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Pioneer Masters Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animist
Average Picked At: 1.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 1.00
Total Times Seen 1
Pro Rating: 5
Pro Comment: You're always playing a three mana 2/2 that grabs you a Forest, and in the late game this turns into a very powerful planeswalker. Even if she just makes the 4/4 and dies, you got incredible value -- and if she sticks around, she's going to dominate the game.
Oath of Nissa
Average Picked At: 15.00
Total Times Picked: 0
Average Last Seen At: 3.67
Total Times Seen 3
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a nice card selection spell, and while the Planeswalker sheet is around, it's other effect might actually come up.
Jace, Memory Adept
Average Picked At: 2.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 2.00
Total Times Seen 1
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: His 0 ability can mill an opponent out in a hurry in Limited, and his +1 is a great value engine. He doesn't have a way to protect himself, but once he's in play the game becomes a mini game where you just need to have him in play to use his 0 ability twice and the game is probably over -- and protecting him at all costs is often worth it.
Rogue's Passage
Average Picked At: 10.33
Total Times Picked: 6
Average Last Seen At: 8.53
Total Times Seen 49
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a decent late-game mana sink, but it hurts your mana base in the mean time.
Nimbus Naiad
Average Picked At: 11.00
Total Times Picked: 15
Average Last Seen At: 9.85
Total Times Seen 134
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: Wind Drake isn't that exciting, but it's sort of passable, and in the late game putting this on just about any creature makes it a major threat.
Average Picked At: 8.21
Total Times Picked: 14
Average Last Seen At: 8.46
Total Times Seen 118
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is always a nice card selection spell, and in a format with plenty of Prowess and similar effects, it'll be solid.
Illness in the Ranks
Average Picked At: 15.00
Total Times Picked: 0
Average Last Seen At: 8.43
Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: They printed this for 60-card Pioneer. It's way too narrow to be worth it in Limited.
Artisan of Forms
Average Picked At: 12.20
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 10.57
Total Times Seen 61
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: This certainly has some blowout potential, and it can permanently change into another creature -- but it's also a 2-mana 1/1 that takes some significant set up to be relevant.
Scourge of Valkas
Average Picked At: 1.75
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 1.60
Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: Dragons aren't a huge theme in this format, so this will usually just be pinging things. It's certainly imposing and the free pings are nice, but it's also very difficult to cast.
Bile Blight
Average Picked At: 6.00
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 5.22
Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: It's a little hard to cast, but -3/-3 is big for only two mana, and this can even take out a bunch of tokens or multiple creatures with the same name.
Gift of Orzhova
Average Picked At: 15.00
Total Times Picked: 0
Average Last Seen At: 2.33
Total Times Seen 3
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This buff will usually give you some life before your opponent can ever 2-for-1 you, and putting this on a hexproof creature is particularly nasty.
Assemble the Legion
Average Picked At: 1.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 1.00
Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: This does nothing for a full turn, and then very little on your next turn -- but after that, things really start to snowball, and within a few turns this will overwhelm your opponent.
Dark Deal
Average Picked At: 14.67
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 9.33
Total Times Seen 44
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: This kind of card is almost never going to do something good. Sure, maybe you make your opponent discard some cards they wanted to hold on to, but that upside is negated by the fact that you are the one who used the card -- and it's just as likely that they draw into what they were looking for.
Izzet Guildgate
Average Picked At: 8.71
Total Times Picked: 14
Average Last Seen At: 7.31
Total Times Seen 102
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: These offer great fixing, and the format has tons of gate payoffs, too.
Enter the Infinite
Average Picked At: 8.20
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 6.36
Total Times Seen 14
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: 12 mana is asking too much in Limited.
Average Picked At: 15.00
Total Times Picked: 0
Average Last Seen At: 11.00
Total Times Seen 6
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: Fog is terrible in Limited. It's easy to imagine the ideal scenario -- your opponent swings out and you Fog, and then swing back for lethal. But that scenario is incredibly rare. Most of the time, you go down a card for an almost meaningless effect.
Crackdown Construct
Average Picked At: 13.33
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 9.52
Total Times Seen 52
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: The base stat-line is awful, and buffing the Construct isn't particularly easy.
Clutch of Currents
Average Picked At: 5.00
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 7.50
Total Times Seen 28
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This is solid when you only spend one mana on it, and great when you can also get a 3/3 out of the deal.
Heart-Piercer Manticore
Average Picked At: 7.00
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 3.82
Total Times Seen 24
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This underperformed pretty hard last time we saw it. It's because it has some awkward tension. If you have a creature that is big enough to kill something big of your opponent's well...you probably don't want to sacrifice it. And sacrificing something that is fodder is likely to result in a very minimal effect.
Medomai the Ageless
Average Picked At: 4.33
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 2.86
Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: Medomai is pretty clunky, and needs a clear sky and a turn, but if it hits your opponent once, the game will usually be over.
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