Standard - MonoRed SuperFriends 11.30.2019

2 44
2 17 16 25

RollPlay Heroes Day Opening Tournament

Record: 4-1 (Top 9)


Round 1: Against Izzet Spells (2-1)

G1 - Sarkhan beatdown

G2 - Beaten Down by a 11/4 Crackling Drake and a very fat Amass Token

G3 - Got fling by a 19/4 Crackling Drake, luckily I gained some life due to Interplanar Beacon. He dies to double Chandra, Awakened  emblem and Inescapable Blaze


Round 2: Againt Mono Green Henge (0-2) Xavier Magnaye

G1: Got a costly blunder. I thought Barkhide Troll's effect only removed +1/+1 counter as cost for Hexproof. I could have Lava Coil on Turn 2, and Flamesweep the Human Token so Lovestruck can't attack. Got beaten down by Henge combo.

G2: He has answers to my Fires of Inventions. Got beatdown by Henge combo.


Round 3: Against Dimir Loch Mill (2-1) Kenneth Domingo

G1: AutoLose

G2: Mull to 4 to find Leyline of Combustion which he Aether Gust on Turn 2. Managed to stay alive through Regulator and Bag lootings to find my finishers. I have to animate Regulator as a copy of Mobilized District to beat him down.

G3: Mull to 5 to find 2 Leyline of Combusion. I managed to beat him down with Mobilized District until it is within reach of 2 Inescapable Blaze.


Round 4: Against Esper Manse (2-0)

G1: Cavalier of Flames FTW

G2: Tibalt and Scrabbling Claws controls the game. Got beaten down by Legion Warboss and friends.


Round 5: Against Jund Sacrifice (2-1)

G1: Lose to Devil Mayhem. I mistakenly discarded my Lava Coil.

G2: It was a grindy game. Managed to pull Acolyte + Pyromancer + Regulator for OneTurn Kill (4 5/1 Elemental Tokens)

G3: It was epic finale. I am down to 3 while he has full 20 when last 5 turns was called. I have an Artisan with 7 Loyalty ready for pop-up with Regulator and 2 Mobilized District while he has 1Liliana 1 Zombie Token 1 Goose . I pop Artisan to dig 14 cards and managed to find Pyromancer and Tibalt. I double Pyro-ping his Zombie and Goose so my Mobilized Districts can attack (He is down to 7 at this point). On his turn, he Davriel'd my on-hand Sarkhan, leaving me on topdecking mode and 1 life after upkeep. Then I draw, Acolyte and do the Elemental Shenanigans to win the game.

Unluckily, since my 3rd round opponent drop the game, I lose in tiebreaks but this is still a memorable experience.



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Last Updated: 30 Nov 2019
Created: 30 Nov 2019
489 173 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (16)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 14 24 2 0
0 7 8 0 0