 5.0 The absolute best you can get.
  • 4.5 Incredible bomb, but not unbeatable.
  • 4.0 Good rare or top-tier uncommon.
  • 3.5 Top-tier common or solid uncommon.
  • 3.0 Good playable that always make the cut.
  • 2.5 A solid playable that rarely gets cut.
  • 2.0 A good playable, but is sometimes cut.
  • 1.5 Filler card but sometimes gets cut.
  • 1.0 Not good filler and often gets gut.
  • 0.5 Almost Unplayable and mostly sideboard material.
  • 0.0 Not playable at all.

Bane of Bala Ged

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 2

Pseudo-annihilator is kind of cool, but it's understatted and expensive.


Scion of Ugin

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

A 6-mana 4/4 flyer doesn't real move the needle in Limited these days.


Void Winnower

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

If you can cast this, it's pretty amazing, and usually going to wreak havoc on the board. But 9 mana is hard to get in Limited.


Archangel of Thune

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4.5

She can fuel herself of course, and you'd probably play a 5-mana 3/4 with lifelink anyway -- but she's one that also buffs your board and works with other life gain payoffs in the format.


Archway Angel

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4

This was a pretty legit buildaround last time we saw it. Gate decks really want this card, since they often have slow starts because they are playing so many colors and so many tap lands, the Angel helps even things out on turn 5, and often pulls you ahead. If you don't have lots of gates though, she's pretty bad.


Ardenvale Tactician

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is pretty nice in aggro decks, as it can get a couple blockers out of the way and then add a reasonable creature to the board.


Artful Maneuver

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is pretty expensive for the buff, and while Rebound does mean you get it twice -- the second time your opponent knows it's coming.


Celestial Archon

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 3

This is a fairly formidable threat on it's own, and if you get it late you can buff a creature you already have in a big way, while also making sure you have some value left over.


Chained to the Rocks

AI Rating: 4
Pro Rating: 0 // 4

This is great removal if you're in Red/White, as it's effectively a one mana Oblivion Ring. But if you're not in Red/White, it's useless.


Compulsory Rest

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 3

This is solid removal spell, though not shutting off static and activated abilities can be a problem sometimes.


Dictate of Heliod

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4

This buff is huge, and upgrades almost any creature into something that is relevant at the very least. Flash means it can effectively wreck combat on your opponent out of nowhere too -- or at least allow you to augment your board when your opponent doesn't expect it. It's like a mass pump spell that sticks around, which is pretty sweet.


Extricator of Sin

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 3

Turning a land or something else expendable into a 3/2 is pretty sweet, and once it transforms it maintains the ability to churn out tokens while granting itself and all those tokens Vigilance.


Ghostblade Eidolon

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 1.5

A three mana 1/1 with double strike is way too fragile to be great, and paying 6 for +1/+1 and double strike doesn't really move the needle either.


Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Those 2/2 tokens are great at protecting him, and where you get most of the value here -- but the fact he can also rumble and give you an anthem emblem is great -- he can even give you the emblem the turn he comes down!


Heliod's Pilgrim

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 0 // 3

If you don't have a few Enchantments to get with this, it's unplayable. If you do have some Enchantments -- especially if they are creatures or removal spells -- this ends up being a really good Common.


Hero of Iroas

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

The baseline here is nice, and the format has enough ways to target him -- including Auras -- that the upside is very accessible.


Hopeful Eidolon

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

Neither mode of this card is all that good individually, but the flexibility is nice.


Imposing Sovereign

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a solid two-drop for aggro decks, as it can really allow you to get in for extra damage.


Kabira Takedown

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a land that can also be a removal spell. Sure, the removal is conditional -- but if you draw this in the late game you're going to be very happy you didn't draw a regular land, as this is likely to kill something for two mana. The modality here is great.


Keening Apparition

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 2

This has okay stats, and the format has enough Enchantments for this ability to be relevant sometimes.


Knight of the White Orchid

AI Rating: 4.5
Pro Rating: 3

This costing double white really holds it back, as you're unlikely to be able to consistently cast it on turn two. However, it does help with Devotion and a 2/2 first strike is pretty much always relevant.


Knightly Valor

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This effectively adds 4/4 worth of Vigilance stats to the board, and 2/2 of it basically has Haste. Adding that body to the board really helps offset the downside Auras usually have.


Kytheon, Hero of Akros

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

It's not always easy to transform him, although is indestructibility helps make it happen a little more often. The Planeswalker he becomes isn't really one who takes over the game, though. It's nice and can help you win, but it isn't going to turn the game on it's head or anything.


Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2

A one mana 0/4 is kind of brutal, but buffing this is plenty doable in the format.


Linvala, the Preserver

AI Rating: 4.9
Pro Rating: 5

If you're behind, Linvala is likely to pull you ahead. The same is true if you're at parity. And if you're already ahead and don't get either trigger, well...a 6-mana 5/5 flyer is probably enough to finish off the game.


Lotus-Eye Mystics

AI Rating: 1
Pro Rating: 2

The stat-line is bad, and even in a format with a decent number of Enchantments, you frequently don't have one to get back.


Mentor of the Meek

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.5

In a deck with enough ways to trigger this, it turns into quite the engine. Although, you'd be surprised how often you just don't have the spare mana to pay for it.


Phalanx Leader

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

The Heroic trigger is strong, but it's hard to cast and super vulnerable when it comes down.


Phalanx Tactics

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2

This can help you trigger Heroic while buffing yoru whole board, and certainly has it's moments. However, if you don't have Heroic and/or don't have a built out board, it's just a bad combat trick.


Secure the Wastes

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 5

This always gives you a great deal, and at instant speed! It can allow you to really devastate an opposing attack, or simply add so many bodies to the board that your opponent can never come back from it.


Sejiri Shelter

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a more situational modal double-faced land, but it's always nice when a land has the potential to be a real card.



AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 0

This style of card is never good in Limited. You go down a card for a highly situational effect.



AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 3

It can't take down everything, but it can answer most early-game creatures quite efficiently.


Sphere of Safety

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 0

Even if you have lots of Enchantments, this is a card that doesn't add to the board in any meaningful way, and it's not even guaranteed to keep your opponent from killing you.


Spirit of the Labyrinth

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This has passable stats and Enchantment typing, and while the effect is symmetrical, it's less likely to affect you in White.


Starfield of Nyx

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 0 // 3.5

This looks like a more legit Limited buildaround than it did last time we saw it, as this format has tons of Enchantments -- but it's still going to be difficult to really get it going. If you have like 10+ Enchantments I say go for it, but anything less and it'll be tough to get going.


Stasis Snare

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4

Instant speed Oblivion Ring is pretty sweet, as it means you're more likely to produce blow outs, and paying three to exile a creature is always good.


Steward of Solidarity

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

This can attack like mos ttwo mana 2/2s early, and then it can crank out a 1/1 for free every couple of turns once it can't attack anymore. That's pretty great.


Swift Reckoning

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

It's efficient, but when it doesn't have Flash it's pretty bad -- since it means that your opponent will force you to deal with an attack before you kill their thing.


Syndicate Messenger

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 2.5

4 mana for a 3/4 worth of flying stats is an okay deal.


Triplicate Spirits

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

This was an amazing card last time we saw it, as you can usually get those spirits for very little mana. They get better in multiples too!


War Oracle

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2

A 4-mana 3/3 lifelink isn't very good, and that stat-line also means it'll be tough for this to ever become renowned.



AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 4.5

It's definitely expensive, but if you can play this and leave mana up to blink it, it's probably never going to die, and it's always a threat since it's hard to block and can hit pretty hard.


Anchor to the Aether

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 3

This is some nice 1-for-1 removal that even improves your card quality.


Aqueous Form

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

Even in a format with an Aura/Heroic theme, I'm skeptical of this being worth a card in most cases. You open yourself up to a very real risk of a 2-for-1, and the payoff is pretty medium.


Artisan of Forms

AI Rating: 1
Pro Rating: 2

This certainly has some blowout potential, and it can permanently change into another creature -- but it's also a 2-mana 1/1 that takes some significant set up to be relevant.


Bident of Thassa

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 4

You need to have some board state to get it going, but that's not a huge ask, and in Blue you may even have evasive creatures who can draw you lots of cards.


Brineborn Cutthroat

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2

A two mana 2/1 with Flash really isn't worth playing, but if you have enough ways to grow it, it ends up being a solid card.


Chasm Skulker

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

Starting out as a 3-mana 1/1 is rough, but as soon as you get one counter on it you're in business, since it's unlikely your opponent can ever deal with it without giving you serious value -- and left unchecked it can just win the game.


Cloudfin Raptor

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 2

This is awesome on turn one -- and a lot less awesome the rest of the game, since it's unlikely to grow quite as much. It's a terrible topdeck, too.



AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is always a nice card selection spell, and in a format with plenty of Prowess and similar effects, it'll be solid.


Crush of Tentacles

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4

If you don't Surge this, it's pretty bad. You bounce everything sure, but your opponentl likely rebuilds before you do. But if your deck has lots of one and two mana cards and you Surge this, it feels absoultely absurd since you get that huge creature token and end up way ahead on board.


Day's Undoing

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 0

It's generally not worth giving your opponent a bunch of cards and giving them the opportunity to use those cards first makes this truly terrible.


Essence Scatter

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 3

This counters most spells and is easy to cast. It can generate some great tempo.


Fallaji Archaeologist

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 3

This was a SUPER good common last time we saw it. If you're in Blue with lots of spells, you're going to frequently make this a two mana 0/3 that draws a card on ETB, and the fail case is a two mana 1/4 that helps you load the graveyard.


Guild Summit

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 0 // 2.5

This is a decent gate buildaround, though not usually one of the premium ones you're after. It is nice that it gives you value whether you already have Gates when it comes into play or if you play them after.


Gust of Wind

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

Paying two for this feels pretty incredible, as it replaces itself and gives you some nice tempo. Paying 4 makes it a little harder to feel good about the tempo, but that's a passable card too.


Illusory Angel

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 2

It's not always easy to set this up -- it's a terrible top deck, for example. But if you can play something that costs one on turn 4, and then play this it feels like a quality turn. Problem is it just doesn't always line up.


Ingenious Skaab

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 3

2/3s with Prowess tend to feel pretty good, as the high toughness that can go even higher makes them tough to block, and the Skaab is a pretty nice threat even when you can't trigger Prowess, because your opponent has to respect it.


Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4

A two mana 0/2 that loots for free is a great Limited card, and this one has the ability to turn into a very relevant Planeswalker.


Jhessian Thief

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This was surprisingly hard to get in with last time we saw it, but when you do it feels pretty amazing.


Jwari Disruption

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

A land that can also counter spells is amazing. Basically, if you have this early you can hold on to it and hope to snipe a spell in the first few turns -- and once you need a land, it can do that too.


Master of Waves

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

This is a 4-mana 2/1 that makes a 2/1 token all on it's own, and it'll often spit out an Elemental army. It can be answered by a single removal spell, though.


Mizzium Skin

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a nice cheap way to blank removal, and sometimes it can even win combat.


Murmuring Mystic

AI Rating: 4
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.5

This is a pretty great spell build around. A 1/1 flyer is worth pretty close to an entire card, so stapling that to a spell is pretty amazing.


Niblis of Frost

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

Getting the Prowess buff combined with the ability to freeze down creatures allows this to take over the game much of the time.


Nimbus Naiad

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2

Wind Drake isn't that exciting, but it's sort of passable, and in the late game putting this on just about any creature makes it a major threat.


Opal Lake Gatekeepers

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 0 // 2.5

This is a solid build around for gates decks, where it's virtually always a 2-for-1.



AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

It replace itself so that it's not a complete dud, but you just don't have this and a Sorcery worth giving Flash to in your hand often enough for it to be very good.


Rapid Hybridization

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0

This is terrible in Limited. If you use it on your opponent's creature, you effectively 2-for-1 yourself, and using it on your own is only moderately better.


Scatter to the Winds

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 2

Cancel isn't usually very good in Limited, but in the late game this turns into a 3/3 that counters a spell, and that's enough upside to make this Cancel variant worthwhile.


Shipbreaker Kraken

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2

A 6-mana 6/6 is a reasonable top-curve creature -- and if this ever goest Monstrous you probably win the game, as it's probably smashing in for 10 all on it's own. Problem is, getting to 8 mana doesn't happen that often in Limited.


Sight Beyond Sight

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2

This feels pretty bad the turn you cast it, but on the next turn you get the effect again with all of your mana available. Ultimately you get a pretty nice 2-for-1, and probably some spell triggers, too.


Silundi Vision

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 2

This is super situational, and not all decks will really be able to get a card out of it. But in decks that can, it's a land with some pretty solid upside.


Stormtide Leviathan

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

8 mana is a lot, but this does often win you the game even if you're really far behind. Your opponent can't attack you, and they end up taking 8 a turn.


Tah-Crop Skirmisher

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

You get two bodies out of one card which is always nice, even if they are overcosted in both cases.


Temporal Trespass

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 0 // 3.5

This is tough to cast in Limited, but not impossible. There are graveyard decks in the format, and they'll be able to fire this off, and oftentimes it will be gamewinning, as Time Walk effects so often are.


Tidebinder Mage

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 3

A surprisingly high percentage of your opponents will be playing Red or Green, and against them this is pretty close to a two mana 2/2 that destroys a creature. That means you should main deck this, since the fail case is passable and the upside is so good.


Treasure Cruise

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 0 // 3.5

You need a graveyard deck, but if you have a good enough one this basically becomes Ancestral Recall.


Windrider Patrol

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 2

This is a bit overcosted, but the combat damage trigger is nice.


Zephyr Winder

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This basically gives itself or another creature pseudo-vigilance. You're not going to usually be able to pull off any shenanigans, but a two mana 2/1 flyer with this ability is pretty solid anyway.


Baleful Eidolon

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2

This doesn't feel great either way you cast it, but the flexibility keeps it from being too bad.


Basilica Screecher

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2

Extort is never as good as it looks, mostly because it's tough having the extra mana available at the right time.


Behold the Beyond

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

7 mana is a lot, but this does draw the three best cards in your deck. probably have to wait a full turn to use them, and if you ever have cards in your hand when you cast it, it's pretty terrible.


Blackbloom Rogue

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is a pretty decent creature when you need it to be -- and you can always play it as a land when it's in your opening hand.


Blood Scrivener

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is pretty bad until you reach the point where it draws you cards -- at which point it's pretty amazing. But it's pretty bad an early game play.


Cruel Revival

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 3

There are enough Zombies in this set for this to generate a 2-for-1 pretty often.


Crypt Incursion

AI Rating: 1
Pro Rating: 0

This can gain you a bunch of life, but a graveyard has to be well-stocked, and just gaining life is rarely worth a card anyway.


Dark Deal

AI Rating: 0.1
Pro Rating: 0

This kind of card is almost never going to do something good. Sure, maybe you make your opponent discard some cards they wanted to hold on to, but that upside is negated by the fact that you are the one who used the card -- and it's just as likely that they draw into what they were looking for.


Devour Flesh

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2

Edicts are nice, but letting your opponent gain life isn't the best. You can use it to gain life yourself in a pinch, but if you're forced to 2-for-1 yourself like that, you're probably losing.


Dictate of Erebos

AI Rating: 4.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

If you have a decent board state, this wreaks a ton of havoc on the game, and the fact you can flash it in is really important, because you can surprise your opponent by turning every chump block into a removal spell out of nowhere. It does need you to have a decent board state, though.



AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is great at stocking the graveyard, and it's ETB is usually going to make your opponent lose 1 life or more, while you get a pretty nice creature.


Fell Stinger

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 4

In a pinch this can sacrifice itself for the trigger, and if you have something really expendable it can be particularly great. Holding on to the death touch creature is nice, because it means you can always trade with this.


Gurmag Angler

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 1 // 3.0

If you are good at loading your graveyard, the Angler is a pretty nice payoff. It's just a big vanilla creature, but playing one of those for 1-3 mana is pretty nice.


Lifebane Zombie

AI Rating: 3.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

When this hits something it'll feel completely insane, and it's three mana 3/1 Intimidate body is a passable baseline.


Liliana, Heretical Healer

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

It's pretty sweet she gives you a 2/2 zombie when she transforms, so it's a built in way for her to protect herself. However, it's harder than you'd think to transform her. Mostly because your opponent really has control over when and if it happens, unless you've got some sacrifice outlets.


Nantuko Husk

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 3

Free sacrifice outlets always have a ton of potential, and the threat of activation on the Nantuko makes it hard for your opponent to block it.



AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 2

This can be huge for sure, but it can also be super underwhelming.


Ob Nixilis Reignited

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Being capable of both drawing you cards and destroying creatures is often the sweet spot for a planeswalker. The removal helps him stick around, and then the +1 is likely to find more ways to defend Ob Nixilis as he generates more value.


Ob Nixilis's Cruelty

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

This kills almost anything for three mana, and even turns off graveyard shenanigans -- including death triggers.


Painful Truths

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

A three mana draws 2 that loses you 2 life is a passable card in many Black decks, and this has some serious additional upside. Of course, sometimes it'll only draw you 1 card, too.


Pelakka Predation

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 3

Having a free discard spell attached to a land is surprisingly good. You won't always hit something with Predation, but it's great disruption when you can -- and if you're pretty sure that effect won't do anything, you can always play it as a land.


Priest of the Blood Rite

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

5-mana for a 5/5 flyer and a 2/2 is pretty great, and Black has plenty of ways to get rid of the 2/2 so you can shut off the downside. Your opponent often won't want to block or attack into the 2/2 either -- which is itself a disadvantage.


Read the Bones

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is always a nice draw spell. You can see up to 4 cards, which is great for 3 mana.


Rescue from the Underworld

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is a reanimation spell that requires you to have a creature for it to do it's thing -- with the added upside of potentially triggering that creature's death and/or enters trigger. Still, it's way too fiddly to work out very often.


Returned Centaur

AI Rating: 0.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

The stat-line is bad, and there are better ways to load the graveyard in the format.


Sanitarium Skeleton

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 0 // 2.5

If you've got a sacrifice deck, this is a decent build around since it can constantly give you fodder, albeit inefficiently.


Sidisi, Undead Vizier

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4.5

The 4/6 death touch body is going to give your opponent pause all game long, and giving up your most useless creature in play for the best card in your deck is usually well worth it.


Silumgar Butcher

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 2.5

The stat-line is bad, but there's plenty of fodder in the format -- and in a pinch it can sacrifice itself for the effect.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

This is mostly just a Delve creature that's a 4/4 -- that's where most of the value is, anyway. You shouldn't really count on getting a bunch of keywords in Limited.


Stab Wound

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can outright kill something small, but it's almost better when you put it on a creature that doesn't die. Turning a 4/4 into a 2/2 is usually enough to take away it's relevance, and Stab Wound can bleed your opponent out surprisingly quickly.


Supernatural Stamina

AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a very nice trick because it's so cheap, and great in combat or against removal.


Tasigur, the Golden Fang

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

Even casting this for 4 or 5 mana feels pretty good, and his activated ability can generate insurmountable value.


Tormented Hero

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 2

This is a fine one drop for Black aggro decks.


Ubul Sar Gatekeepers

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 0 // 3

This is unplayable if you don't have like 6+ gates, but if you do it's a pretty nice payoff.


Ultimate Price

AI Rating: 4.2
Pro Rating: 4

This can't hit artifact creature or multicolored creatures, but that still means it can kill almost everything in the format at instant speed for only 2 mana.


Undead Butler

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This sets up the graveyard nicely, and even has a decent effect to take advantage of that fact.


Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

AI Rating: 3.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

This can make it easy for you to have Black mana -- although it makes it easy for your opponent too. It's mostly a swamp with upside, though, although it has way less upside in Limited than in other formats.


Whip of Erebos

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 1.5

This looks pretty sweet, but it's very clunky and lifelink alone isn't often worth it. You need the right kinds of creatures to get back too -- like with a good enters trigger and/or lots of size, and that's hard to set up.


Xathrid Necromancer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

A three mana 2/2 that dies into a 2/2 is a card you'd always play, and there are plenty of other Humans in the format too.


Zulaport Cutthroat

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

There are several free sacrifice outlets in the format that can run wild with this, and the effect is pretty solid anyway.


Akoum Warrior

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

You'd never play a card that's always a 6-mana 4/5 trample, but this is a land in the early game -- and it's a land that if you draw late, adds a pretty real body to the board.


Akroan Crusader

AI Rating: 4
Pro Rating: 2

This is a solid Heroic trigger, but the ones that make a creature better in combat are the truly backbreaking ones.


Bloodfire Enforcers

AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 2

If you have a nice mix of instants and sorceries this can be decent -- it becomes very difficult to block or attack into in combat. But it still dies to super cheap removal, and it frequently won't have these two keywords.


Boulder Salvo

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

A 5-mana deal 4 is bad, but Surging with this is pretty doable.


Boundary Lands Ranger

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 3

This has a solid baseline and can really let you dig deeper into your deck by the mid-game.


Burning Anger

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

As soon as you remove a creature with this, the worst that's going to happen to you is a 2-for-2. And if the creature you put it on is left unchecked, it's going to take over the game in most scenarios.


Chandra, Flamecaller

AI Rating: 4.7
Pro Rating: 4.5

Chandra can often come down and wipe away most of the board, her 0 ability is a nice source of card advantage, and her +1 puts your opponent under a lot of pressure. She may not protect herself very well, but each of her abilities is very good.


Coordinated Assault

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

This can generate 2-for-1s incredibly efficiently, and it gets even better in a heroic format.


Draconic Roar

AI Rating: 4
Pro Rating: 4

Two mana deal 3s are always great, and sometimes you'll be able to bolt your opponent in the face, too.


Dragon Mantle

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a nice way to trigger heroic since it replaces itself, and that also makes it have a very reasonable baseline.


Dragon-Style Twins

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 3

Dying to two mana removal is pretty brutal -- but as soon as this attacks it puts your opponent in a very ugly spot. They can only chump it for so long.


Exquisite Firecraft

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4

A three mana deal 4 is always great removal. And it can go after your opponent, too.


Fall of the Hammer

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

Getting this effect at instant speed for two mana has always played well. Sure, you need a creature -- and you have to be careful not to play it when your opponent can interact, but because it's an instant finding that window isn't too hard.


Fight with Fire

AI Rating: 4.2
Pro Rating: 4

Three mana to deal 5 is already a card you'd always play, and this has absolutely absurd late-game upside.


Furious Rise

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 1.5

This wasn't very good last time, and I don't think it will be here, either. It does stone nothing on it's own, and that's a pretty big liability.


Gates Ablaze

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 0 // 3

This is a nice build around if you have a controlling version of the 5-color gates deck, but unplayable otherwise.


Ghirapur Gearcrafter

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 3.5

This was Red's best Common last time we saw it, and it'll be in the conversation here too. Three mana for a 2/1 and a 1/1 flyer is excellent.


Goblin Rabblemaster

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

Getting a free Goblin token every turn is pretty incredible, and usually means the Rabblemaster can attack on many board states. Forcing the other Goblins to attack does decrease just how useful they can be -- but you can use them as sacrifice fodder or back them up with combat tricks to really punish your opponent.


Heart-Piercer Manticore

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

This underperformed pretty hard last time we saw it. It's because it has some awkward tension. If you have a creature that is big enough to kill something big of your opponent's probably don't want to sacrifice it. And sacrificing something that is fodder is likely to result in a very minimal effect.


Humble Defector

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is better than it looks! Sure, symmetrical draw isn't awesome -- nor is giving your opponent a card, but you always get to draw cards with it first, and that makes a huge difference. It can get especially nice if you sacrifice it in response to the ability.


Kozilek's Return

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 1

It's not going to be easy to trigger this in the graveyard in this format, and that's where most of it's value comes from.


Labyrinth Champion

AI Rating: 2.2
Pro Rating: 2

The stat-line is bad, but Shocking something every time you trigger Heroic is pretty nice.


Legion Loyalist

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 4

This can get out of control in a hurry in really aggressive decks. It's good on turn one, and also good when you draw it late and make your board incredibly difficult to block.


Makindi Sliderunner

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2

A two mana 2/1 trample is bad -- and a two mana 3/2 trample isn't insane either. This makes you jump through hoops to get there.


Mogis's Warhound

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 2.0

Neither mode on this is especially exciting, but they are both passable. Playing it as an Aura on your creature does usually give you the best value. On occasion, you can put it on an opposing creature to force an attack, which is kind of funny.


Monastery Swiftspear

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

While not as good in Limited as it is in 60-card formats, the Swiftspear is still very good. It does a ton of damage early, and prowess helps keep it relevant all game.


Oath of Chandra

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a Sorcery-speed two mana deal 3 that has some actually relevant Planeswalker upside (at least when the Planeswalker bonus sheet is on Arena)


Ordeal of Purphoros

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 1

This is just way too slow. Sure, making your creature bigger and casting Lightning Bolt for two mana is great, but you need a creature who can already attack, and if your opponent finds removal before it goes off, you get brutally 2-for-1'd.


Outpost Siege

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 4.5

It doesn't add to the board, but choosing the "Khans" option is a pretty good way to win a game, as drawing an extra card every turn is very powerful.


Pia and Kiran Nalaar

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 5

Even without the activated ability this card is incredible. With it? It can function as removal, too.


Purphoros's Emissary

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

A 4-mana 3/3 Menace is passable, and if you draw it late, it's likely to drastically improve your attack.


Rimrock Knight

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This was surprisignly great last time we saw it. The buff doesn't always let your creature survive combat, but even just chipping in for extra damage and then adding a 3/1 to the board is a pretty good deal.


Scab-Clan Berserker

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 3

Getting in with this isn't always easy, but when it does it becomes a very good creature that is likely to punish your opponent once or twice.


Scourge of Valkas

AI Rating: 4.7
Pro Rating: 3

Dragons aren't a huge theme in this format, so this will usually just be pinging things. It's certainly imposing and the free pings are nice, but it's also very difficult to cast.


Scytheclaw Raptor

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This has a nice aggressive stat-line and it does punish your opponent in a pretty big way for casting stuff on your turn.


Stormbreath Dragon

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4.5

A 5-mana 4/4 with Flying and Haste is pretty sweet, and it can certainly become even more of a threat a few turns later -- the monstrous trigger is unlikely to do much additional damage, though. It's completely backbreaking against White decks, too.


Valakut Awakening

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great design for a MDFC, since early you'll just play it as a land -- and late, it can become a pretty nice draw spell.


Wild Slash

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

Shock is always great in Limited, and this is Shock with upside. Killing 3 or 4 mana creatures with this can swing a game wildly in your favor.


Witch's Mark

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

You get a pretty good return on your two mana investment + a card, since you add something to the board while digging deeper into your deck.


Zurgo Bellstriker

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

If you could always play him on turn one he'd be really good -- but that's not how Magic works. In the later stages of the game it's just a bad card.


Alpha Authority

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1

This looks pretty exciting -- but it's kind of like Swiftfoot Boots -- that is to say, awful in Limited, because the creature you put it on already has to be good, and that really limits it's utility.


Aspect of Hydra

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 1.5

This can be a pretty potent combat trick -- but it can also be a blank card. And you need three green pips just for it to be Giant Growth, so it's tough to make it worthwhile in Limited.



AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

This offers a buff that makes most creatures into decent attackers, and it doesn't really matter if your opponent trades for that creature because you get to draw a card.


Bala Ged Recovery

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

You'll always play this as a land early, and then in the late game it can get your best card back from the graveyard -- which is often exactly what you want at that stage of the game.


Bassara Tower Archer

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2.0 // 3.5

This is where you want to put your Auras, counters, and equipment -- but without those things, it's pretty mediocre.


Boon Satyr

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

Flashing this with Bestow is the way to generate the most value, as it will let that creature kill almost anything and the buff sticks around. And even if the creature you put this on also dies, the Satyr sticks around.


Clear Shot

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

This is always an excellent Uncommon. It's very easy to destroy creatures with on most board states, and sometimes you even get a 2-for-1.


Commune with the Gods

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 1.5

This can load your graveyard while giving you some card selection, but you need to be a graveyard deck and/or enchantment deck for this to get there, and that's not going to happen often enough. Most of the time it's better to play a two mana 2/2.


Conclave Naturalists

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is a great sideboard card, but there aren't enough enchantments or artifacts in this set for it to be good in the main deck.


Courier's Briefcase

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

This fixes your mana pretty effectively while also adding a body to the board. I wouldn't count on cashing it in for 3 cards, though.


District Guide

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

This at Common is pretty amazing! It gives you amazing fixing, especially if you're in a gate deck -- and it's almost always going to generate a 2-for-1.


Experiment One

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

Evolve creatures are awkward in Limited since they are good if you get them down early and terrible if you draw them late.


Gatebreaker Ram

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 0 // 3.5

This is a great gate payoff that can serve as a very legitimate win condition when you have a bunch of Gates.


Gladecover Scout

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 1 // 3.5

This is a great creature to augment thanks to hexproof, but it's very bad if you can't do that.


Gnarlback Rhino

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

This has a nice baseline, and while it doesn't technically have "Heroic" it works the same way. Combat tricks and fight spells are the Rhino's best friend, and there's enough of that in the format for this to be pretty amazing.


Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma

AI Rating: 4.2
Pro Rating: 4

The attack trigger counts itself, so even if it's all alone it attacks as a 5/4 trampler, and there's a good chance that you have plenty of other cards that this makes much better.


Hero of Leina Tower

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 2

Having the mana left over after triggering Heroic is a pretty big ask, even if the ceiling here is really impressive.


Honored Hydra

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is pretty insane at Uncommon. It gives you two very real bodies -- one of which is appropriately costed, and the other is undercosted. You can also mill or discard it and get a 6/6 trampler in the early game.


Hornet Nest

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This card is really annoying to play against. It's impossible to attack on the ground without giving your opponent a ton of value, so it grinds the board to a screeching halt. Removal can still deal with it, but if it's damage based you put your opponent in the same spot. It's almost purely a defensive card, but it's one of the best ones there is.


Khalni Ambush

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

The Ambush is a mediocre removal spell, but having a land that can also be a removal spell is amazing.


Kraul Harpooner

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

This ETB usually results in the Harpooner dying too, but if you're paying 2 to kill a big flyer you're going to be happy with that. And when you can't use the ETB, it's still a solid 2 drop.


Leafcrown Dryad

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This feels fine on two, and Bestowing it for 4 is often going to make one of your creatures much more effective.


Mistcutter Hydra

AI Rating: 4.5
Pro Rating: 3

This will always feel a tiny bit expensive, and it's terrible in the early game -- but from the mid-game on, it just gets better and better.


Nemesis of Mortals

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 1 // 3

This is pretty bad in most decks, but if you're good at loading the graveyard it's a pretty slid threat.


Nessian Asp

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 2

A 4-mana 4/5 with Reach plays reasonably well, and in the late game it turns into a very big monster.


Nissa, Vastwood Seer

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

You're always playing a three mana 2/2 that grabs you a Forest, and in the late game this turns into a very powerful planeswalker. Even if she just makes the 4/4 and dies, you got incredible value -- and if she sticks around, she's going to dominate the game.


Nissa, Voice of Zendikar

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Her plants can protect her, and her -2 can turn any decent board state into a much better one. She's a three mana planeswalker that usually wins the game if you play her on 3, and usually wins the game when you get her late, too.


Oath of Nissa

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a nice card selection spell, and while the Planeswalker sheet is around, it's other effect might actually come up.


Polukranos, World Eater

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4.5

A 4-mana 5/5 is pretty beefy, and the Monstrosity here can be really strong -- even if you're just paying 2 for X, it ends up letting you kill something and grow Polukranos to a 7/7, and the ceiling is much higher.


Pulse of Murasa

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great recursive spell because it's an instant, and it gains you a ton of life -- which gives you the time to use the card that you brought back.


Savage Punch

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 3

When you have Ferocious this is incredible. When you don't, it's pretty bad. Good news is, Green decks will often get there on Ferocious.


Seed Guardian

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 4

Without even trying, this will usually leave behind at least a 1/1, and by the later stages of the game killing this will result in a huge monster token.


Shamanic Revelation

AI Rating: 2.8
Pro Rating: 2

This is always kind of a win-more card. If you have enough creatures in play to draw a bunch of cards, you're probably already winning.



AI Rating: 3.5
Pro Rating: 3

A two mana 2/2 with Flash and Reach is playable, and against Blue opponents this can straight up kill X/2s that are attacking.


Sylvan Caryatid

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

Hexproof means you're always always going to get that mana on your next turn. You don't have to worry about the bird getting bolted, and that's a huge deal.


Sylvan Primordial

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can always hit a land, and will often have an Enchantment to hit by the time it comes down, and this is certainly a big body.


Unravel the Aether

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is mostly sideboard material in the format. You can't count on there being a permanent it can hit.


Voyaging Satyr

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3

This is a nice way to ramp your mana.


Whisperwood Elemental

AI Rating: 4.7
Pro Rating: 5

Because this triggers at your end step you're almost always going to get that first manifest before your opponent can do anything about it, and you're going to end up with lots of 2/2s in no time. Throw in that activated ability, and you have a crazy powerful card.


Woodland Wanderer

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4

This'll be a 4-mana 4/4 with vigilance and trample without you even having to try, and if you have more colors of mana around it becomes even more efficient.


Anax and Cymede

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

A three mana 3/2 with first strike and vigilance is already pretty good -- and this Heroic trigger can be devastating.


Ashen Rider

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is hard to cast, but well worth the effort. It adds a big evasive body to the board that permanently eliminates a permanent, and even if your opponent kills it, they lose another one. Make sure to take Orzhov gates when you see them, though.


Assemble the Legion

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

This does nothing for a full turn, and then very little on your next turn -- but after that, things really start to snowball, and within a few turns this will overwhelm your opponent.


Azorius Charm

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 4

This is a very nice removal spell that happens to have two other useful modes.


Blood Baron of Vizkopa

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 3.5

This protection will be relevant against like 40% of opponents, and that's a big deal. You shouldn't count on it taking to the sky, but it's not impossible either since it has lifelink.


Bloodtithe Harvester

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 3.5

This isn't going to be as insane as it was in Crimson Vow, because there isn't much Blood in the format. But this is still an excellent card because of the stat-line, the useful blood token, and on occasion you can turn the Harvester into removal.


Boros Reckoner

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

This can be dealt with by straight up "destroy" or "exile" removal, but combat and most other removal will give you a 2-for-1.


Bring to Light

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 1

This is here for 60-card Pioneer. It's tough having good enough mana and something worth tutoring up with this.


Cartel Aristocrat

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a great sacrifice outlet, and protection is pretty good at keeping it alive and/or allowing it to get in for damage.


Catacomb Sifter

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 4

This gives you so much value for three mana. Just getting a 2/3 and a 1/1 for that cost is a slam dunk, and this 1/1 can produce mana and you get some Scry triggers, too.



AI Rating: 4.2
Pro Rating: 0 // 4

Gate decks in this format will probably actually be able to cast this, and obviously it's pretty scary when that's the case. Most decks can't play it, though.



AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

The Overload isn't relevant very often in Limited, and this is just a harder-to-cast Cancel most of the time.


Destructive Revelry

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is a great sideboard card, but even though this format has a decent number of Enchantments, it isn't really enough for you to ever want this in your main deck.


Dinrova Horror

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 3.5

Adding a 4/4 body to the board, bouncing something, and making your opponent discard is very nice for six mana -- and sometimes it can effectively destroy the creature it bounces.


Dragonlord Atarka

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 5

This is what you should expect for 7 mana. A huge flyer that ends the game in a swing or two that also kills 1-2 creatures when it enters. If your opponetn has the answer they probably aren't dying immediately, but Atarka will have devastated the board by that point so you always come out ahead.


Dragonlord Dromoka

AI Rating: 4.5
Pro Rating: 4.5

This takes over the game if it's left unchecked, because lifelink makes almost any race impossible -- the one knock against Dromoka is that if your opponent has the answer, it just ends up being a 1-for-1 trade.


Dragonlord Kolaghan

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4.5

The last ability doesn't really matter in Limited, but a 6-mana 6/5 with Flying and Haste is likely to smash in for 6 right away, and every future creature you play will be able to do the same. In the instances when the 10 damage effect does matter, it's pretty hilarious.


Dragonlord Ojutai

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Hexproof while it's untapped means you're virtually always going to get in for a hit, which means you set up at least a 2-for-1 -- and if Ojutai isn't killed, it's going to do tons of damage and draw you lots of cards.


Dragonlord Silumgar

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Stealing an opposing creature is incredibly strong -- it's like the best removal spell ever -- and this also gives you a prety nice body on it's own. Your opponent might get the creature back if they have an answer, but usually you end up with a full turn where you stole their best creature, and that's often enough to swing the game in your favor.



AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

Two mana to kill any creature or planeswalker is an incredible deal. This will be extra good when the Planeswalker bonus sheet is around.


Dreg Mangler

AI Rating: 0.8
Pro Rating: 3

Scavenge means this gives you value in addition to being a solid three mana 3/3 haste. While it's not quite a 2-for-1, getting 3 +1/+1 counters is pretty close to a card of value.


Epic Experiment

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 0

You just can't have a deck with enough mana and enough spells for this to actually do something.


Fleecemane Lion

AI Rating: 4.5
Pro Rating: 4

This feels great on turn two, and in the late game it becomes a 4/4 that is near impossible to deal with.


Garruk, Apex Predator

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

Garruk is a planeswalker that completely takes over the game. The 3/3 tokens it makes are incredibly imposing and nearly impossible to deal with effectively for your opponent -- and he also comes with the ability to destroy creatures. That's where most of this card's value comes from in Limited, and that's plenty to win most games.


Ghor-Clan Rampager

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3.5

The "Bloodrush" here is the more potent part of the card, as that buff helps basically any creature win any combat. The creature does have to be attacking though, and if you're behind on board and you can't attack, you can just play this out as a decent creature.


Imperious Oligarch

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is ultimately 2 mana for a 2/1 with Vigilance and a 1/1 Flyer. While you don't get both of those at the same time, the fact remains that you are getting a great rate.


Kiora's Follower

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is good at ramping your mana, and it can also give creatures pseudo-vigilance or help you reuse activated abilities.


Lotleth Troll

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is very difficult to deal with if your opponent has mana up, and it's ability to grow makes it a very real threat. That's a devastating combination.


Loxodon Smiter

AI Rating: 3.5
Pro Rating: 3

This is mostly just a three-mana 4/4, although, on rare occasions, you'll get to put it into play for free.


Lyev Skyknight

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This removes a creature from the equation for a whole turn, while adding a pretty solid body to the board. That's some seroius tempo.


Martial Glory

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 2

This is here to enable Heroic stuff in the Red-White deck, and it's a passable combat trick even when you're not pulling that off.


Medomai the Ageless

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

Medomai is pretty clunky, and needs a clear sky and a turn, but if it hits your opponent once, the game will usually be over.


Nivix Cyclops

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2

This will be able to rumble as a 4/4 a decent chunk of the time in Blue-Red, but you're only getting a slightly above-rate deal when that's the case.


Notion Thief

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is hard to make use of in Limited, as not all decks can draw extra cards. I think that makes it a sideboard card that you bring in against Blue opponents, more or less. When you can steal those draws, it feels pretty insane.


Nyx Weaver

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 3

This is a good enabler for graveyard decks, and a passable payoff, too.


Possessed Skaab

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 3

This is a bit clunky, but it's also a 2-for-1 that usually gets you back a very real card -- like a creature or removal spell.


Progenitor Mimic

AI Rating: 4.5
Pro Rating: 4

Typically, you won't be able to copy a creature that is worth the 6 mana you spend -- but if the Mimic makes it to your next turn and spits out a token, you'll come out ahead -- and if your opponent can't kill the Mimic, things will snowball in your favor.


Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

This has an imposing stat-line, although the fact it has to attack will sometimes backfire -- like if your opponent has a death toucher. But most of the time, they won't have one creature that can take it down anyway, and the 6 damage trigger comes up a decent chunk of the time, too.


Selesnya Charm

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

Making a 2/2 for two is fine, and while the other two modes are more situational, they are both great in the right situation.


Sin Collector

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 1

This will wiff most of the time, although it'll probably be a little bit better when the spell bonus sheet is around.


Sire of Insanity

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 2

This puts both players in top-deck mode, and in theory the 6/4 you just put on the board will make it likely that you're ahead, although it's not a guarantee.


Skyrider Elf

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a two mana 2/2 Flyer at worst, and with Gates in the format it isn't impossible for it to be a 4-mana 4/4 flyer or a 5-mana 5/5 flyer.


Steam Augury

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 3

I don't love that this doesn't add to the board, but it's usually going to draw you a few card and stock your graveyard.


Stormchaser Mage

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is tough to block all game long because of Prowess, and if you get it down early it can put the game away on it's own.


Swift Warkite

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

You don't always have a creature that's worth bringing back, but when you do this feels pretty good.


Tenth District Legionnaire

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a strong Heroic trigger, since it permanently grows the Legionnaire while also improving your draws -- which can often mean more heroic triggers.


Thunderclap Wyvern

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can Flash in and buff a few creatures, and just adding a 2/3 to the board out of nowhere means it can ambush block 2/2s pretty effectively.


Tomebound Lich

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 3.5

This will always improve your hand while giving you a body that gains you life and can trade with anything -- that's all stuff Blue/Black decks are happy to do.


Unflinching Courage

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.5

It's a little risky playing this on just any creature, although the lifelink does mean you can usually get some value out of it before your opponent 2-for-1s you by destroying your creature. But if you have some of the hexproof creatures in the set, this can be a devastating play.


Urban Evolution

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 2

Not adding to the board is always risky at 5 mana, but this does give you serious card advantage, and ramping your mana makes it more likely you will have a big play on your next turn.


Zendikar Incarnate

AI Rating: 1
Pro Rating: 2

This is just a big vanilla creature. It'll never feel bad, but it'll never feel great either.


Crackdown Construct

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 0

The base stat-line is awful, and buffing the Construct isn't particularly easy.


Darksteel Ingot

AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

3-mana mana rocks are rarely good in Limited, but if you really need fixing or ramp, you'll use this.


Gate Colossus

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 0 // 4.0

This is a very powerful gate payoff, since you can get it down ahead of schedule and bring it back pretty easily. It's unplayable outside of the gate deck, though.


Halo Scarab

AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

This was pretty weak last time we saw it, and it will be here too. It has bad stats, and while getting Treasure can be nice, paying 2 mana for it isn't.


Pilgrim's Eye

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 3.5

The body you get is bad, but it draws you a card that usually fixes your mana. It's great fixing.


Azorius Guildgate

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Boros Guildgate

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Dimir Guildgate

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Evolving Wilds

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

These give you good fixing, though there isn't much additional synergy in the format for it.


Gateway Plaza

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a bit clunky since you need to effectively spend a mana on it, but the gate typing definitely matters.


Golgari Guildgate

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Gruul Guildgate

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Haven of the Spirit Dragon

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 0

There aren't enough dragons in this format for it to be worth playing a land that is bad for your mana base.


Hissing Quagmire

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

Creature lands are amazing, especially when they can produce two colors of mana. This gives you the mana fixing you want, and later in the game it can attack or block as a very real creature thanks to death touch.


Izzet Guildgate

AI Rating: 2.2
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Lumbering Falls

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 3.5

A 3/3 body isn't always great, but we're still talking about a land that can attack and block in the late game.


Maze's End

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 0

Even in a format with Gates, you're not going to win the game with this, and it isn't good enough at fixing your mana, either.


Needle Spires

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4

A 2/1 with double strike is a body your opponent always has to respect. When a land has that relevant of a body in the late game, it feels almost like a 2-for-1.


Orzhov Guildgate

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Rakdos Guildgate

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Rogue's Passage

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is a decent late-game mana sink, but it hurts your mana base in the mean time.


Selesnya Guildgate

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Shambling Vent

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 3.5

A 2/3 with lifelink is usually capable of doing something -- like chumping and gaining you life at least -- and in the mean time this provides great fixing.


Simic Guildgate

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 3

These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.


Spawning Bed

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

This isn't great for you mana early, but having a land that turns into 3 1/1s is worth the hit to your mana base sometimes.


Wandering Fumarole

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

The flexibility here is pretty sweet, since you can have a nice 1/4 blocker when you need one -- and when it gets through on an attack, it can smash in for 4.


Eidolon of Rhetoric

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1

This kind of effect rarely matters in Limited, and a vanilla three mana 1/4 isn't worth it.


Evangel of Heliod

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3

On it's own, this is a 6-mana 1/3 that makes two 1/1s. That's...not good. But if you can get that number to 4, you're in business -- and that's definitely doable in a heavy White deck. Although, devotion can be pretty awkward in a two-color format like Limited.


Fiendslayer Paladin

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Even without protection, you'd play this card, as the stat-line and keywords are relevant all game. With it, it's going to be pretty much unbeatable against the right opponent.


Heliod, God of the Sun

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

Getting your devotion to 5 in Limited, when you're normally playing two colors, can be pretty hard. But, it's nice that in the mean time it can improve your board with Vigilance and creature tokens.


Wingsteed Rider

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

Three mana 2/2 flyers are rarely worth it these days, and while this can be buffed, you're playing a dangerous game by putting this card in your deck.



AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

A 4-mana 1/2 is a pretty irrelevant body -- one that you won't even be able to generate a 2-for-1 with most of the time.


Silumgar Sorcerer

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

It's often worth giving up a creature on board to counter something, especially because this adds itself to the board too. It gets even better if you have some fodder.


Sphinx of Magosi

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is kind of tough to cast, but it's also a late-game mana sink that can take over the game.


Sphinx's Tutelage

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 0 // 3.5

This is a legit build around, and at Uncommon you can even get multiples. You just need a good control deck with lots of card draw spells, and you're in business.


Thassa, God of the Sea

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This card isn't worth it if you can't have it be a creature a decent chunk of the time. The good news is, the format has pretty good support for Devotion.


Abhorrent Overlord

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

Even on it's own, this is 7-mana for a 6/6 and two 1/1s with flying, which is pretty good! Having to sacrificing something every turn is less good of course, but most of the tmie when this comes down it'll give you way more than two 1/1s, so paying the cost shouldn't be too challenging.


Disciple of Phenax

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

Making the opponent discard is nice and all, but a 4-mana 1/3 is far too miserable for that ETB to make up for it.


Erebos, God of the Dead

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3

You have to get your devotion high enough for this to be a relevant creature, otherwise you're overpaying in a big way for a costly way to draw cards.


Illness in the Ranks

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

They printed this for 60-card Pioneer. It's way too narrow to be worth it in Limited.


Keepsake Gorgon

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

A 5-mana 2/5 with death touch isn't very good, but this turns into a larger threat and destroys a creature in the late game. If this goes Monstrous, there's a good chance you win.


Ash Zealot

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

Don't expect this to punish your opponent all that often, but it IS a two mana 2/2 with nice keywords, and it ups your devotion too. The double red thing also makes it harder to cast, though.


Fanatic of Mogis

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 2.5

This does 1 damage on it's own, and it's likely to do 2+ most of the time.


Purphoros, God of the Forge

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

He can chip in for tons and tons of damage if you get him down early and have lots of tokens -- but that's also kind of a medium Enchantment if you can't consistently make him into a creature. Even with the Devotion sheet, I'm skeptical.


Pyromancer's Assault

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 0

You just don't double spell often enough in Limited for this to be good.


Stoneshock Giant

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 2

A 5-mana 5/4 is pretty bad, but if you make it monstrous, it can often end the game. Problem is, you don't get there often enough.


Avatar of the Resolute

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 3

This will up your devotion nicely, while having a solid baseline and sometimes being even more efficient.


Bounding Krasis

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This enters trigger has a lot of utility. You can use it to tap a problem creature, or untap one of yours to ambush block something -- and the Krasis can of course also ambush block all on it's own.


Nylea, God of the Hunt

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

The ability is a decent mana sink in the late game, especially when combined with trample. When you can get Nylea to become a creature, she becomes truly frightening -- since she gives herself trample too.


Nylea's Disciple

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

On it's own this is a 4-mana 3/3 that gains you 2 life. That's not great, but that's a passable baseline, and this will often gain you 3+ life, which is a much better deal.


Reverent Hunter

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

At worst, this is a 3-mana 2/2, and it'll often be at least a 3-mana 3/3. And the ceiling is much higher.


Athreos, God of Passage

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 2

This contribute 2 to your devotion, but getting the other 5 isn't always a walk in the park -- and you really need to get there, as a three mana Enchantment with this effect isn't great.


Ephara, God of the Polis

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3

This won't always draw you a card, but it will often enough -- and once you get it to trigger once, you increase the chances of keeping it going. And, more cards also makes it more likely you end up with enough devotion to turn this into a creature.


Frostburn Weird

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is good for getting your devotion up, and it's a decent card on it's own, too.


Gift of Orzhova

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This buff will usually give you some life before your opponent can ever 2-for-1 you, and putting this on a hexproof creature is particularly nasty.


Growing Ranks

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0 // 3

You've got to have lots of tokens for this to work, and that's just not a guarantee.


Iroas, God of Victory

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

Iroas is all about aggro, and while that's nice when you have the attacks, it means it does very little when you're behind.


Karametra, God of Harvests

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 2

Getting lands when you play creatures isn't the most exciting thing in Limited, so you really need Karametra to be a creature, and that's far from guaranteed.


Keranos, God of Storms

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4.5

No matter the outcome of this trigger, you end up with a card of value -- either because you draw a card, or you get to Bolt something. That's a very strong trigger, and the extra cards also make it more likely that you can get enough devotion for this to be a creature.


Kruphix, God of Horizons

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

Both of Kruphix's effects are usually irrelevant in Limited, so it's another god that needs to be a creature for it to be worthwhile.


Mogis, God of Slaughter

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

Mogis's trigger is pretty strong. Sure, your opponent gets a choice, but when they have to make that choice every turn, it starts to get very difficult for them.


Nightveil Specter

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

This is great for devotion, and the combat damage trigger effectively draws you cards. Keep in mind you do need the right mana to cast the cards you hit, though.


Pharika, God of Affliction

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4

It's usually not worth it to exile an opposing creature in a graveyard, since you don't want to give them a 1/1 with death touch. However, cashing in cards in your graveyard for 1/1s with death touch is great.


Phenax, God of Deception

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

You do need at least some board state, but that's going to be the case most of the time in Limited. And if you have a few creatures even with like 3 toughness, you can mill your opponent out very quickly.


Rubblebelt Raiders

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 3.5

This counts itself, so it will at least become a 4/4 on that first attack, and oftentimes it will be larger. It's also great for devotion.


Xenagos, God of Revels

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.0

Getting your devotion to 7 isn’t the easiest thing to do in Limited, even with a “Devotion” bonus sheet. This trigger is strong, though, as it can make almost any creature into a very real threat.


Ajani Steadfast

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

You do need to have some board state for Ajani to work, but he doesn't ask for much. That +1 is great at protecting him when you have a body around, and if you've gone wide his -2 might just end the game.


Call the Gatewatch

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 0 // 1.5

There's going to be a planeswalker bonus sheet during part of this set's run, and when that's the case it might be sort of kind of playable, but you're still basically paying 3 extra mana for it, which tends to make a card a lot worse.


Elspeth, Sun's Champion

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

One of the best Limited planeswalkers of all time, her ability to add three bodies to the board right away virtually guarantees she'll survive to the next turn -- at which point she makes three more 1/1s and the game is pretty much over. Her other abilities are great too.


Hushwing Gryff

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

This is symmetrical, so it can hurt your "enters" triggers too. But, it has Flash and you're the one who chooses when to cast it -- so you can do it when it's to your benefit. Still, blanking an "enters" trigger isn't always all that powerful.


Oath of Gideon

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

This has a kind of passable baseline, and while the Planeswalker bonus sheet is active, you might actually be able to get some additional value out of it.


Sage's Reverie

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 1.5

Even in a format with an Aura theme, I'm skeptical of this. On it's own it's terrible, and putting a ton of Auras on a single creature is a good way to lose -- although, there is a decent amount of hexproof in the format.


Sungrace Pegasus

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 2

This is a nice place to put counters or Auras, but is fairly underwhelming otherwise.


Clutch of Currents

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is solid when you only spend one mana on it, and great when you can also get a 3/3 out of the deal.


Flitterstep Eidolon

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 2

A two mana 1/1 that can't block isn't very good -- and while casting this as an Aura late can definitely be nice, it's pretty expensive.


Hidden Strings

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 0

This is here for Pioneer constructed, not Pioneer Remastered draft. This does very little in your typical game of Limited Magic.


Jace, Architect of Thought

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

The +1 is pretty good at making it hard to take down Jace, and the -2 grants you some pretty sweet card advantage. The ultimate is actually kind of underwhelming in Limited, but that's okay -- the other two abilities will often be enough to win you games.


Jace, Memory Adept

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4.5

His 0 ability can mill an opponent out in a hurry in Limited, and his +1 is a great value engine. He doesn't have a way to protect himself, but once he's in play the game becomes a mini game where you just need to have him in play to use his 0 ability twice and the game is probably over -- and protecting him at all costs is often worth it.


Oath of Jace

AI Rating: 0.8
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is a mediocre draw spell as a baseline, so you probably need some Planeswalkers to get it going. Even with the "Planeswalker" bonus sheet, though, it's unlikely you have more than 2.


Retraction Helix

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 2

This doesn't have the silly combo potential it has in 60-card formats, but it is a roundabout way to bounce something for one mana. Granted, having an untapped creature is a requirement, and that holds it back -- but it's a playable card.


Cavern Lampad

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2

As with many Bestow cards, both modes are kind of underwhelming, but the modality keeps it from being terrible.


Liliana of the Dark Realms

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

Most of her value in Limited comes from that -3, and her being able to use that right away makes her a bad removal spell at worst. It is nice that she makes sure you hit your land drops and all, but her ultimate is almost entirely useless in Limited.


Liliana Vess

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Her -2 is underwhelming, but her +1 can do some work -- and if you can keep her around to use her ultimate, the game is over. Unfortunately, she doesn't come with a way to destroy creatures or draw cards, which really keeps her in check.


Oath of Liliana

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

A three-mana edict isn't great, but this has useful typing, and her planeswalker payoff effect is great, since it gives you a free way to protect your planeswalkers.


Ovalchase Daredevil

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 1 // 3.5

This was pretty good back in Kaladesh, but that was an artifact-heavy set. This one isn't. Still, even with just like 3 artifacts in your deck it's a pretty good card, since a 4/2 is relevant virtually all game long.


Ruinous Path

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a clunky albeit effective removal spell in the early game, and in the late game it can also give you a 4/4, and that play really swings the game wildly in your favor.


Stain the Mind

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 0

These "Lobotomy" effects are always terrible in Limited. It's tough to name the right card, and even if you do, you're spending lots of mana and/or tapping a bunch of creatures without affecting the board at all, and there are many games where you just whiff entirely.


Crumble to Dust

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 0.0

Land destruction is rarely where you want to be in Limited, and even with a Gate theme this will typically be a blank and/or irrelevant card.


Goblin Heelcutter

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

This was an excellent Common last time we saw it. Turning off blockers is an aggro deck's dream, and the Heelcutter can Dash in and do it every turn. Your opponent also has to account for it every single turn, or risk dying.


Reckless Bushwhacker

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

Surging this is where you really want to be, and it can add tons of damage to the board whether you Surge it or cast it normally. It's not great if you're behind, though.


Smash to Smithereens

AI Rating: 1
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is a sideboard card. There aren't enough artifacts in this format for it to be main deck material -- but when your opponent has a few targets for it, it's pretty good.


Thopter Engineer

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 3.5

Getting a 1/3 and a 1/1 with Haste for three mana is excellent, and this makes your other artifact creatures better, too.


Brood Monitor

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

This gives you a ton of value for 6 mana. Even if those tokens couldn't be sacrificed for mana, this is a card that gives you four very real bodies. If you're behind, it brings you to parity. If you're at parity it pulls you ahead, and if you're ahead, the game's probably over.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Fog is terrible in Limited. It's easy to imagine the ideal scenario -- your opponent swings out and you Fog, and then swing back for lethal. But that scenario is incredibly rare. Most of the time, you go down a card for an almost meaningless effect.


Garruk, Caller of Beasts

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

That -3 isn't very good in Limited. You just don't have stuff worth cheating into play most of the time. So you're mostly leaning on the +1 -- which is usually going to draw you 1-2 cards, and that advantage is pretty sweet! Garruk is pretty bad at protecting himself or impacting the board in general, though.


Nissa's Pilgrimage

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 2

Paying three to ramp your mana and not add to the board can be a liability, but this is a pretty potent way to do it, especially if you have spellmastery.



AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 0.5

Your deck needs to not have flyers and you need to be able to get your devotion reasonably high AND your opponent has to have a decent number of flyers, otherwise this is irrelevant.


Stampeding Elk Herd

AI Rating: 0.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

This brings 5 power to the baord on it's own, so getting Formidable is certainly doable.


Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4

While he can't make a token or kill creatures, his two +1s are pretty good. Augmenting your creatures can help protect him, and the other +1 is likely to draw you a card every time you use it.


Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3

Ashiok definitely needs time. Generally, you use the +2 on one turn, and then the -X to put something into play on the next turn -- as soon as you've done that, it is pretty much a 2-for-1, and things can get even better than that. You won't always hit a creature you can cast with the +2, though.


Domri Rade

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 3

The -2 is pretty conditional removal, and the +1 doesn't always do something. Domri is cheap though, and can certainly help you win a game -- it just won't be able to do it all on it's own.


Kiora, the Crashing Wave

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 3.5

Starting with only 2 loyalty is brutal, but her +1 does make it hard for your opponent to kill her. The -1 definitely gives you good value, and if you can get to her ultimate, the game is over.


Narset Transcendent

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2 // 4.0

She starts with really high loyalty which is great, but her +1 and -2 are both super dependent on doing stuff with noncreatures, which not all Blue/White decks are going to be good at it. If you have lots of spells in UW she can be pretty potent though, drawing you cards, doubling removal, and so on.


Sarkhan Unbroken

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

Casting him can be a little difficult, but even if you just get a Dragon out of him you're coming out ahead, and his +1 can also help you win a game. The ultimate is pretty irrelevant in Limited though, but that's okay.


Xenagos, the Reveler

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

Making tokens for no loyalty is great, and where almost all of Xenagos's value comes from -- but that's okay. It's a great ability. It protects Xenagos if you're behind and pressures your opponent if you're ahead. Sometimes that +1 can ramp your mana, though.


The Chain Veil

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Even with the planeswalker bonus sheet around, I'm very skeptical about The Chain Veil working. You might have 1-2 planeswalkers in most decks, but that just isn't enough.


Hallowed Moonlight

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This is here for Pioneer, not Pioneer Masters Limited. It's just too narrow to be relevant, even with the cantrip.


Open the Armory

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0

A two mana tutor that is this restrictive just isn't ever worth it in Limited.



AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

You won't always have a target for this, but when you do you'll be trading up in a big way.


Shoulder to Shoulder

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

If you can get the two counters, this ends up feeling really great -- especially in a format with Heroic.


Tragic Arrogance

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This kind of card is surprisingly hard to make work in Limited. I mean, there are times where it produces a blow out -- but there are also times where your opponent's creatures are all better than your best creature, in which case you're not doing a whole lot with it.


Dramatic Reversal

AI Rating: 0.8
Pro Rating: 0

This isn't worth a card in Limited. The effect is almost irrelevant.


Enter the Infinite

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 0

12 mana is asking too much in Limited.


Part the Waterveil

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 4

6 mana for an extra turn is pretty passable in Limited, and in the extreme late game you can also get a 6/6 -- and that, plus a time walk, is usually going to win you the game.


Tome Scour

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0 // 2.5

This format does seem to have a legit mill deck thanks to Sphinx's Revelation, so you probably end up playing this in the exact right deck -- it still won't happen very often, though.


Void Shatter

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is cancel with some fairly minor upside – so minor that it isn’t a meaningful upgrade over Cancel. It costing three and being fairly mana intensive makes it a lot harder for you to find the time to leave it up.


Bile Blight

AI Rating: 3.5
Pro Rating: 4

It's a little hard to cast, but -3/-3 is big for only two mana, and this can even take out a bunch of tokens or multiple creatures with the same name.


Dark Betrayal

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is definitely a sideboard card. One mana to destroy a black creature is awesome, but this is blank against anyone who isn't playing Black.


Dark Petition

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 0

A 5-mana tutor is awful. Sure, you can get your best card but it also basically costs 5 extra mana -- and your card probably isn't good anymore at that point. The spell Mastery upside helps a little, because it may let you cast what you find right away -- and it's sort of a rebate on some of the mana, but it's still too clunky.


Touch of Moonglove

AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 0

This is a trick that usually results in you getting 2-for-1'd, and your opponent also losing 2 life doesn't balance that out in the least.


Worst Fears

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

Controlling your opponent's turn is a gamebreaking effect. You can send their creatures into horrible attacks, fire off removal spells on their own creature, and so on. But at 8 mana, you can't really count on casting Worst Fears consistently.



AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 2.5

This works nicely in both Heroic decks and Spell decks, and it replaces itself so the baseline is passable.


Limits of Solidarity

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

Threaten effects like this aren't always good, but they can be amazing -- like if you can find lethal thanks to it, or sacrifice the creature you steal. Cycling means you can throw it away during the first case, and still have access to the big upside when you need it.


Mizzium Mortars

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 5

A two mana deal 4 is a 4.0 -- it's just great removal that always trades up. And this has absurd Overload upside, where it potentially wipes your opponent's entire board! And even if it doesn't wipe everything away, it's likely to devastate them.


Radiant Flames

AI Rating: 3
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4.0

If this is just doing 2, it's not great. But it can become a far more potent sweeper if you have the mana. Problem is, symmetrical sweepers are pretty awkward in Limited. But the decks that can really go off with this that are going 4 or 5 colors, are likely to be control decks that can leverage this appropriately.


Seismic Stomp

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 1

This is just too narrow. It's like a reverse fog. It's good when it gives you lethal, but terrible the rest of the game.


Gather the Pack

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a decent card selection spell most of the time. If you get spell mastery, though, it becomes a really good two mana draw two.


The Great Aurora

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0

Getting to 9 mana is tough, and this is a pretty bad 9 mana card in Limited, since it's symmetrical. In other words, there's no guarantee that you're going to come out ahead even when you get to 9 mana.


Hunter's Prowess

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is clunky to be sure, but if you pick your window correctly, this is likely to draw you several cards while doing some serious damage.


Miming Slime

AI Rating: 0.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

You need at least a 3/3 here to feel okay about it, and sometimes you'll get something bigger. Good news is, I think Green decks will be able to make at least a decent token pretty often.


Natural State

AI Rating: 0.8
Pro Rating: 0.5

This won't have enough targets to be in your main deck. Even as a sideboard card it's questionable, because of the mana value restriction.


Aurelia's Fury

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4

If you have the mana, this can really devastate your opponent's board. And even when it can't quite do that, you can often use it to tap down all of their untapped creatures, and sometimes that's enough to get you there. Don't forget it can hit your opponent too, giving you lethal out of nowhere is a real possibility.


Jarad's Orders

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Paying 4 to tutor up a creature -- even two creatures -- is pretty bad, especially because putting one in the graveyard is unlikely to be that useful.


Rakdos's Return

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

Casting this where X is 2 is pretty solid, and in the late game it's the kind of thing that can end the game out of nowhere. It's not great that it never impacts the board, though.


Render Silent

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

This is mostly just a hard-to-cast Cancel. Sometimes the fact your opponent can't cast more spells will come up, but not usually.


Unexpected Results

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

This is way too random. There's a very good chance you end up spending 4 mana on something much cheaper, and if you hit a land with this you don't feel good about that either.



AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

If you fuse this, at a minimum you're getting a 3/3 that gains you 2 life for 5 mana. That's not great, but that's the floor here -- if you have other creatures around, you're adding a real body to the board and gaining some very relevant life. This can definitely stabilize you. You do need access to both sides for this to ever be worth it, though.



AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 1.5

Individually, each side of this is pretty bad. Together, they can potentiall wreck your opponent's board, but only if you have a sizable enough creature. Overall, it feels too situational.



AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

Expensive Mind Rot and expensive Restock aren't very good, and by the time you can fuse this, making your opponent discard 2 isn't all that relevant.



AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3.5

Each side of this is individually a decent card. If you only have access to one of them, it's probably like a 1.5, though. Fusing this is especially nasty, as you can use it to make your opponent sacrifice what you really want them to give up.



AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 1.5

Three mana for three counters is kind of alright, but 6 mana to draw three at sorcery speed is really bad. Sure, it has an even higher ceiling -- but you're not going to get there. Subtracting from your board to draw cards is just a really bad idea.



AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

Each of these can be useful in the right situation, and when cast together the total stats difference is +2/+2, and that's usually enough to turn combat on it's head.



AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

Both sides of this are super mediocre, and while they have more potential when fused together, I'm still not impressed.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

The toil side is a playable -- but not very good -- card. Trouble is just a bad card. It does have the upside of you fusing it and doing 4+ damage to your opponent, and that matters since it gave you lethal damage out of nowhere, but you can't count on that happening either.



AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

Burn on it's own is a playable card. That's less true of Turn, but it has it's moments where it can help you kill a creature. Fusing this is where the real value is, though -- because it's effectively a 5-mana instant that can destroy any creature, while still having upside much earlier in the game.



AI Rating: 1.5
Pro Rating: 0.5

If you ever have targets for both of these it's insane! Problem is, that won't happen in this format. This is a sideboard card.

Pro - Ratings by Nizzahon Magic AI - A.I. ratings APA - AvgPickedAt ALSA - AvgLastSeenAt
Color Rating Breakdown
Cards over 3 rating

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Four Color 9 matches 1 decks
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Four Color 9 matches 1 decks
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