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Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Limited Quiz

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Warlock Class
Average Picked At: 4.84
Total Times Picked: 102
Average Last Seen At: 4.01
Total Times Seen 483
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The Level 1 of this wouldn’t be worth it on its own, as using up a whole card for a fairly mediocre “morbid” effect that will only trigger every couple of turns or so just isn’t what you want to be doing. Now, it is nice that when you take it to level two, it draws you a card, and I do think that if we looked at this as 2B for an Enchantment with the Morbid ability + the card selection effect, you’d probably play that card. Then, in the late came it can level up and get a pretty powerful effect, but it is worth noting that that effect is really only going to do something if you’re already ahead in most cases. I think the whole package is probably a solid playable.
Adult Gold Dragon
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This has a bunch of key words and good stats. Flying, Lifelink, and Haste combine quite well, as they can help you to quickly put the game out of reach for your opponent. The Dragon will often be able to hit your opponent at least once, even if they have removal, and any more than that and you’re talking about a massive gap in life totals in your favor. The one disadvantage the Gold Dragon has is that 3 toughness can die to a whole lot of things, but I still think the combination here is quite nice, though probably not quite a bomb. While it doesn’t definitely give you value even if it dies, Haste + Lifelink + Flying does a good job of giving it a pretty good chance to do that
Wild Shape
Average Picked At: 10.20
Total Times Picked: 86
Average Last Seen At: 7.53
Total Times Seen 972
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: I’m not usually a big fan of tricks that grant hexproof, they are just too situational! But this gets around that with some pretty nice modality. You can still get Hexproof if you need it, but it has two other modes that can be useful in different situations, and having an option between those three things is pretty nice, though not incredibly. A 1/5 with Reach is probably just going to enable a block you didn’t have before, which isn’t a great thing to give up a card for most of the time, and making something into a 3/3 with Trample won’t always matter either. So, the 1/3 option is probably the best one. Still, for only one mana this does a kind of okay job, and it is certainly decent
Triumphant Adventurer
Average Picked At: 2.78
Total Times Picked: 46
Average Last Seen At: 2.68
Total Times Seen 103
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This guy is definitely small, but the combination of death touch + First Strike when it attacks is going to be pretty great, especially because he ventures for you every single time it attacks, and that will get you through a dungeon in a hurry. Even if your opponent does take it down in combat, they will have to give up at least one thing, and sometimes your opponent will be able to double block and kill it, but you’re still getting a good deal. Backing it up with combat tricks will be nasty too, because obviously First Strike + Death Touch + 2 or more power means you can take down both blockers and keep the Adventurer alive. He does die to pretty much everything, but his ability to venture repeatedly is too good to pass up
Underdark Basilisk
Average Picked At: 7.52
Total Times Picked: 265
Average Last Seen At: 6.47
Total Times Seen 2027
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: It is pretty hard for small creatures with Deathtouch not to be playable, since they bring the capability of trading with anything. This makes them relevant all game long, though never super impressive. They also tend to be good with fight and punch spells
Sylvan Shepherd
Average Picked At: 8.98
Total Times Picked: 232
Average Last Seen At: 7.59
Total Times Seen 2406
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This looks like it has a lot going on because of the d20 stuff, but it is basically just a 3-mana ⅔ with Vigilance that gains you 1-2 life when it attacks. That’s basically a textbook solid playable, especially in a format that does have some life gain payoffs
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a very powerful life gain payoff for the GW deck. If you’ve ever played with Ajani’s Pridemate, you know what I’m talking about! And this trigger is even better than that one! Adding Scry can help you find more ways to gain life too, to keep the party going. This is going to be a high pick, even as a multi-colored card
Ochre Jelly
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: Creatures that scale like this can be nice in Limited, because you can play them early if you really need a body, and in the late game it can be absolutely massive, something that pairs well with Trample. I mean, if you play it on turn three, it is a 3-mana 2/2 that leaves behind a 1/1, and that’s a card you would play a decent chunk of the time -- and as I said, it scales all game long, leaving behind more and more formidable tokens that will then also leave behind other tokens if they have enough counters. The mana investment is big, but this will usually give you more than enough. I think this is in the lower part of “bomb” tier. It can be huge, has an evasive ability, will give you something even if it dies right away in most cases, and has a decent baseline.
Ray of Frost
Average Picked At: 6.45
Total Times Picked: 130
Average Last Seen At: 5.28
Total Times Seen 662
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This whole cycle of color hosers is nice, because they are all perfectly playable cards even if you don’t play against the color they hate on, and when you do play against them, the cards in this cycle will get a massive upgrade, and that’s certainly the case here. The fact this doesn’t tap the creature itself is pretty rough, as you have to wait until your opponent has a tapped creature for it to really do something. The fact it has Flash does make it easier for you to find that window, but if this card didn’t have the Red-hating upside, it would probably just be a 2.5. And, against decks with Red targets for this, it will feel premium
Grim Bounty
Average Picked At: 2.95
Total Times Picked: 410
Average Last Seen At: 3.24
Total Times Seen 913
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is premium removal. It might be a somewhat expensive Sorcery, but it kills pretty much everything for 4 mana, and even gives you a treasure back, almost making it so it costs three mana with some fixing upside!
Nadaar, Selfless Paladin
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/3 with Vigilance is a great place to start, and doing dungeon stuff every time he ETBs OR Attacks is incredibly good, and that would be true even if he didn’t also give you a massive bonus for completing the dungeon! Between Nadaar and other dungeon cards, it isn’t super far-fetched you get the anthem effect too. Especially because one of the dungeons needs only 4 ventures to be completed, and Nadaar can do half of that on his own between his ETB ability and his first attack. I think Nadaar does enough to get into the lower bomb range.
Hive of the Eye Tyrant
Average Picked At: 2.49
Total Times Picked: 51
Average Last Seen At: 2.36
Total Times Seen 119
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This isn’t quite as impressive as the rest of this cycle, but it is still a creature land, and those are great! A 3/3 with Menace isn’t exactly going to command the board all game long, but just having the ability to make one of your lands into one of those is great utility, and the exile effect might actually matter sometimes
Kalain, Reclusive Painter
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: A two mana ½ that makes a treasure is already a pretty good deal, but this adds all kinds of upside that will be amazing in the BR deck. Even all on its own, it is pretty likely that the treasure you made will help you play a creature and put a +1/+1 counter on it your next turn, and that’s some serious value. If you manage to really get treasure going with Kalain, she will undoubtedly take over games. She is certainly fragile, but the fail case is that you still get to keep a single treasure, and that helps make that a little less of a problem. This is a really strong signpost Uncommon
Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
Average Picked At: 1.44
Total Times Picked: 16
Average Last Seen At: 1.40
Total Times Seen 20
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Obviously enough, this is a bomb. Shutting off the opponent’s spells during your turn isn’t an incredible effect in Limited, though it does matter. Xanathar’s power really comes from the ability to just play cards from your opponent’s library, though. Note it says “play” which means it includes lands, so if there is a land on top, you can play it with your land drop for the turn and hopefully hit something better. That just means you’ll get serious value out of this guy virtually every single turn. It does have unimpressive stats and you have to wait until your next upkeep to get the value, but still -- this is an amazing bomb
Deadly Dispute
Average Picked At: 7.62
Total Times Picked: 346
Average Last Seen At: 6.86
Total Times Seen 2134
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: The prevalence of treasure, especially in Black-Red, will make this better than it looks. This kind of effect often plays a lot like Tormenting Voice, which is to say – its pretty replaceable, but I think this will be better than usual thanks to the fact it is good with treasure and it produces treasure. It of course still comes with the upside of being able to sacrifice a creature in response to removal, at which point you really aren’t going down a card either.
Celestial Unicorn
Average Picked At: 7.34
Total Times Picked: 296
Average Last Seen At: 6.67
Total Times Seen 2095
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: GW is the color pair most interested in gaining life in this format, and this is a very nice Common payoff for that kind of deck. And, it can be pretty solid in other decks too, as it isn’t like GW is the only deck where you’ll be able to gain life. This can get big fast, and has a reasonable starting point as a 3-mana 3/2. It seems like a pretty good Common.
Iron Golem
Average Picked At: 8.85
Total Times Picked: 116
Average Last Seen At: 6.75
Total Times Seen 936
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is like Juggernaut, a card that is still pretty solid in Limited. It is a bit of a bummer that didn’t give it the “can’t be blocked by walls” thing, since there are a few of them in this set, but either way this is a nice little creature. It is sure to die in combat because it has to block and attack constantly, but it has high enough power that it will kill most stuff at least.
Orcus, Prince of Undeath
Average Picked At: 1.48
Total Times Picked: 67
Average Last Seen At: 2.03
Total Times Seen 78
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: So, at worst, this is a 4-mana 5/3 with Flying and Trample. That’s already a B, because it is a cheap creature that puts your opponent on a very fast clock. So, the option of pumping extra mana into him for additional effects is upside on an already impressive card. If you pay 7 and kill all the X/2s on the board, or get back like a two-drop to the battlefield that’s going to feel pretty great. It just seems like, at worst, you have a creature that pressures your opponent in the sky really effectively, and at best you have a card that completely reshapes the board in your favor. And yes, the -X/-X part is symmetrical, but because you have complete control over it, you’ll only use that part when it is beneficial for you, making it feel a lot less symmetrical. I think this does enough to be a bomb
You See a Pair of Goblins
Average Picked At: 6.38
Total Times Picked: 136
Average Last Seen At: 5.10
Total Times Seen 659
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a pretty nice modal card. If you’re not going wide enough, make a couple of Goblins at Instant speed. If you are going wide enough, this is basically trumpet blast. Neither of those cards are amazing, but jamming them both on to the same card is good, and really helps make a go-wide deck viable.
Dueling Rapier
Average Picked At: 9.79
Total Times Picked: 315
Average Last Seen At: 8.57
Total Times Seen 2828
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: So, the Equip cost here is obviously really steep, and +2/+0 for a single Red mana would not be an awesome combat trick, but in this case we’re talking about a combat trick that has the stats boost stick around in one form or another. Even if your creature dies, you have something on the battlefield, even if it does cost a lot to Equip, and if you can help a creature win and survive combat and keep this equipped to it, it’s going ot feel pretty good. In a lot of ways, it is still a glorified combat trick, but I’ve underestimated auras and equipment with Flash in the past, dismissing them as combat tricks, so I thinkt his will defy expectations. Still, it probably isn’t much more than a solid playable.
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