Standard - Grixis Summonings [Guide]

28 13 15
5 25 5 25

After brewing a lot with the Jeskai Sundering, it is time for another Alara fragment: Grixis.

This is my definitive build which as much as Esper Control you want to answer everything, the difference is we want to give up Teferi to add more spice and more versatility on our finishers.

First of all we have the mighty Bolas along side with Chandra and Angrath thanks to red unlocked.

But the real resilient finisher here is Metallurgic Summonings, if it resolves you can get a lot of value from it and the second ability it is just impossible to deal with if your opponent can't exile your cards.

Worth to mention is I wanted to split the usual 4 abrades into 2 abrades and 2 lightning strikes for 2 reasons: you can target planeswalkers and even if it's not modern we can still burn our opponent down with the combination strike-gearhulk-strike if necessary.

The deck plays 25 lands, usually you want 26-27 but we can ramp with Azcanta, Treasure map and Tezzeret, so it is not a big deal.

Onto the sideboard:

1) I brought the full package of negates, 2 jace's defeat and 1 nezahal I use on Jeskai sundering too. These cards are simply easy picks against control mirror.

2) Otherwise we have even more resilient cards in the sideboard such as siphoners, virtuoso and Liliana. You can just board out all the main planeswalkers and use this full package of creatures plus Liliana to surprise your opponent who would most likely bring answers for your mainboard.

Maybe board: I'm not quite sure if you might want to split the 2 sweltering suns with 1 sweltering and 1 bontu's last reckoning just for more versatility. Gonti instead it is a maybe in the sideboard.

In Conclusion I think this is the deck with answers to any situation as much as Esper but more funny if you would like to try. Still if you miss Teferi you can simply steal it with Bolas clutches ;)


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Last Updated: 29 Jun 2018
Created: 29 Jun 2018
655 88 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (35 distinct)

Creature (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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