Standard - Naya Tokens

38 24
17 22 0 21

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Selesnya Tokens is an old Standard deck by now. But its popularity kept declining since the release of War of the Spark. That's because the new decks were stronger. But I think that Selesnya Tokens can compete again in the current meta. To do so it needs to adapt. What I did is adding red to the deck to get access to a few fitting cards. Following I'll list a selection of current meta decks and elucidate why Naya Tokens is a good deck choice right now.


Bant Scapeshift

Naya Tokens can be a very fast deck. It is able to quickly overwhelm slow decks and it's resilient to pointed removal. Bant Scapeshift slows opposing creature decks down by blocking with its few utility creatures (Arboreal Grazerimage, Elvish Rejuvenatorimage, Hydroid Krasisimage), single target removal (Prison Realmimage), and Teferi, Time Ravelerimage. Naya Tokens circumvents all of these speed bumps by goin wide. After sideboarding the color red allows access to Blood Sunimage which shuts down the main combo with Field of the Deadimage but also other utility lands like Blast Zoneimage which currently is the only permanent answer to Blood Sunimage. You can also use Settle the Wreckageimage from the sideboard if you manage to play aroundTeferi, Time Ravelerimage. But why didn't I add blue or black to Selesnya Tokens and use sideboard options like Deputy of Detentionimage, Legion's Endimage or Ashiok, Dream Renderer? The reason is that red offers the addition of Scampering Scorchers in the mainboard. This card slots into a token strategy perfectly because it helps going wide.


Orzhov Vampires

Orzhov Vampires wins by attacking with creatures. Naya Tokens can stifle this plan by presenting lots of blockers. Again the removal suite is targeted and small. To win the decks needs to go wide again and also grow the force bigger than the opposing vampire army. The removal of Naya Tokens is limited in the mainboard but works well against key vampires. But the sideboard provides lots of answers. Devout Decreeimage, Prison Realmimage and Settle the Wreckageimage is plenty removal against Orzhov Vampires.


Bant Ramp

Naya Tokens is faster than Bant Ramp. It has a perfect counter against control magic in the form of Trostani Discordantimage. The sideboard is again great because we can use Veil of Summerimage to expand our answers to Entrancing Meldoy and Mass Manipulationimage.


Jund Dinosaurs

If Jund Dinosaurs manages to play threats with Trample we can get in trouble. Big creatures can be easily block by our tokens. Hanged Executionerimage is great removal against single creatures. Naya Tokens' sideboard is equipped with cards that can kill opposing dinosaurs easily.




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Last Updated: 15 Aug 2019
Created: 02 Aug 2019
1454 292 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (21)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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