Standard - Infinite Mana Bant Ramp

7 19 32
16 14 6 24

Link to Deck Guide on Youtube

This deck can win via normal Simic ramp-type stuff with Leyline of Abundanceimage; Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage; and of course Hydroid Krasisimage with a bunch of creature rampers.

However, these big threats are largely just distractions to the true win condition of the deck: infinite mana combo with Gauntlets of Light.

Infinite Combo


If Gauntlets of Light are on a creature which can tap for 4 or more mana, then you can use this combination to generate infinite mana. There are several ways to do that in this deck.


Once Incubation Druid has a +1/+1 counter on it it will tap for 3 mana (this counter can be added in a variety of ways in this deck, but the cheekiest and most mana efficient way is to Neoformimage a Gilded Gooseimage or a Spectral Sailorimage. You can also put a +1/+1 counter on with New Horizonsimage, with Leyline of Abundanceimage, or just by paying the adapt cost). With a Leyline of Abundanceimage on the board, this makes the Druid generate 4 mana on tap.

Other ways you can generate four mana from a creature in this deck:

Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage + A forest man-land made by Nissa + any combination of two of either, Leyline of Abundanceimage, or New Horizonsimage.

Lotus Fieldimage made into a man-land by Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage + a Leyline of Abundanceimage

Faeburrow Elderimage + having one blue permanent on the board + Leyline of Abundanceimage


Once you go infinite, you can draw through your deck using either Spectral Sailorimage or having a Hydroid Krasisimage in hand. You can also put infinite +1/+1 counters on your creatures if you have a Leyline of Abundanceimage on the board. You can win by going face with your huge creatures (having a Krasis down without summoning sickness before going infinite can help you to ensure you can trample and win the same turn you go infinite), but you may also choose to win by drawing your entire deck and playing Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage.

Once you have the combo, assuming you have a Krasis or a Spectral Sailor down, you can respond to any threats to your combo or to Jace which they play on the stack by drawing through your deck until you find an Absorbimage.

Turn 2 Nissa

It's not likely, but it's hilarious that it's possible to turn 2 Nissa with this deck if you have two Leyline of Abundanceimage in the opening hand, and play a Gilded Gooseimage turn 1.

Hooray for Combo!

It's a funny infinite combo in standard that we've known about for several months, but I think it's actually playable in standard and not just totally jank, thanks in large part to how much of a power house all of these simic cards are that we'd like to play as part of the combo anyway.

This deck often wins by playing threat, after threat, after threat. If your opponent doesn't respond to the obvious threats, they're falling behind in the game. Meanwhile on the down-low you're building up the permanents you need to go infinite.

Feedback about ways to improve this deck are greatly appreciated :)


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Consistency feels pretty good to me. Tamiyo helps to find/replay combo pieces if they get controlled which helps consistency a ton, and there are so many ways for the combo to happen and Neoform helps to pull out the proper mana-generating creature for the moment. The only piece that you for sure must have for the combo is Gauntlets of Light, but honestly if you don't find it it's probably because you're finding Nissa, Hydroid Krasis, or other cards that can help you win without the Gauntlets.
Love it! In addition to Nyxbloom, putting mana generating creatures and/or a Biomancer's Familiar to help the combo go off easier. I'll try out Fae - it's nice to have a mana dump when you're generating a ton and don't have much to do with it other than to pay 4 to draw a card with Spectral Sailor. My fear, though, with using the sideboard to pull out combo pieces is always that it feels like a hail-mary to me - two spells have to resolve and you have to have enough mana to play both.
Just an idea: what if you dropped the Tamiyo for a Vivien and put the Nyxbloom in the sideboard? Could help getting counters on the druid and find the Nyxbloom once you can play it. Also maybe a Fae of wishes to dig for the other parts of the combo in the sideboard?
Haven't played the deck yet but I guess consistency is the biggest issue?
Thanks for the suggestion, EtBr1978! I feel that New Horizons is maybe not pulling it's weight in this deck based off of what I've found in actual play, so cutting it makes sense. I considered Nyxbloom Ancient instead of Leyline, but opted to stick with Leyline since it can help to ramp earlier, it may come into play for free, and enchantments are harder to remove than creatures. Maybe both would be good, though. If this were a more counterspell heavy deck, that would help to play Nyxbloom, too.
Nyxbloom Ancient instead of the leyline or new horizons?
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2020
Created: 21 Jan 2020
4088 432 5

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (6)

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