Standard - [Post-Oko] Fishy Grixis

24 30 14 4
16 9 10 25

This is my update to 'Fishy Grixis' now that Oko's been banned, as it really does feel like an entirely different world in Standard now that he's gone.

The only changes in the main are that I've swapped 3x Ritual of Sootimage for 3x Cry of the Carnariumimage as the board wipe of choice, and I've changed 2x Legion's Endimage for 2x Tyrant's Scornimage.

Now that every other deck doesn't have Nissa and Oko spitting out 3/3s every turn with Krasis at the top end, the value of Ritual of Sootimage has gone down while cheaper aggro decks are more able to flourish.

Because of this it makes more sense to include Cry of the Carnariumimage, which also happens to have two key benefits for the deck:

1: Because all of the creatures in the deck - even little ol' Soul Divinerimage - have 3+ toughness, none of them die to Cry. This means it's always a one-sided boardwipe for 3 mana, which is pretty great.

2: Because Cry provides maindeck exile-based removal for small creatures like Cauldron Familiarimage or Edgewall Innkeeperimage it means there's less of a requirement to run Legion's Endimage and instead the deck can include removal that's more versatile, such as Tyrant's Scornimage. Scorn is instant speed, it hits 3cmc creatures like Mayhem Devilimage that End cannot, and the bounce effect is great because it can also bounce your own Adventure creatures so that you can play them all over again!

Neither Cry or Soot are really particularly great boardwipes compared to what Esper gets access to, but I think it's a solid improvement to be able to play Cry in the deck now.


With the sideboard I'd say I've gone with some solid, flexible choices now that there's no clear king of the meta:

2x Duressimage: Extra discard spells to help against counter magic, planeswalkers and the enchantments Grixis has trouble dealing with. No need to run 4x with Thought Erasureimage in the main.

2x Negateimage, 2x Sinister Sabotageimage: A small counter magic package. You could also run more precise cards like Mystical Disputeimage or Disdainful Strokeimage, but I'm personally finding that I like the general, unconditional nature of Negate and Sabotage the most.

2x Bedevilimage: This is additional creature removal, planeswalker removal, and also artifact removal against Witch's Ovenimage or things like The Great Hengeimage if need be. Very well-situated card.

2x Noxious Graspimage: This card no longer has a reason to be a four-of in everyone's main deck, but it's still a solid card against aggressive green decks - especially now that Veil of Summerimage no longer protects them from it.

1x Ritual of Sootimage: An extra board wipe for any troublesome small critters.

2x Unmoored Egoimage: This is a much-maligned card, but I really just have been liking having access to it. Being able to completely neuter a non-interactive deck like Temur Reclamation by taking their Expansion // Explosionimage from them feels terrific, and there aren't any other sideboard tools I'd want to replace Ego with. That's just me, though.

2x Grafdigger's Cageimage: This card's positioned quite well at the moment. It primarily shuts off the Cat/Oven combo, but I've had a couple other matches against things like Izzet Phoenix or UB Reanimator where this card just wins the game on the spot - it makes it so Blood for Bonesimage reads: '3B, sac a creature: Return a creature from your graveyard to your hand', which is just hilarious when it's a four-of in their deck.

And that's the sideboard!


There was also a comment critiquing my previous sideboard, so I'll just quickly address that:

"Unmoored Egoimage is kind of useless in all match ups, you want something that has immediate board impact"

I would disagree here. Ego isn't great against every deck, but there have been decks running around the meta like Temur Rec (which folds to Ego on Expansion // Explosionimage) and Esper Stax (which folds to Ego on Dance of the Manseimage) where it's a great sideboard card to have. The lack of board impact doesn't matter because the decks you bring it in against don't impact the board either, they plan to just sit back and make one big, unfair play that wins on the spot.

"you are lacking Noxious Graspimage (for Oko) ... i'm not a fan of Sorcerous Spyglassimage cause it dies against Vraska, Golgari Queenimage"

I'd say it's just a meta call. I personally preferred having Spyglass against the Oko decks because not all of them ran Vraska or had a way to remove it, and being able to use one card to shut down the Oko in their hand /and/ every subsequent one they drew was better to me than just having a single kill spell. As well, being able to look at their hand for free is always great, but perhaps most importantly Spyglass doesn't just get completely blown out by the Veil of Summerimages in every Oko deck.

I wanted to address this point because in the end, what became evident with Oko is that neither Noxious Graspimage nor Sorcerous Spyglassimage were good enough to beat him - not even when using both in conjunction. Those were the cards printed as potential answers to Oko, they both failed, and now both Oko and Veil are banned.

And really, that's what we should all be thankful for. :)


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Last Updated: 21 Nov 2019
Created: 21 Nov 2019
346 185 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (10)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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