Standard - #Just Green Things (Updated for GoR)

24 12 1 23


1/8/2018 - Updated the list a bit, removed the Bristling Boars and Forebear's Blades, they felt too slow. Added 1 more Forest, 3 more Kavu and 2 combat tricks. Not sure this will work better, but i'll give it a try.

1/10/2018 - Updated for GoR, still WIP.



This is an experimental deck i built for myself.

I am a noob to MTG.

This is probably not competitive-worthy.

Feel free to comment, suggest changes etc, i am interested in making this better. It's already quite fun!



This is a quite straight-forward, no hassle mono green deck. As the title says it – it does "green things", such as ramp and trample.

The new Convoke mechanics work kind of like a second ramp, so when combined Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sismaimage and Impervious Greatwurmimage should be quite insane.

The deck is built around 4+ strength creatures, Goreclaw, and some of the new GoR creatures to try out. There's of course a couple of elves in there to ramp up and quickly get to the meatier creatures.

Rabid Bite provides some much needed removal. It’s not as good as black removal, but I wanted to stay 1 colour only. It’s very good with the Basilisk too because of the Deathtouch. Since a lot of your creatures are high strenght you can destroy a lot of what the opponent has.

Colossal Majesty is there to help you with draw, it works quite fine since the majority of your deck will be 4+ strength.


Mulligan/Play order:

Mulligan is not too hard on this deck since you’ll usually get 2-3 lands and an elf. Ideally you’d want to have elves to ramp out, get a quick Goreclaw and a 4+ creature. 



To be updated


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The deck is quite consistent in it's current iteration.
I am considering dropping the Daggerback Basilisk, since their main idea was to be used with Rabid Bite for the deathtouch, but in the end this deck runs creatures with such high power that you kinda don't need deathtouch. 3 mana for 2/2 Deathtouch seems a bit steep, considering Gifted Aetherborn exists.

Suggestions what to pick instead of the Basilisks ?
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2018
Created: 27 Jul 2018
817 91 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (1)

Sideboard - 13 cards (4 distinct)


Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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12 1 0 0 0