Standard - Sultai demons (GRN standard)

4 41 18
23 10 2 25

Main concept: put cards in graveyard and use them later meanwhile casting 6/6 flying, trample demons.



4 Stitcher's Supplierimage put 3-6 cards in graveyard.

2 Glowspore Shamanimage put 3 cards in graveyard and help with hitting land drops (and can chump block the Steel Leaf Championimage).

4 Jadelight Rangerimage explore 2 times and put cards in graveyard, help getting lands (and can kill Steel Leaf Championimage).

4 Doom Whispererimage surveil 2 which puts cards to graveyard and helps to get a control over your draws. Extremely powerful if board state is stalemate. 



3 Lazav, the Multifariousimage becomes a creature from your graveyard, eg.:

2 Journey to Eternity // Atzal, Cave of Eternityimage bring back creatures from graveyard.

1 Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage casts the cards that you've previously put to graveyard.


Other synergies:

You can sac Stitcher's Supplierimage to Demon of Catastrophesimage -> utilize useless body to get a 6/6 flying trample and put 3 more cards to graveyard.

It is also cool to sac creature enchanted with Journey to Eternity // Atzal, Cave of Eternityimage to Demon of Catastrophesimage -> get a 6/6 flying trample, transform the journey and start getting your creatures back. Possibly profit from ETB trigger on saced creature (like Jadelight Rangerimage, Stitcher's Supplierimage, Glowspore Shamanimage).

If things go bad you're able to transform Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotzimage and sac your fatties to get some life points while you still can cast them again later.

We would probably go with 26 lands, but having 2 Glowspore Shamanimage and 4 Jadelight Rangerimage should ease hitting the land drops.


Mana base:

We would probably go with 26 lands, but having 2 Glowspore Shamanimage and 4 Jadelight Rangerimage should ease hitting the land drops.

The only 2 cards with U in mana cost are Lazav, the Multifariousimage and Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage. Lazav is a 2-drop so it is important to have to blue mana turn 2. We have 12 lands that produce blue mana, including 4 shock lands and 8 check lands. Probability of having at least one blue mana source on turn 2 is roughly 85% on play and 89% on the draw (assuming you didn't have to mulligan and not considering if mana comes untapped). There are more blue cards in the side board so that's another reason we have 12 lands that tap for blue mana.


Sideboard options:


Perfect curve out:

T1 Stitcher's Supplierimage -> T2 Glowspore Shamanimage / Lazav, the Multifariousimage -> T3 Journey to Eternity // Atzal, Cave of Eternityimage / Jadelight Rangerimage -> T4 Demon of Catastrophesimage -> T5 Doom Whispererimage -> T6 Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage / Vraska, Relic Seekerimage.


Bad situations:

 – T3 Goblin Chainwhirlerimage kills Stitcher's Supplierimage and Glowspore Shamanimage.

 – Knight of Graceimage is hard to block with our 1-2-3 drops and it has hexproof.

 – Vine Mareimage punishes if you don't have an appropriate blocker. Luckily, we have 4 Jadelight Rangerimage that block both Vine Mareimage and Steel Leaf Championimage.

 – Spells that exile creatures are hard to beat. We are happy to trade creatures since that generates us a virtual card advantage (or not virtual if we have Midnight Reaperimage on the battlefield) when we return them from graveyard, but exiling our creatures with cards like Settle the Wreckageimage, Vraska's Contemptimage and Seal Awayimage hits us hard because it turns Lazav into semi-useless card.

– Speaking of exiling things, exiling cards from out graveyard also hurts us. But it's not the end of the world if we have cards to stack the graveyard up again. Sentinel Totemimage is an example of such a card, as well as Deadeye Trackerimage.

Demon of Catastrophesimage might be a dead weight in our hand if we don't have other creatures on the battlefield or if don't want to sac the ones we have (Lazav, the Multifariousimage, Midnight Reaperimage, Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage). Best card to draw in topdeck mode on an empty board are probably Doom Whispererimage and Vraska, Relic Seekerimage but unfortunately the worst would be Demon of Catastrophesimage.

– Aggro decks might be tough to beat. Maybe deck needs more Cast Downimages main deck to kill threats like T2 Steel Leaf Championimage or Benalish Marshalimage or Tajic, Legion's Edgeimage because using Assassin's Trophyimage early in the game is just going to help your opponents to ramp. Main thing we need to do is to sideboard Ritual of Sootimage and hope to draw it, thankfully we can filter out our draws with our surveil cards. Although, Ritual of Sootimage hits us as well: approx. 65% of our creatures cost 3 mana and lower, so if you board in the sweeper - board some spot removals / hand disruption spells as well so you don't kill your own dudes.


Other possible considerations:

Deadeye Trackerimage of our own might be better than Stitcher's Supplierimage in late game but definitely worse in early game.

Charnel Trollimage seems to be a good card if the deck needs to be more aggressive since it might become a 6/6 trample on turn 4.

Steel Leaf Championimage is just good but it is hard to cast it turn 3. Nevertheless, it's a good target for Lazav.

Nullhide Feroximage might be a good replacement for carnage tyrant (especially vs Grixis Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisenimage.

Vine Mareimage of our own punishes opponent's control deck.

Bone Dragonimage seems like it has to be in this deck: we fill up our graveyard pretty fast (potentially up to 11 cards by turn 4 if draw goes like Stitcher's Supplierimage into Glowspore Shamanimage into Jadelight Rangerimage binning both explore non-land cards into graveyard). So bone dragon becomes as an almost always available creature to cast for 5 mana on turn 5. However, its stats are worse than either of our demons. Also, exiling 7 cards from graveyard to cast bone dragon works against plans of Lazav, the Multifariousimage, Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage and Journey to Eternity // Atzal, Cave of Eternityimage. Need some play tests to know for sure.

 The Eldest Rebornimage is another awesome card that could fit well in this deck. I'd consider replacing one or two of Doom Whispererimage with The Eldest Rebornimage depending on how playable the demon would be in upcoming standard format.


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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2018
Created: 18 Sep 2018
1235 92 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


Maybeboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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