Standard - Bant Turbo Lands

18 16 11
0 34 0 26


-2 Zhalfirin Voidimage => +2 Arch of Orazcaimage

-1 Circuitous Routeimage => +1 Precognitive Perceptionimage


-2 Seal Awayimage => +2 Knight of Autumnimage

-2 Radiant Destinyimage => +2 Recollectimage



This deck is a revisit of a Dominaria combo deck.

The concept is extremely simple: ramp, them smash your opponent with your lands.



The combo


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The kill is fairly simple, once you have 7 lands, or 6 but with multiple Rallying Roarimage, transform your lands into creatures with Sylvan Awakeningimage then untap them. Attack for lethal damage! You just need to make sure the field is open during your surprise attack! With Ravnica 3.2, we have more redundancy thanks to Rally to Battleimage, making the combo more stable.


Setting up


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These cards will help us dig for the combo if we don't have it in hand. Otherwise, they make sure we hit our land drops! Once transformed, Azcanta counts as a land for the surprise attack! All of our combo pieces are non creature non land, so its ability is extremely relevant. Shimmer of Possibilityimage is insane in this deck, being able to look at one more card than Anticipateimage really makes the deck come together. It is basically a better Azcanta one use activation that get lands and the combo pieces!


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These three cards are what make the deck viable in standard. They quicken our game plan incredibly. By turn 4, we can have 7 lands in play and go for the kill. Otherwise, they fill our graveyard nicely for Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage.


The matchups


  • Grixis and esper Control

These two archetypes are our worst matchup, because they have access to the most effective hate our deck can face. Playing around counter magic is tough but not impossible. The main trouble comes with Thought Erasureimage, Unmoored Egoimage, Duressimage and Thief of Sanityimage. As such, we need ways to protect the combo.

+2 Negateimage to fight back the counter magic

+2 Seal Awayimage more effecient against Thief of Sanityimage than our sweepers

+2 Gaea's Blessingimage to make sure we can still draw our combo through all the discard spells

+2 Sorcerous Spyglassimage to fight against annoying planeswalkers, especially Angrath

+1 Nezahal as an alternative win con

-2 Settle the Wreckageimage

-3 Cleansing Novaimage

-2 Rally to Battleimage


  • Red deck wins, white aggro...

This matchup is basically an invisible race. We need to find the combo and represent lethal damages as quickly as possible.

+2 Seal Awayimage is a great way to interact a bit more and remove their most annoying creatures

+2 Trostani Discordantimage is a fine creature to buy some time, the tokens provide some lifegain and block the small creatures. The anthem effect quickens the combo kill!

+2 Murmuring Mysticimage

-2 Unwindimage

-2 Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage

-2 Cleansing Novaimage


  • Midrange decks, mythic piles...

We usually have a great matchup against midrange decks because they don't have many ways to interact with our game plan. We still have to play around Spell Pierceimage. It is often a good choice to bait their counter when playing a sweeper and go for the kill afterwards.

+2 Seal Awayimage

-2 Anticipateimage


Other sideboard notes:

The sideboard used to include some of the best nonbos in standard. (mind the interactions between Trostani Discordantimage and Mass Manipulationimage, or Gaea's Blessingimage and Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage!) I am currently trying Murmuring Mysticimage which works very well with Trostani and all our filtering instants and sorceries.

I have two additional slots with Radiant Destinyimage, I may try Thaumatic Compass // Spires of Orazcaimage or Treasure Map // Treasure Coveimage instead.




I saw this deck being played as a sort of control deck back in Dominaria Standard, using only 2 to 3 copies of Sylvan Awakeningimage along 4 copies of Teferi. This combo was only used as a backup plan to kill the opponent. Now this type of control deck disappeared, because Nexus of Fateimage is a strictly better card to make people ragequit.

With this deck, we are 100% going for the combo, for the better or worse. The deck can kill as quickly as turn 4 from nowhere, has some of the best top decks I have ever had in a MTG deck, but if we fail to find or execute the combo in the first game, it is extremely difficult to get back in the game: we have no alternative win con during game one...

Knowing when to go for the kill is probably the most difficult aspect to consider when piloting this deck. Making sure we get exactly the right number of damages, even through a Seal Awayimage, Vraska's Contemptimage, Revitalizeimage, other surprise life gain or simply an army of blockers is tough, but extremely satisfying at the same time. The right choice is not always to unleash the full combo, but to attack several times with different Sylvan Awakeningimage, or just use our lands to buy time to block for a turn.

The current metagame is extremely hateful to combo decks (thanks Nexus of Fateimage), but this combo is so explosive that it still has a chance. There are still some cards that make this deck very volatil:


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These cards, especially Thought Erasure that is almost always played main deck will considerably increase the challenge of winning with our lands. Most of the time in game 1, the opponent does not know what to expect and may leave our Sylvan Awakeningimage in our hand, and prefer taking Cleansing Novaimage, Negateimage or Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage. However, we will have to face all the combo hate in game 2. Gaea's Blessingimage makes sure we can still recure our pieces. Thief or sanity is the closest thing to our worst nightmare, stealing our combo pieces or even our own Negateimage...




Speaking of our worst nightmare, Unmoored Egoimage makes this deck a challenge to play. Thanks to Nexus of Fateimage, some Esper and Grixis control decks main deck it, and usually name Nexus of Fateimage or Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage in the first game. We surely look like a weird bant turbo fog deck before we attack with our lands! However, Thought Erasureimage into Unmoored Egoimage naming Sylvan Awakeningimage is game over in game 1. We still have a pair of Negateimage to try and counter these cards, but it is not always enough.


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With the current build of this deck, these two cards are surprise "you lose the game" creatures. We don't have a way to deal with them main deck and in the sideboard. I'm considering swapping some Negateimage for Quenchimage or Syncopateimage. Our best bet is to attack when we are sure the opponent can not play either of those.


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This deck will make you learn how to play around these three types of cards. While not unbeatable, if you don't expect them, they basically become "you lose the game" cards. The easiest way is still to attack when the opponent is tapped out. Otherwise, having a Negate backup is mandatory, and still present lethal damages!



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Last Updated: 04 Apr 2019
Created: 06 Feb 2019
286 118 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Land (26)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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