Recent Major Events
The Last Sun 2024 Qualifier 20/07/24 new
2 days ago - 33 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 21/07/24 new
2 days ago - 43 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 20/07/24 new
2 days ago - 41 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 20/07/24 new
2 days ago - 41 Participants
The 27th God of Standard Tokyo, Japan 12/07/2 new
2 days ago - 102 Participants
Bobbie-Christine Charity Open @ Nile Joan Ri
14 days ago - 41 Participants
Cup - MagicCon: Amsterdam 29/06/24
14 days ago - 76 Participants
BOP! 1k Nile Joan Rivers 16/06/24
1 month ago - 53 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 15/06/24
1 month ago - 34 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 15/06/24
1 month ago - 36 Participants
MTGO Challenge 32 08/06/24
1 month ago - 35 Participants
$10k Open RCQ @ DreamHack Dallas 02/06/24
1 month ago - 403 Participants
US Regional Championship #6 @ DreamHack Dalla
1 month ago - 1281 Participants
MTG SEA Championship Final Season 2 Round 3 @
1 month ago - 144 Participants
South American Magic Series - Regional Champi
1 month ago - 95 Participants
Pro Tour Thunder Junction Seattle 26/04/24
2 months ago - 207 Participants
Izzet Explosive Experiment Event Souhong Cup
2 months ago - 122 Participants
Community Turnier Sol4r1s Tournament Scene 20
2 months ago - 29 Participants
Champions Cup Area Qualifier Batoloco 20/04/2
2 months ago - 153 Participants
18th Tokai King Decisive Battle Nagoya (Japan
2 months ago - 32 Participants