Standard - BantShift Is K (for three months)

10 14 28
12 16 4 28

Originally running Sultai to utilize Dread Presenceimage and an Elemental package, but now, as shown this last weekend at SCG Philly, sporting the best card white has to offer over Sultai, Teferi, Time Ravelerimage, brings Bant Scapeshift to the forefront of the format with a solid game plan and means to execute it.

The win condition of the deck is by casting Scapeshiftimage with 7 or more lands and tutor out one to four copies of Field of the Deadimage and additional minimum of six other lands with different names to create an army of 2/2 zombie tokens equal to the number of lands you tutor times the number of Field of the Deadimage you put into play. This happens because the lands will enter the battlefield at the same time upon the resolution of Scapeshiftimage, and because of this, each individual land will trigger Field of the Deadimage so as long as its condition is met. For a general example, having eight lands out and casting Scapeshiftimage, by sacrificing all eight lands, finding 2 Field of the Deadimage and six other lands with different names will create 16 Zombie tokens. In most games, this is super lethal. 

The lands in the deck were picked mainly to have a critical mass of differently named lands, as well as minor utility, such as gaining life, being searchable with Circuitous Routeimage, scrying or the one-of Blast Zoneimage to assist in board control. The only advisory note with this mana base is to be wary of Assassin's Trophyimage and the number of basics you keep in the deck. Generally if playing or searching out basics can be avoided, do so until Assassin's Trophyimage may allow you to.

The plan of action is to spend turns 1-4 ramping with Growth Spiralimage and Circuitous Routeimage, and also Arboreal Grazerimage and Elvish Rejuvinator to double as roadblocks to the fast aggro decks in the format. Teferi, Time Ravelerimage plays an important role in the deck where he either aids in slowing down your opponent with his static ability or minus ability, or allows instant speed Scapeshiftimages to give the zombie horde pseudo haste on the following turn. Only other cards to address are the Hydroid Krasisimage to dump mana into, and Time Wipeimage and Prison Realmimage to have some interaction that is needed to not die to the various aggro decks in the format. (Note: I am considering a third Time Wipeimage, which is currently in the sideboard, to be able to consistently hit the card when I would need it against the decks in question.)

On to the sideboard, the main card to usually cut for cards to bring in is Circuitous Routeimage. While it is an Explosive Vegetationimage, at 4 mana, it is best to lower the curve and bring in answers to what the opponent is wanting to accomplish. Generally bringing in Ajani's Welcomeimage against aggressive decks will grant time for the deck to reach its land critical mass and combo to then gain the life to stabilize and win shortly after. Shifting Ceratopsimage is to be brought in to be a bane to blue decks and also be a wall against decks it can block profitably against such as drakes and other flyers. Veil of Summerimage as well as Dovin's Vetoimage fill similar roles in preventing the opponent from disrupting the threats the deck wants to deploy. Holding up Veil of Summerimage while resolving a Teferi, Time Ravelerimage can so much as spell victory against flash/ instant speed decks. Ixalan's Bindingimage and Sorcerous Spyglassimage also have shared roles in dealing with problematic permanents cheaply and efficiently. Binding can create dead cards in the opponent's hand after the first copy of a card exiled by it is dealt with, and Spyglass doubles as giving information for what's in hand and shutting down key planeswalkers such as Sorin, Imperious Bloodlordimage, the various Chandras, Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage, and, to a degree, Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage.

In depth sideboard guide to be written later this week! innocent


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Last Updated: 29 Aug 2019
Created: 23 Jul 2019
445 173 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (27 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (28)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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