Standard - XL Rainbow Hatchery Spider

2 8 44 36
36 15 3 36
Midrange Jank

Edit: trying out whisper agents in the 3 slot to see if they perform better than plaguecrafters as pseudo-removal.

The typical undergrowth deck runs 60 cards including 4 stitcher's suppliers and 4 glowspore shamans to provide a self-milling engine. This deck runs 90 cards, so to maintain the same ratio of self-mill it uses 4 copies of wand of vertebrae. The advantage gained from a larger deck is a bigger undergrowth payoff and a wider selection of silver bullet utility cards.

 The current incarnation is running a bunch of spells - finality felt too slow so I'm running 4 rituals of soot and a couple of tutors to find them. There's also a couple of necrotic wounds and a dead weight, I included the latter just because of the synergy with muldrotha and findbroker - it's a permanent you can retrieve that acts as a cheap removal card. The problem with self-mill is that you tend to mill these spells and feel bad about it - to offset these feelings I've included Mirari conjecture.

 You might be thinking, why not run explore creatures? I thought I'd try out a different approach, the self-mill core leaves less room for an explore theme to begin with, I wanted elvish rejuvenators to ramp my land base for my high cost spells, and I liked the idea of including selesnya life gain creatures against red as an alternative to the willdgrowth walker explore engine. One drawback is that you'll hate to see centaur peacemaker against a control deck, replace these with knights of autumn if you can.

Here's the best game I've played with it so far.


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Last Updated: 30 Nov 2018
Created: 22 Nov 2018
223 61 0

Mainboard - 90 cards (44 distinct)

Creature (36)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (36)
Planeswalker (3)

Sideboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


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