Traditional Historic - Pinball Wizards

30 30
16 20 2 22
Combo Jank



I can't take most of the credit for this deck, October of 2019 Merchant (Youtube/Twitch) made a video about a zero rare Beamsplitter Mageimage deck. It was created prior to Ravnica Allegiance and War of the Spark sets had been released. I feel like this needs to be revisited, but as a less budgetted version with the addition of cards like Dreadhorde Arcanistimage and Samut's Sprintimage. Due to rotation we converted it into a Traditional Historic/Pionner legal deck.

The Pinball Wizards (Feature Cards)

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Beamsplitter Mageimage and Dreadhorde Arcanistimage are Jank Shenanigans at its finest. Not only are we getting the copy from Beamsplitter, we're also getting a free cast from Arcanist that we target with Beamsplitter again and copy it a second time letting us in theory have four itterations of said spell on creatures.

The Legends (Other Creatures)

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The Multiball Bonus (Targeting Cards)

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The Pinballs (Support Cards)

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  • Impulseimage has replaced Deliberateimage bue to be able to dig a bit deeper into the deck.
  • Riptide Laboratoryimage, Shore Upimage and Slip Out the Backimage bring a level of protection that it didn't have prior.
  • The Royal Scionsimage lets up look for cards that the Arcanist can target, buff a creature with first strike and trample, and their bomb is a solid finisher of you can't do it through combat damage.

Full Tilt (Sideboard)

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Mostly tailored to slow down control and go wide aggro. Even though it also slows us down a little bit, it adds counterspells, more incidental damage.

Overall Concerns

The biggest issue with this deck is that it's inconsistent. I've done some additonal play with it on Arena and Paper. With Impulse, The Royal Scions, and Samut's Sprint should help in scrying through to getting the cards you need. The longer the game goes the lower the percentage of being able to win. Still a fun deck to play, just isn't the meta.

I do have to admit I don't know when to stop when it comes to brewing decks, so many times that is the reason it becomes inconsistent. So if you haven't had much luck with it, it solely falls on my shoulders that it fails.


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Finding old decks like this that hold a lot of creative value really make me glad I lurk on aetherhub at 4am.
I was playing on Arena and only won once in the games I played last night. It happens sometimes due to the wonky algorithm that either draws you no lands or all lands.
I guess i suck because i cant get more than one win in a row with this deck.
That's true. I'm kinda ambivalent about it. Find myself sometimes wanting a Kasmina, other times Ral. There is however an argument for even more budget version with Kasmina. Synergizes nicely with Adeliz.
Between Dive Down and Siren Stormtamer I think I have enough protection. Though she would give me more wizards, but I'd lose the Beamsplitter/Ral synergy. Mizzium Tank could work.
Have you considered Kasmina instead of Ral? What about Mizzium tank?
I would love to see Stealth Mission in there somewhere. It works so well on Beamsplitter and Arcanist.
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2022
Created: 18 May 2019
9634 1301 7

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (22)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (5 distinct)


Maybeboard - 5 cards (5 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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